Title: Message Passing Computing
1Message Passing Computing
- First steps in MPI programming
2Message Passing Multicomputer
Programs running on separate computers keep in
check by passing messages to each other Eg
master-slave approach
Interconnection network
Local memory
3Message passing computing using user-level
message passing libraries
- Two primary mechanisms needed
- A method of creating separate processes for
execution on different computers - A method of sending and receiving messages
4Recall the two MIMD programming models
Multiple Program Multiple Data (MPMD) Each
processor will have its own program to execute
Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) A single
source program is written, and each
processor executes its own personal copy of the
5Multiple Program Multiple Data Model
Separate programs for each processor. One
processor executes master process. Other
processes started from within master process -
dynamic process creation.
Process 1
Start execution of process 2
Process 2
6Parallel Virtual Machine
PVM is a software library for parallel
programming under the MPMD model, developed by
Oak Ridge National Laboratories Programmer
decomposes program into separate programs -
usually a master program and a group of identical
slave programs. Each program compiled to execute
on specific types of computers. Set of computers
used on a problem must be defined prior to
executing the programme.
7Message routing between computers is done by PVM
daemon processes installed by PVM on computers in
the network.
This set of predefined computers form the virtual
8Single Program Multiple Data Model
Same program runs on all processors. Within
program, control statements select different
parts for each processor to execute. All
executables started together - static process
Source file
Compile to suit processor
9MPI (Message Passing Interface)
Standard for communication across several
processors, developed by group of academics and
industrial partners to foster widespread use and
portability MPI is a standard - it defines
routines, not implmentations Several free
implementations exist.
- MPI defines a standard interface of which there
are several implementations - MPICH is the implementation we will use
- Version 1.2.5 is default on the Sisters
- Version 2-0.97 also available on the Sisters
- Latest version 2-1.0 available from
- http//www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich
11MPI Characteristics
- Bindings to Fortran/Fortran90/C/C
- Routines start with MPI_
- MPI errors
- Returns an int status
- Aborts on error by default
12MPI Process creation and Execution
- Purposely not defined and will depend upon
implementation - Only static process creation is supported in MPI
version 1. All processes must be defined prior to
execution and started together - Originally SPMD model but MPMD now possible
- Defines scope of a communication operation
- Initially all processes enrolled in a universe
called MPI_COMM_WORLD. - Each process is given a unique rank - a number
from 0 to n-1 - Other communicators can be established for groups
of processes
14MPI program structure in the SPMD model
main(int argc, char argv) MPI_Init(argc,
argv) . . MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,
myrank) if (myrank 0) // Master
operations else // Slave
operations . . MPI_Finalize()
15First MPI program
- Task calculate the sum all all integers from 0
to N - Do this by calculating the first and second
partial sums in parallel
16Master/slave approach
Input N
Send N
Compute sum1 0,..N/2-1
Compute sum2 N/2,,N-1
Send sum2
Compute sumsum1sum2
Output sum
if (this is the master) get N from user send
N to the slave calculate lower partial
sum receive upper partial sum from the
slave add lower and upper partial sums output
result else receive N from the
master calculate upper partial sum send this
partial sum to the master
18//first.c Adding 10 numbers using two
nodes include "mpi.h" include
ltstdio.hgt //always use argc and argv, as mpirun
will pass the appropriate parms. int
main(argc,argv)int argcchar argv int
N,i,result,sum0,sum1,myid MPI_Status
Stat//status variable, so operations can be
checked MPI_Init(argc,argv)//INITIALIZE
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid)//which node
is this? // Segment to be executed by
master if (myid 0) Natoi(argv1)//ge
t the number the user wants //Master sends
'N' to slave MPI_Send(N, 1, MPI_INT, 1,0,
MPI_COMM_WORLD) sum00//partial result for
node 0 for(i1iltN/2i)
sum0sum0i resultsum0 //Master
waits to receive 'sum1' from slave
MPI_Recv(sum1, 1, MPI_INT, 1,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD,
Stat) resultsum0sum1//adds two partial
results fprintf(stdout,"The final result is
d \n",result) fprintf(stdout, "d\n",
sizeof(MPI_Status)) // Segment to be
executed by slave else if (myid 1)
//slave waits to receive 'N' from master
Stat) sum10 for(iN/21iltNi)
sum1sum1i //slave sends 'sum1' to
master MPI_Send(sum1, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0,
C code
19include ltiostreamgt include "mpi.h" int main(int
argc,char argv) MPIInit(argc,argv)
int myid MPICOMM_WORLD.Get_rank() if
(myid 0) int Natoi(argv1)//get the
number the user wants //Master sends 'N' to
1,0) int sum00//partial result for node
0 for(int i1i lt N/2 i) sum0sum0
i int resultsum0 //Master
waits to receive 'sum1' from slave int sum1
1,0) resultsum0sum1//adds two partial
results stdcout ltlt "The final result is "
ltlt result ltlt stdendl else if (myid
1) //slave waits to receive 'N' from
master int N MPICOMM_WORLD.Recv(N, 1,
MPIINT, 0, 0) int sum10 for(int
iN/21 iltN i) sum1sum1 i
//slave sends 'sum1' to master
MPICOMM_WORLD.Send(sum1, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0)
C code
20Who am I? Who are they?
A process finds out who it is (its rank) by
int myid MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid)
To find the total number of processes
int numproc MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,
To get the host name of the node
int namelen char nameMPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME MP
I_Get_processor_name(name, namelen)
21MPI Send Routine
Number of items to send
Address of send buffer
Datatype of each item
Returns error status
int MPI_Send(void buf, int count, MPI_Datatype
datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
Rank of destination process
Message tag used to distinguish between
different messages a process may send/receive
22MPI Receive routine
Number of items to receive
Address of receive buffer
Datatype of each item
Returns error status
int MPI_Recv(void buf, int count, MPI_Datatype
datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status status)
Rank of source process
Status after operation
Message tag
23Second MPI program
This time use more than two nodes
Send N to slaves
Receive all sum1s
recv N
recv N
recv N
send sum1
send sum1
send sum1
24include "mpi.h" include ltstdio.hgt int
main(argc,argv)int argcchar argv int
numproc, myid, namelen int
N,i,result,sum0,sum1 char processor_nameMPI_MA
X_PROCESSOR_NAME MPI_Status Stat//status
variable, so operations can be checked
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, numproc) //how
many processors?? MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,
myid) //what is THIS processor-ID? //what
is THIS processor name (hostname)?
printf("IDd s\n", myid, processor_name)
if (myid 0) //this is the master
Natoi(argv1)//get the number the user wants
for (i1iltnumproci) //send to all nodes
MPI_Send(N, 1, MPI_INT, i,0,
MPI_COMM_WORLD) sum00//partial
result for node 0 for(i1iltN/numproci)
sum0sum0i resultsum0 for
(i1iltnumproci) //receive from all nodes
MPI_Recv(sum1, 1, MPI_INT, i,0,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, Stat) resultresultsum1/
/adds the various sums
fprintf(stdout,"The sum from 1 to d is d
\n",N,result) else //this is not the
master MPI_Recv(N, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, Stat) sum10
) sum1sum1i
MPI_Send(sum1, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0,
C code second.c
25(Some) MPI Datatypes
User defined types are possible