Title: The State of European Cities Report
1- The State of European Cities Report
Corinne Hermant-de Callataÿ, DG REGIO, European
Commission Scorus Conference Darmstadt 17
2Authors and contributions
- First study (Urban Audit Analysis) contracted to
ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd (coord.), in
cooperation with NordRegio and Eurofutures, and
supported by - 2 meetings of a scientific committee (5 external
experts) - Frequent interactions with the European
Commission DG REGIO (L. Dijkstra, C. Hermant),
colleagues from Eurostat (B. Feldmann, D.
Brandmüller, T. Carlquist) et alii
3Main Chapters
- Demographic profile of Cities
- Competitiveness of Cities
- Living in Cities
- Power of Cities
4- Strong growth in FI, SE, EL and ES.
- Decline in many cities in the new Member States
- Mixed picture in UK, DE, IT and BE
5- Economic wealth is concentrated in capital cities
- Some countries have significant disparities in
GDP per capita between cities
6Size of the engine
GDP and city size
7Position of typologies
8Methodology / typology
Step 1 Analyse GDP Performance by Size Class
Step 2 Grouping interpretation
Step 3 Adding additional criteria
9Competitiveness Typologies
10Neighbourhood UnemploymentDisparities
11Unemployment in Berlin
12- Cities and especially capitals and large cities
attract a high share of highly educated residents
13- Living space per person shows the east west
divide in the most striking manner
14The Power of Cities
- Considerations include
- Population
- Administrative structure
- Annual expenditure per resident
- Local share of expenditure as share of total
expenditure - Share of municipal authority income from local
taxation - Taxes received by local government as of total
taxes by Member State
15Power of cities mapped
- This report provides a clear interpretation of
the wealth of data provided by the Urban Audit - It facilitates the exchange of experience between
similar cities through its typology - It highlights the challenges to social cohesion
at the urban level - It provides a first analysis of the power of
17For more informationcorinne.hermant_at_ec.europa.eu
The report and executive summaries in 7
languages may be downloaded at http//ec.europa.e