Title: Implant Dentistry in Dental Education
1Implant Dentistry in Dental Education
The birth of a new Special Interest Group!
Nikos Mattheos - Anders Nattestad 34th ADEE
Congress, Zagreb 2008
2Implant Dentistry University Education
- Questionnaire Survey
- 73 expert academics
- 34 institutions
- 18 countries
3100 teach Implant Dentistry - 36 hrs average
time devoted - range was from 3 120 hrs -
major diversity in the application
H. De Bruyn, S. Koole, N. Mattheos, NP. Lang. A
survey on undergraduate implant dentistry
education in Europe. 2008 submitted for
4(No Transcript)
5How to achieve the extraordinary through building
asociations between different fields,
disciplines and cultures.
innovators who are changing the world step
into the Intersection a place where ideas from
different fields, people and cultures meet and
collide ultimately igniting an explosion of
extraordinary new discoveries.
6Prague 19 - 22 June 2008
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9Our Intersection
10Prague 19 - 22 June 2008
11Our Intersection
12Selection process
- Recommendation by the scientific committee
- Letters addressed to deans of major dental
schools - Recommendations by academics and opinion leaders
in the field
- Experts in a field related to Implant Dentistry
- Active within academic teaching of Implant
Dentistry - Discipline expertise and profound interest in
dental education - Intersection geography, discipline, expertise,
age, rank
Profile and competencies of the European Dentist
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15Consensus Paper AB CD E
Questionnaire Survey on facts and attitudes
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17Rationale of Implant Dentistry in undergraduate
education Chair NP Lang, H de Bruyn
- Changing demographics,
- Paradigm shift in reconstructive dentistry
- Increasing demands in function and aesthetics
- Survival rates close to 90 in10 years
- Systematic maintennance care
- Biological and technical complications
18Theoretical knowledge necessary for the dental
graduate Chair T. Albrektsson, S. Higglin
- Diagnosis, Case selection, treatment planning,
risk assessment - Implant-tissue interface
- Installation and restoration procedures
- Aesthetic limitation and possibilities
- Success failure criteria
- Diagnosis and treatment of complications
19Competencies in implant therapy for the dental
graduate Chair M. Sanz
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Operative procedures
20Have knowledge and limited clinical experience to
perform implant surgical procedures at the basic
implant therapy level This clinical experience
should be incremental and aimed towards
competency, provided the university environment
supports the infrastructure, faculty and patient
supply needed and also provided the student has
prior competence in basic flap and bone surgery.
21Competencies in implant therapy for the dental
graduate Chair M. Sanz
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Operative procedures
- Restorative procedures
22Be competent at designing and delivering
effective implant supported restorations at the
basic implant therapy level.
23Competencies in implant therapy for the dental
graduate Chair M. Sanz
- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Operative procedures
- Restorative procedures
- Maintenance procedures
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25An outline of competencies and post-graduate
educational pathways in implant dentistry Chair
N. Donos, D. Buser
Education is the total of learning and teaching
experience that provides knowledge, skills and
behaviour necessary to practise implant dentistry
at the different levels of complexity. Education
should be delivered by Universities and other
accredited educational bodies. Product
training can be provided by companies related to
implant dentistry with the aim to ensure the
accurate and safe use of specific implant
26An outline of competencies and post-graduate
educational pathways in implant dentistry Chair
N. Donos, D. Buser
- Levels of complexity (Straightforward, Advanced,
Complex) - CE/CPD courses for the Basic level introductory
competencies - Intermediate courses (S) up to 12 weeks FT
Certificate - Advanced courses (S, A ) 12-24 months FT
Diploma or equivalent - Existing dental specialist level (SAC) 3 years
27Assessment of knowledge and skills related to
Implant Dentistry in undergraduate and
post-graduate university education Chair A.
Nattestad, N. Mattheos
28Assessment methods of knowledge and skills as
relating to the Miller Pyramid
Miller level
Skill level
Basic SciencesBiomedical Sciences Dental Sciences
Comprehension and Synthesis Analysis Reflection
Operative and Cognitive skills in vitro
Clinical Performance
Oral/written exams / short essays questions
Interactive examination
Simulations / Virtual patient / Software
Preclinical cadaver
Preclinical manikin
Treatment planning seminars
Portfolio / Reflective diaries / clinical audit
Presentation based techniques
Performance AssessmentObservation Mini PAT (360
degrees)Mini CEX Video recorded / clinical
audit Structured objective- clinical observations
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30- Prommote dissemination of the consensus
guidelines - Support the implementation of the guidelines
into curricula - Assess and Review the consensus guidelines
through a second workshop in due time - Create and support a standing SIG(physical
meetings and On-line platform)
31thank you !