Title: Business Drivers for Green Buildings
1Business Drivers for Green Buildings Infra
Dr. Seppo Junnila Helsinki University of
Technology P.O.Box 9800, FI-02015 TKK,
Finland email seppo.junnila_at_tkk.fi
- Background
- Environmental sciences
- Economic theories
- Business indicators
- What green buildings infra has to offer
- How to Boost Emergent Demand?
- Information and marketing
- New production philosophy
- User involvement
- Business concepts and value chains
3Science about Green BuildingsInfra
- Services sector creates 70 of the value added in
the world and is the fastest growing sector
(World Bank 2006) - Services is responsible for 40 of total
industrial GHG emissions in the United States
(Suh, EST, 2006) - The office building (with infra) contributes
roughly 30-55 to environmental impacts in
services companies (Junnila, Int J LCA, 2006) - Buildings account for 40 of worlds materials
and energy flows (U.S. DOE 2002, UNEP 1999,
Worldwatch 1995 )
4Economics about Green BuildingsInfra
- Building efficiency is economically the best
short-term strategy for California to reduce
climate change (Hanemann et al. 2005)
5Carbon market in EU
- In Europe, the size of carbon market is 20 000
50 000 million (EU Emissions Trading Scheme) - Suggestions both in UK that the building owners
should be included (The Guardian, 6-Dec-06) - Many of the UK's big businesses - including
supermarkets, banks, universities, hotel chains,
hospitals and government departments - would be
forced to sign up to a carbon-trading scheme
under proposals being drafted by ministers Gordon
Brown - cover all organisations with annual electricity
bills of more than 250,000, or with electricity
consumption above 3,000 megawatts - The Guardian,
6-Dec-06 -
6Business about Going Green
- Wall Street Journal, 23-Jan-07
- In the US, a growing number of companies are
pushing for a mandatory emissions limit, or "cap."
7Market Value of Green Companies
8Operational Performance of Green Companies
- Guenster et al. 2005
- The least eco-efficient firms show significant
operational underperformance - Eco-efficiency improves Return on Assets, more
than 10 percent of the average ROA - The survey results, as well as other available
literature, corroborate the view that ISO 14001
accreditation confers economic benefits
9Green BUILDINGS INFRA can offer
- Buildings Infra is a platform for businesses
- The best environmental improvement potential
- Good cost benefit ration
- Existing solutions
- Short reaction time
10Whats stopping the companies?
- Business concepts and models
- The value chains and customers, fallacy of volume
- The Long Tail economy - NO blockbusters
- Products vs. Services if you talk the talk be
prepared to walk the walk - User involvement - Remontti Reiska vs Jaana
Pelkonen - Leap into unknown for many organizations
- Operational philosophy in construction industries
- Adversial relations
- Sub-optimizing, sub-contracting
- Defensive approach
- Understanding and communication
- Biased toward smokestacks
- The common mind set
- Transformation of economies from manufacturing to
services is a solution to the environmental
11Cost structure of the customer
- Junnila, Facilities 2004
12Change in Operational Philosophy
- Some required attributes
- Management based on long-term thinking
- Bring problems to the surface
- Add value to the end customer
- Level out the workload
- Get the quality right at the first time
- Standardize tasks for continues improvements and
employee empowerment - Respect your extended network of partners by
challenging and helping to improve
Mangement principles of the worlds greatest
manufacture Toyota!
13Understanding and communication
- NousiainenJunnila, CIB Helsinki 2005
- There seems to be a good business opportunity for
Green Buildings and Infra - Scientific evidence
- Economic theories
- Business success
- However, the competitive edge is narrowing...
- Technology innovations are needed but also
- Business concepts and models
- Operational philosophy
- Understanding and communication
- Sustainable Communities is all about
- Maximum value by Minimum waste