Title: The Eisenhower Years
1The Eisenhower Years...
(1953 1961)
2 The Republicans TurnAfter How Long?
3Organizing Ideas
- Analyze and Evaluate
- Eisenhowers Foreign Policy
- Analyze and Evaluate Ikes
- Domestic Policy
- Assess the Reasons for the
- Changes Made in the Social
- Fabric in the 1950s
4How Do We Think of the 1950s?
How Much of That Is Reality How Much Is Myth?
Historically, the 50s Are the Eisenhower Years
5The Eisenhower Years
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
- Republican
- 1953-1961
- Landslides in 52, 56
- Background
- Foreign Policy
- Domestic Policy
- Evaluation
I Like Ike
Eisenhower the Man of the Hour
6Domestic Policy
Goals? Programs? Assessment?
7Domestic Policy
- Modern Republicanism
- The Republican Formula
- Dynamic Conservatism
- The Key Issues
- The Economy
- Retreat from Liberalism
- Continued Liberalism
- Social Fabric Stuff
9The Economic "Miracle"
- GNP 250 Increase
- Inflation 3, Unemployment
- Under 5
- Our 6 - Producing ½ of All the
- Worlds Goods, and Consuming
- 1/3 of Them!
- Purchasing Power Up 20
10Galbraith Called It An "Economy of Abundance"
- Dramatic Effects
- Increase in White Collar Jobs
- Jobs in the Service Sector
- Rise of Franchises, Multinationals
- A New Consumerism
- We Became More and More a
- Consumer Society
11(No Transcript)
12Causes of the Boom
- Govt Spending/Tax Cuts
- The New Economics (Keynesian)
- Consumer Confidence
- (People of Plenty)
- American Productivity
- Labor/Mgt. Peace (AFL-CIO)
- Changing Demographics
- American Technology/Automation
- Transistors, Computers
131946 IBM Computer
14High Tech
- Introduced in 1951
- Cost 1 Million
- Weight 8 Tons
16- Technology Also Produced Some
- Medical Miracles
- Dr. Jonas Salk
- Polio Vaccine
- Also Antibiotics,
- New Drugs for Just
- about Anything!
- Tranquilizers Even
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18I m p a c t ?
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211956 Corvette
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23Gas Stations
24An Original McDonalds
25OrTexas Own
26Some Paradoxes
27Urban Decay
28- Mortgaged Affluence
- Author of
Gunnar Myrdal
29S o c i a l F a b r i c
30- Demographic Changes
- 1950 150 Million
- 1960 179 Million
- Move to Suburbia, Sunbelt
- Conformity/Homogenization
- Stirrings of Protest
31(No Transcript)
32The Sunbelt Region
33Suburbia, USA
Why Move to the Burbs?
34An Example of Conformity Expected in the Decade
35- Uptightness Red Scare
- Packaged Society
- (Homogeneity)
- Silent Generation
- Happy Days
- But, by Decades End
- The Times They Were
- AChanging
Lots of Conformity
A Major Cause of Homogenization
36The Boob Tube
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42Father Knows Best
I Love Lucy
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44Changing Values
- Bureaucracy Impacted Labor
- More White Collar Workers
- Education System Changed
- Conformity Expected
- Intellectuals Responded
45Theme of These Books?
46Other Voices...
- Stirrings of Protest
- Critics of the Times
- Americas Youth Became Different
- Women Began to Be Heard
- Hispanic Rumblings
- Native Americans, Too
- Black Voices Elevated
47Who Was Especially Disaffected by the Changes
in American Society?
America's Youth
Young Writers, Poets, Artists Were First to
48Stirrings of Protest
The Beatniks
Allen Ginsberg
Jack Kerouac
49(No Transcript)
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51Portrayed in Movies...
52A Developing Youth Subculture
- Different Interests
- Different Values
- Different Lifestyles
53Youth Themes Portrayed in the Media...
54In the Movies
551950s Passion Pit
56On Television
57On Television
59(No Transcript)
61S t i l l . . .
- Pretty Conformist
- Pretty Conservative
- Pretty Quiet
- But, by Decades End
- Waiting to Happen
- A Youth Explosion
62Origins of Several Social Movements
- Native Americans Saw the
- Reversal of ND Policy, a
- Return to Termination
- How to Fight It?
- Hispanics Bracero Program
- How to Fight It?
- A Back to the Kitchen Movement
- Momism Movement
- Big Families
- Move to Suburbs
- Dr. Spocks Baby Books
- Earning the Mrs. Degree
- HS Schools Taught
64A Womans Place
- By Decades End
- A Movement Waiting
- to Happen!
- How to Fight Sexism?
65Black Voices...
The Civil Rights Movement of the 50s
How to Fight Racism?
- African-Americans and WWII?
- NAACP-courts cases against seg.
- Since 1909
- Increased political power in North
- Because of Great Migration
- --what party would benefit?
- Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
- -1940sused sit-ins
67Who Is He? His Importance?
68Jim Crow Alive Well in Much of the U.S.
69The South Pre-1954
S e g r e g a t i o n
70Vending Machine Seen in the South
71(No Transcript)
72A Turning Point
- 1954 The Brown Case
- Background
- Major Players
Thurgood Marshall
Linda Brown
Earl Warren
- Massive resistance
- Southern Manifesto
- Revival of KKK
- A Couple of Crises
- in the 50s
74Montgomery, Alabama 1955
75Rosa Parks 1955
76(No Transcript)
77R e s p o n s e . . .
A Year-Long Bus Boycott
- Leadership
- SCLC-Southern
- Christian Lead.
- Conference est.
- in 1957 by King
- Strategy?
- Nonviolent
- passive resist.
- S.C. ruled bus
- seg. uncons.
79Little Rock, Arkansas 1957
80Central High School
- Background
- Gov. Orval
- Faubus-sent
- Nat. Guard
- Ike-sent in
- U.S. Army
- The Little
- Rock Nine
81A Year-Long Occupation of CHS
The Result?
82Voting Rights
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Voting Rights Act of 1960
Stage Set for the 1960s Movement
83Final Domestic Issue
L i b e r a l i s m v s . C o n s e r v a t i s m
84Continuing Liberalism
- Many ND/FD Programs Too Popular
- Kept Farm SubsidiesBut
- Tried to Reduce Them
- Soil Bank Plan
- Expanded Social Security,
- Minimum Wage - 1.00!
- Created Dept. of HEW
- Two Civil Rights Laws
- Job Programs (Highways, Etc.)
- Employed Govt Spending
85Retreating from Liberalism
- New Deal Creeping Socialism
- How to Undo It?
- Executive Orders
- Cut Funding (TVA, Etc.)
- Decentralization
- Partnerships and Privatization
- Practiced Benign Neglect
86- Oveta Culp Hobby
- Sec. Of H.E.W.
- But
87As with Truman, Foreign Policy Would
Dominate Ike's Presidency
88Foreign Policy
What Approach Would Ike Take In Figthting
What Did He Inherit from Truman?
89The Cold War
90The New Combatants In the Cold War
91Ike's Turn...
- His Experience?
- His Goals?
- His Programs
- Assessment
- Comparison to Truman
92Ike Campaigned Against Containment
- Too Passive
- Too Expensive
What Would Replace It?
93Foreign Policy
- John Foster Dulles (Sec of State)
- The New Look
- Maximum Efficiency with
- Minimum Cost, or
- More Bang for the Buck
- Massive Retaliation
- Covert Action (CIA)
- Brinkmanship
94Dont be afraid, I can always pull you back
95China Again
- 1954 Taiwan Crisis
- Over Quemoy and Matsu
- How to Respond?
- Another Strongman Began
- to Challenge Our Presence
- Gamal Abdel Nasser
- Pledged Reform
- Hoped to Dam the
- Nile
- Needed Money
- Where to Get It?
- Played Sides!
97- He Nationalized the Canal
- Israel, GB, Fr. Invaded
- Suez Crisis (1956)
- Solution?
- UN Peacekeepers Sent
- Fighting Stopped, But?
- The Aftermath
- Egypt Got Canal, Fr/GB Out!
- 1957 Eisenhower Doctrine
- 1958 Lebanon
- Our Image in the Region?
98- Missile Race Began in the 50s
- Oct. 1957
- Sputnik
99- Message?
- Response?
- National
- Defense
- Education Act
- What Next?
- Stay Tuned
100Spring, Texas
Communist Pressure...
The Last Domino?
Ike Expanded the Concept
101The New Look in Practice
Middle East
The Americas
How Well Did It Work?
102A Couple of Cold War Left-Overs First
- Recall from the Truman Era
- Ikes Position?
- Army-McCarthy Hearings
- Televised in 1954
103- Busted!
- Censored by
- Congress
- Ike McCarthyism
- Has Become
- McCarthywasm
- Died in 1957
104Korean War
- Recall Trumans Policies
- Ike Promised to Go to Korea
- Hinted I Might
- Stalin Died in 53, USSR Had
- to Regroup
- July, 1953 Armistice Signed
- Aftermath?
105Korean War Overview
- Treaty Left Korea Divided
- P.O.W. Exchange
- 25,000 U.S. Killed
- 22 Billion Spent
- Was It Worth It?
- Remains a Trouble Spot Today
106The New Look in Asia
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108Eisenhower and SE Asia
- Ho Chi Minh
- French controlled
- since late 1800s
- Domino Theory
- 1954 Dienbienphu
- Why were the
- French defeated?
- -lack of U.S. funds and
- Guerrilla warfare
109Geneva Conference
- Negotiations held in Switzerland
- Geneva Accords (Signed in 54)
- Truce
- Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam
- created from French Indo.
- 17th Parallel - DMZ
- French Would Withdraw
- In 2 Years, Elections
- No Military Alliances
110Getting In Deeper
- 1956 France Withdrew
- (Power Vacuum)
- 1956 S.Vietnam elected Ngo Dinh
- Diem and Ho Chi Minh controls
- N. Vietnam
- --Diem did not allow
- electionscreated
- tension between N. S.
111Ike, Dulles, Ngo Dinh Diem
112From 1956 to 1960 Problems Developed
V i e t c o n g
The Next President Would Inherit This Growing
113The New Look in Europe
- France
- West Germany
- East Germany
- Khruschevs
- 1956 Speech
- Poland
- Hungary
114Hungarian Freedom Fighters
115The New Look inthe Middle East
- Background
- Importance?
- Israel/Palestine
- By 50s A Cold
- War Theater
- Iran
- Egypt
- Lebanon
116Creation of Israel
- Decision to Partition Palestine
- Zionist Movement, Holocaust
- May 14, 1948 Israel Created
- U.S. Immediately Recognized It
- First Arab-Israeli War Began
117(No Transcript)
118The Aftermath
- 1950 UN Resolved It, But
- Tripartite Pact U.S., GB, Fr.
- Resolved to Keep Peace There
- The Region Would Remain a
- Trouble Spot
- Spreading Arab Nationalism
- Middle Eastern Strongman
- Mohammed Mossadegh
- Nationalizing Oil
- Allowing Communists
- into His Government
- Response?
- Operation Ajax
120- Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
- Came to Power
- Our Man
- What Next?
- We Got 40 Share
- of Irans Oil
- U.S. Aid to Iran
- White Revolution
- ProblemsBut for
- Another President
121U.S. Response to a Troubled Region
- How to Respond to a Troubled
- Region?
- 1955 Baghdad Pact, METO
- Made Nice with Saudi Arabia
- But, Caused Problems
- Was It Our Right to Make
- Decisions for the Region?
122- ED First Used in Lebanon
- The Problem?
- Our Image in Middle East?
123Yet Another Cold War Front...
124The Americas
125- Began Nationalizing Am. Property
- Turning Left!
126- Solution?
- CIA Operation
- Installed Colonel
- Carlos Armas
- Ended
- Communism
- There, But
- Image?
127Similar Problem in Cuba
- Revolution Took Out Fulgencio Batista
- Fidel Castro Came to Power
- Shunned by U.S., Turned toU.S.S.R.
- What Next? Stay Tuned
128- Ike Sent Nixon to L.A.
- His Visit
129A Temporary Thaw
- From Stalin to Khrushchev
- 1955 - Geneva Summit
- Open Skies
- Peaceful Coexistence
- However,.
A Renewed Arms Race
- Both Sides Had the Bomb
- What Next?
- First Strike Capability
130We will bury capitalism Your grand-children will
live under communism
What Did Khrushchev Say?
131- 1958
- Explorer I
- 30 Pounds
U.S. Response...
132First Dog in Space But Not Back from Space
133- 1958
- Gordo, the
- Space Monkey
- His Fate?
- Not til 1959
134From 1957 to 1960
What, Me Worry?
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137We Did the Drills Also
138Attempted Detente
Nixons Trip to Moscow
139- The Kitchen Debates
- Khrushchevs Trip to U.S.
- Agreed to a Paris Summit
- 1960 - U-2 Incident
140I k e ' s F a r e w e l l A d d r e s s
Warned of the Growing Military-Industrial Complex
Next Time America in the 1960s