Title: The Family C'L'A'W'S'
1The Family C.L.A.W.S.
- A Really Cool Presentation by Sue
Sue Jackson, MFTFamily Counselor, Loma Linda
University Behavioral Medicine Center
2Co-dependency is a specific condition that is
characterized by a preoccupation and extreme
dependence emotionally, socially, and sometimes
physically on a person or object. Eventually this
dependency on another person or object becomes a
pathological condition that affects the
co-dependent in all other relationships.
3Detox Parallel Study Between Patient and Family
Members During and After Detox.
4The Paradigm Shift
- It is easier to re-educate people by introducing
a new conception with a new term. - Ashley Montagu
5The Paradigm Shift
6Addiction The Family Disease
- A great incongruence is experienced by the
Co-pathos Dependent.
7Co-dependence is a recognizable pattern of
personality traits, predictably found within most
members of chemically dependent families, which
are capable of creating sufficient dysfunction to
warrant the diagnosis of mixed personality
disorder as outlined in the DSM III.
8Co-Pathos Dependent Traits
- Distorted Commitment
- Equal Expression of Family Disruption
- Negative Efficacy
- Acting Pessimistically
- No Self-Confidence
- Other Focused
9For every Chemically dependent person, it is
estimated that there may be as many as five to
ten co-dependents.
10Families Display Parallel Signs and Symptoms
- Denial
- Synchronized Addiction
- Behavior
- Tolerance
- Preoccupation
- Powerlessness
- Unmanageability
11The Great Incongruence
12The Family C.L.A.W.S.
- C o-dependentL ionizedA cuteWithdrawal
S yndrome
13Stages of Co-Pathos Dependency
- First Stage Physical Second Stage
Psychological Third Stage Spiritual Fourth
Stage Mental
14The Family C.L.A.W.S.
15Synchronized Addiction
Family C.L.A.W.S.