Title: Capturing Links to Articles Using the Citation Linker
1Capturing Links to Articles Using the Citation
2At the Library Homepage, select E-Resources -gt
SFX -gt Citation Linker.
3(No Transcript)
4Note that the journal title or ISSN, and the year
of publication are required. Usually, an article
can be located with the following information
exact journal title or ISSN, year, volume, issue
and start page.
Enter the details about the article you want in
this form.
When the article details have been entered, click
this SFX button.
5The SFX menu will pop up. If full text of the
desired article is available from any
Library-subscribed or free resources, full-text
link(s) will appear in this menu. Click on the
full-text link to check if it can take you to the
desired article.
6To capture the OpenURL to this SFX menu as the
link to the desired article, select Save link to
this citation.
7A new window will pop up with the OpenURL link
displayed in the text box. Note that the OpenURL
contains all the citation information you have
entered in the Citation Linker. You can then
copy and paste this link to your web-based
teaching material.
8Sometimes after you have submitted the basic
citation information (such as those shown on this
slide) for locating an article
9 an SFX menu like this will pop up, listing
multiple items with the same journal name. This
happens because there are multiple items with the
same journal title in the SFX database and SFX
does not know which is the one you are looking
Under such circumstances, you need to find out
the ISSN of the journal you want, either by
trying the various title links in the SFX menu or
by looking it up in the Library Catalogue.
Once you know the ISSN of the journal you want
You know that this is the journal you want.
10 enter the ISSN in the Citation Linker together
with other citation information.
Then submit the citation again.
11Click on any full-text link in the SFX menu, if
available, to check if it can take you to the
desired article.
12When it is confirmed that the full-text link(s)
work fine, you can select Save link to this
citation to capture the OpenURL to this SFX menu
as the link to the desired article.
13(No Transcript)
14This is the OpenURL for the desired article.
Note that it contains the ISSN of the
journal. You can then copy and paste this link
to your web-based teaching material.
15If you have entered the article title as well
when you fill in the Citation Linker form.
16Then you save the link to this citation.
17The OpenURL will also contains the article
title. The article title is usually not
essential for locating an article. When the
Citation Linker cannot link you to the article
based on such basic information as journal title,
year, volume, issue and start page, try providing
the article title as well.
18The End