Title: Global Aerosol Forecasting System
1Global Aerosol Forecasting System Applications to
Houston/Costa Rica Aura Validation Experiments
Arlindo da Silva Global Modeling and Assimilation
Office, Code 610.1 Peter Colarco Atmospheric
Chemistry and Dynamics Branch, Code 613.3
2- Goals
- Incorporate state of the art aerosol and
chemistry packages into the GEOS-5 global climate
model and data assimilation system - Provide to the NASA and wider science community
chemical weather forecasts - Forecasts produced in same modeling framework
used to support funded investigations of aerosol
effects on climate and assimilation of A-Train
aerosol products - Aerosol/Chemistry packages are ESMF components
integrated into MAP modeling environment
3- Aerosols
- Developed an implementation of the GOCART aerosol
module for major tropospheric aerosol species
Collaborator Mian Chin, Code 613.3
4- CO and CO2
- Implemented modules for CO and CO2 forecasting
capability based on Code 613.3 PCTM - CO
- sources from fossil fuel, biofuel, and biomass
burning - chemical production from NMHC and CH4 oxidation,
chemical loss to OH oxidation - oxidants for chemistry based on GEOS-CHEM/GMI and
- sources from biosphere, ocean, and fossil fuel
following Transcom 3 protocol, and biomass burning
Collaborators Huisheng Bian, Randy Kawa, Code
5- Biomass Burning Emissions
- QFED Daily biomass burning emissions of
aerosols, CO, CO2, and SO2 - Real-time MODIS firecounts from Aqua and Terra
- Emission factors calibrated against Global Fire
Emission Database (GFED)
Collaborators Jim Collatz, Code 614.4, Mian
Chin, Tom Kucsera, Code 613.3
6- Chemical Forecasts
- Aerosols, CO, and CO2 currently transported
on-line in current GEOS-4 global climate model - Same modules can also be run in GMAOs next
generation GEOS-5 system - Depending on mission requirements other packages
are available, e.g, full stratospheric chemistry
as used for PAVE - GMI combined tropospheric/stratospheric chemistry
modules under integration (with SIVO) - Model is run in global domain, 1 x 1.25
horizontal resolution, 55 vertical levels
extending to 85 km - GEOS-5 version will be run at 0.5o resolution
- 5-day forecasts run twice daily at 0Z and 12Z
with atmospheric state from GMAOs First Look
Data Assimilation System
Collaborators GMAO Operations Group
7Aura Validation Experiment Support
E Please also see the HyperWall display in
the Back, soon in the Bldg. 33 Lobby!
8Aura Validation Experiment Products
- Forecast animations of aerosol optical thickness
and tracer mixing ratios - Forecast and analysis static plots of aerosol
optical thickness and tracer mixing ratio - Vertical cross-section curtain plots of tracer
mixing ratio along north-south and east-west
flight trajectories
9Model Evaluation
- Analysis of CRAVE mission data is preliminary
10Model Evaluation
- Analysis of CRAVE mission data is preliminary
- Aerosols are being compared to previous off-line
GOCART runs - GOCART is run at 2º x 2.5º resolution with GEOS-3
11Model Evaluation
September 2000 (SAFARI-2000) Monthly Mean AOT
- Analysis of CRAVE mission data is preliminary
- Aerosols are being compared to previous off-line
GOCART runs - Aerosols are being compared to AERONET and MODIS
datasets - Sampling of model and satellite data in a
consistent manner is important for comparison
GEOS-4 unsampled
GEOS-4 sampled like MODIS
12Data Assimilation
Weaver et al., 2006, JAS, in review
- MODIS Assimilation
- 1D-Var assimilation of radiances (MODIS/OMI)
- Observation bias corrections and source defect
estimated by means of forecast bias estimates - Combined MODIS/OMI Assimilation
- Improve estimation of absorption by using OMI
UV/Visible channels - 1D-Var assimilation of MODIS and OMI radiances
- Monitoring of OMI radiances and assimilated
aerosol fields
Collaborators Clark Weaver, Omar Torres, Amelia
Colarco, Code 613.3
13Future Directions
- Continue support for other NASA missions INTEX,
AMMA - Funded and proposed work for data assimilation of
MODIS, OMI, SAGE,CALIPSO, GLAS, etc., radiance
and aerosol products - Pending ROSES/DECISIONS proposal for GFS-GOCART
- This project will give NCEP aerosol forecasting
capabilities - Funded work under MAP for incorporation of
aerosol and cloud microphysics for improved
aerosol composition, direct effect, and indirect
effect estimations
14GEOS-4 Model Description
- 1.25 x 1 horizontal, 32 vertical levels
- GSFC dynamical core and assimilated meteorology
- NCAR physics
- GOCART aerosols dust (5 bins), seasalt (5 bins),
- sulfate, organic and black carbon
Capo Verde
Model /- 1? AERONET /- 1?