Title: Dias nummer 1
DAK-E - Danish Quality Unit of General
Practice 09.00 9.20 An introduction to the
organization of general practice and a
presentation of the outline for the day 09.20
10.20 Quality development in general practice,
Jesper Lundh 10.20 10.40 Break 10.40
11.10 Danish Database for General Practice and a
demonstration of how to capture data to the
database and how GPs can use data for feedback
from the national health portal, Lene
Grosen 11.10- 11.40 Presentation of a model for
quality development in General Practice, GP,
consultant and president for EQuiP (European
Quality Association for GPs) Tina
Eriksson 11.40 12.15 The Danish eHealth
Portal. An introduction and a demonstration of
solutions that support a patients journey,
Health ICT Advisor, MD, GP, and specialist in
general medicine, Finn Klamer 12.15 13.15
Lunch 13.30 Visit to GPs at the University
Clinic How to implement guidelines in
practice, GP Jens Aage Stauning 15.00 Visit to
the Danish College of General Practitioners How
to develop guidelines, Director Peter Torsten
Sørensen Coordinators Lene Grosen and Jesper
2General practice in Denmark
- Approx. 5,5 mill inhabitants
- 3,600 general practitioners (GP)
- About 1,600 patients per GP
3General practice in Denmark
Organized in PLO (The Organization of General
Practitioners in Denmark)
- Every three years a renewal of the agreement
between GPs and PLO
4General practice in Denmark
- During a year GPs have about 38 mill contacts to
their patients - including telephone and e-mail contacts
5General practice in Denmark
- Most patients with a chronic disease or several
diseases are seen in general practice
- More than 90 of all contacts are finished in
general practice consequently, the patient is
not referred to a specialist or a hospital
6General practice in Denmark
- The ratio between GPs and employed personnel is
about 0.7
The GPs income 25 basic fee 75 from
patient contacts
7Danish Database for General Practice and a
demonstration of how to capture data to the
database and how GPs can use data for feedback
from the national health portal
8Data capture
How can data for quality development and research
be retrieved from 12 different electronic health
record systems in Denmark?
9Indicators for quality care for diabetes
- Prevalence of diabetes in the clinic
- Foot examination during the last year?
- Ophthalmologist examination during the last year?
- Microalbumin in urine?
- Hb A1c
- Cholesterol in blood
- Blood pressure
- Agreement with the patient of individual
treatment goals - Reduction of a high level of Hb A1c
- Reduction of a high blood pressure
- Reduction of a high level of cholesterol
- Conversation with the patient about his/her
10Data capture in general practice
POP-UP screen
Diagnosis codes Prescription codes Fee for
consultation codes Lab. result codes
Data are transferred automatically from the EHR
system to the database
11The pop-up screen
12Feedback to the doctors
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19Advantages that GPs obtain from participating in
the diabetes quality project?
Overview of the population of diabetes patients,
especially patients with suboptimal treatment of
their diabetes
Benchmarking his performances with that of his
Graphs of results for discussion with his patient
20Data capture
Data about quality of care are available to the
Since April 2008 GPs can see their feedback data
online by using sundhed.dk and a SSO-admission
Data are updated every weekend