Title: Chapter Four
1Chapter Four
- Business in aBorderless World
2International Business
- Refers to the buying, selling, and trading of
goods and services across national boundaries
3Absolute Advantage
- Absolute advantage exists when a country is the
only source of an item, the only producer of an
item, or the most efficient producer of an item. - Example DeBeers Consolidated Mines, Ltd.
(virtually controls the worlds diamond trade).
4Comparative Advantage
- Comparative advantage occurs when a country
specializes in products that it can supply more
efficiently or at a lower cost than it can
produce other items. - Example the U.S. agricultural commodities, such
as corn and wheat, Canadian automotive products
5Where Canadian ExportsWent in 2000
Source Statistics Canada and US Census
Bureau, http//strategis.ic.gc.ca, June 4, 2001
6Top 5 Countries Canada Traded with in 2000
Source Statistics Canada and US Census Bureau,
7International Trade Barriers
- Economic
- Legal/political
- Social/cultural
- Technological
8A Comparative Economic Analysis of Canada,
Switzerland, andthe United States
9Country Corruption Perception Index
Top 10 Least Corrupt Countries
- 1. Denmark
- 2. Finland
- 3. Sweden
- 4. New Zealand
- 5. Iceland
- 6. Canada
- 7. Singapore
- 8. Netherlands (tie)
- 8. Norway (tie)
- 10. Switzerland
Top 10 Most Corrupt Countries
1. Cameroon 2. Paraguay 3. Honduras 4. Tanzania
(tie) 4. Nigeria (tie) 6. Indonesia 7. Colombia 8.
Venezuela (tie) 8. Ecuador (tie) 10. Russia
Source Transparency International, The
Transparency International 1998Corruption
Perceptions Index. www.transparency.de
10Cross-Cultural Similaritiesin Eating Trends
Sources Tullio Caputo and Neil, What Canadians
are Eating, Canadian Social Trends, Statistics
Canada, Winter 1990 KathleenDeveney, Americas
Heartland Acquires Global Taste, Wall Street
Journal, Oct. 11, 1995, pp. B1, B6 Hot Stuff!
Canadian Grocer, June 1996, pp. 9-13 Out of
the Deep Freeze, Canadian Grocer, Oct. 1996, pp.
22-23 Norihiko Shirouzu, Home-Cooked Fish,
RiceLoose Importance in Japan, Wall Street
Journal, Oct. 11, 1995, p. B1 Snack Solutions
for Guiltless Grazing, Canadian Grocer,Sept,
1996, pp. 9-19 and Gabriella Stern, French Add
Convenience to Customary Cuisine, Wall Street
Journal, Oct. 11, 1995, pp. B1, B6.
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
- Trade agreement that provides a forum for tariff
negotiations and a place where international
trade problems can be discussed/solved. The World
Trade Organization (WTO) is responsible for
administering GATT. - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- Eliminates most tariffs and trade restrictions on
agricultural and manufactured products between
Canada, Mexico, and U.S. (1994-2009).
12Hot Spots in Europe
Source The Atlantic Century? Business
Week,February 8, 1998
13Capital Into andOut of Europe
Billions of Dollars (U.S.)
U.S. CompaniesAcquiring in Europe
European CompaniesAcquiring in U.S.
Source Europe Rising, Business Week,February
8, 1999, p. 16.
14Increasing GlobalInvolvement
Multinational Corporation Direct Investment Joint
Ventures Contract Manufacturing Licensing Trading
Companies Exporting
15The Fifteen Largest Global Public Corporations
Source The World Super Fifty,
16Solve the Dilemma
- a. What are the key issues that need to be
considered in determining global expansion? - b. What are some of the unique problems that a
small business might face in global expansion
that larger firms would not? - c. Should Audiotech consider a joint venture?
Should it hire a sales force of people native to
the countries it enters?
17Explore Your Career Options
- What are some of the skills required to be a
successful businessperson in the borderless world
of the 21st century?
18Additional Discussion Questions and Exercises
- 1. Look at the Foreign Exchange section of the
business section of a newspaper. What nations
currency or exchange rate is listed? If you
were traveling to Germany, how many euros would
equal one dollar? How many Swiss francs would you
need to equal one dollar? - 2. Assume your firm wishes to do business by
selling manufactured products in other countries
but does not wish to do actual manufacturing in
Canada or the other country. What options are