- Chemical kinetics is the study of changing
chemical properties in a reaction with time. - Typical questions involving kinetics
- How fast does a chemical disappear from an
environmental compartment or from a waste
treatment system? - What will be the chemical concentration in a
given compartment at any time? - How fast does a chemical exchange between various
2Equilibrium and Rate Constant
- A typical reaction aA bB ..? cC dD ..
- Equilibrium constant
- Rate of the reaction
- k is the rate constant, ? ? is called the order
of the reaction. - Units of k depend on concentration units of A and
B. - Time to one half disappearance of reactant is
called half life.
3Differential and Integral Rate Laws
4Atmospheric Lifetime - Definition
First order reaction A ? B C.
Second Order Reaction A B ? C D
5Complex Atmospheric Reactions
A ? Pr (k1) A B ? Pr
(k2) A C D ? Pr
RA - ?A/ ?t k1A k2 AB k3 ACD
Atmospheric life time for A is
6Different Types of Reactors
7Conservation of Mass Lavoisier Principle
For nothing is created, either in the
operations of art, or in those of nature, and one
can state as a principle that in every operation
there is an equal quantity of material before and
after operations that the quality and quantity
of the simple principles are the same and
that there are nothing but changes, modifications
-- Antoine Lavoisier Traite Elementaire de
Chemie (1978).
8Mass Balance for a Reactor
9Dynamic Mass Balance (CSTR)
Qin, Cin
(mass transfer)
V CCout
kmt A Cout
Qout, Cout
Accumulation Input Output
If Qin Qout 0 and C(t0) C0
10Dynamic Mass Balance (PFR)
Accumulation Input Output over volume W? dx
Dividing by dx and taking the limit as dx ? 0 we
If C (x 0) C0
11API Separator An Example of CSTR
- Large wastewater streams resulting from coking,
sulfur recovery, steam cracking, hydrocracking,
crude desalting etc. - Need to recover most organics and also render
water less toxic before discharge. - Sludge settles and VOCs are emitted through the
air/water interface. VOC emissions from the
organic layer floating on top of the aqueous
phase account for most of the emissions from a
refinery. Next in line are leaks from valves and
other areas. - Methods of estimating air emissions from a
refinery operation - Flux chamber
- Diffusion modeling
- EPA emission factor approach.
12An API Separator Tank
13Methods of Measuring Air Emissions
Flux chamber method
Micrometeorological method
14Flux Chamber Method
Flux is in (mass)/(area.time) Qg is the sweep gas
flow rate (volume/time) Ac is the cross-sectional
area of chamber (length2) C is the concentration
in the sweep gas at exit (mass/volume)
15Micrometeorological method
where 1 and 2 refer to two heights, y2 gt y1
? is the von Karmans constant (0.4).
V2 andf v1 are velocities at the two heights C2
and C1 are the concentrations at the two heights.
16Emission sources in a manufacturing plant
Air emissions
- Primary reactors, refining towers.
- Secondary from primary units wastewater
treatment unit. - Often partially or fully covered losses to air
from junction boxes, equalization basins,
clarifiers, aeration basins. - Common mechanism mass transfer driven by
gradient with resistance in the air-side and
water-side of the air/water interface.
Ground level
Q, Cin
Wastewater C Cout
Q, C
Q Cin Q C KL Ac C Obtain C from mass balance
above W KL Ac C
17 Air Pollution in An Urban Area
18Mass Balance
In Out Accumulation S A Q Ci0 Q Ci V
(dCi/dt) Note A XY V XYZ
With initial condition, C C0 at t 0
19Steady state conditions
20Indoor air pollution
Add reaction (loss) term to overall mass balance
Solve for C
21Assumptions in Urban Air Pollution Models
- Atmospheric turbulence mixes the air totally in
the vertical direction up to H. - Turbulence strong enough in the upwind direction
to make concentration uniform in the whole volume
of air over the city and not higher in the
downwind distance than the upwind side. - velocity in the x-direction and constant
independent of time, location or elevation. - Background concentration is constant.
- Emission rate S is constant over the whole area.
- Pollutant is conservative (non-reactive).
22Atmospheric Concentration of a Pollutant in a City
23Example CO from automobile traffic in Los
Note that
STOT EvLd/(?t), where Ev is vehicle emission
rate (?g/km), Ld is travel distance (km), and ?t
is duration of travel (h). Calculated STOT 1 x
108 mol/h. QCio 2 x 106 mol/h., V 1 x 1012 m3,
Q 5 x 1011 m3/h, C0 1.2x10-5 mol/m3 .
24Diurnal trend for CO in Los Angeles from
automobile emissions
25(No Transcript)
26Annual Average Concentration
Concentration for that meteorology
Frequency of occurrence of that meteorology
Annual Average Concentration
(all meteorologies)
Example u 3 m/s, H 1000m, 40 of time
concentration is 25 ?g/m3 and U 6 m/s, H 1000
m, 60 of time concentration is 8 ?g/m3 .
C (average) (25)(0.4) (8)(0.6) 15 ?g/m3
27Maximum hourly CO levels in Los Angeles