Title: Local Holdings Maintenance
1Local Holdings Maintenance
- Connexion Editing Techniques
- December 11, 2007
- Presentation adapted from Collette Mak _at_
2Local Holdings Maintenance
- Create, edit, delete
- Guided and keyboard
- 008 bytes 20 and 21
- Constant Data
- Deriving LHRs
- Deleting LHRs
- Resources
- Alternatives
3About this presentation
- Screen shots were created before Institutional
Records were incorporated into WorldCat - Examples are from Indiana
4Creating a record
5Action Create Local Holdings
6Standard numbers Frequency (quarterly) Still
publishing Status of this LHR is new
7Expandable fields have .
Required fields have
8 Publication Pattern Data System suppliedno
edits possible.
9Summary free text Create oncecarries to
all your local holdings records.
- Note differences from old system
- Create once
- NOT automatically adjusted as you edit your LHRs
- if your holdings change you must also edit
10Leader guided entry only Click on to expand
11(No Transcript)
12Level One symbol level Level Two symbol plus
additional such as policy or call number Level
Three summary holdings (vol. 1- 1970-vol. 14
1984) Level Four detailed holdings (vol. 1 no.
3 1970- vol. 14 no. 12 1984)
13Holdings Statements Level 2Example
- 008 bytes 20 and 21 ILL policy information
14Example, level 3 holdings statement from INCat.
15Item information Default is no
information Use only if you have data in 876-878
or it will be caught when you validate.
16Click on apply to finish the section and close
the expanded box.
17007 guided entry only Click on to expand
18Many libraries put their electronic resources on
the paper version.
19Specific material description changes based on
category of resource.
20MUCH of 007 can be ignored.
21Click on apply to complete 007 and close the
expanded box.
22008 guided entry only Click on to expand
23Just like in the rest of Connexion fields link to
Bib Formats.
24008 Many fields are MFHD but not required.
25Retention may be a good sub field to add.
26008 bytes 20 and 21 Defaults are Unknown and
Unknown. Best to leave them until/unless your
resource sharing people tell you otherwise.
27If an item is non-circ to ALL libraries under ALL
circumstances code as will not lend. Any ILL
requests for this item will be automatically
28852 Most can be ignored. If you need to set
the fourth character, this is where you change
29Adding sub fields, e.g. notes or copy numbers
30 31(No Transcript)
32Add your sub field. Dont forget to apply.
33(No Transcript)
Captions Volume v. Number no.
Put captions in parentheses affects FirstSearch
35Tip get the captions from the publication data
36Links to specific LHD. In most cases youll
just have one.
37863the actual holdings
System supplied the linking
38This is used in validationif you select holdings
level 4 you must have 2nd level enumeration and
39(No Transcript)
40Be cautious with text stringsthey wont be used
for machine processing.
41Validate the record
42No mistakes!
43Final step, add the record!
Creating an LHR sets holdings.
45LHR Summary available in FirstSearch WorldCat
next day.
46Clicking on the link brings up the detail.
47Editing a record
48We forgot to put in the summary
49Edit menu. Edit Record.
50Make your changes then Actionreplace record
52How much do I have to do?
- Suggested minimum for non-serials
- Loan and reproduction in consultation with your
resource sharing department - Suggested minimum for serials
- Summary
- Level 3
- Separate record for electronic version
- Reproduction in consultation with your resource
sharing department
53Search results now show LHwe have a local
holdings record. Click on LH goes to LHR. Click
on number goes to bib record.
55From bib record Action menu Edit Local Holdings
56Key in changes and replace record
57Create menu LH Constant Data
58 59Suggested usechange lending and reproduction
policy (008 bytes 20 and 21).
60Constant Data will overwrite any data in your
local holdings record.
61Delete text from leader and 007
62Delete fields 852, 853, 863.
63Edit 008, protect fields other than lending
and reproduction.
64Choose Protected from each drop-down menu.
65Action menu Save Constant Data Record
66No loan yes copy
Give it a meaningful name
67Done! When applied the ONLY thing this CD record
will do is change the lending and reproduction
68Apply CD by name or from list
69no loan yes copy
Click on name to apply
71Constant Data Tips
- Create CD record for your most common captions
(protect and delete other fields) - Derive CD records
- Copy and paste from pattern
- Create template loan/reproduction CD records and
work with your resource - sharing staff
72Just like deriving from bib record.
73Deriving a record
74Edit menu Derive new record
75This was our record for the electronic version.
76Change 007 for print.
77Action menu Add record
78FirstSearch WorldCat display
79Click on summary to see detail
80Choose Group Local Holdings
81Deriving a record(someone elses)
82Adds group search box
83GR retrieves LHR for group. Line number retrieves
bib record.
84Select record thats close.
85Retrieves all the LHR for that record and
institution. Select the record thats closest to
what you need.
86Edit menu Derive New Record.
87Make your edits.
88Dont forget to check lending and reproduction
policies! Actionadd record
89Action Menu Delete Record
90Deleting a record
93(No Transcript)
94Deleting the last of your LHR prompts you to
remove your symbol from the bib record.
95- Searching summary
- Any held by any library
- Institutional Holdings specific symbol
- My Local Holdingsshow my LHR
- Group holdingsshow only
- bib records held by at
- least one member of this
- Group local holdingsshow
- only bib records where at least
- one member of the group
- has LHR
96Resources you can use
- MARC 21 Holdings Format (concise)
- http//www.loc.gov/marc/holdings/
- Bib Formats
- http//www.oclc.org/bibformats/
- MARC 21 Primer and MARC tag cheat sheet
- http//www.oclc.org/support/documentation/localhol
dings/default.htm - ILL stats to help choose a starting spot of
titles - http//www.stats.oclc.org/cusp/nav
- Batch loading
- OCLC number is the ONLY match point
- No OCLC charges
- ILLIAD display disappointing summary statement
98THANK YOU !!!!
- Collette Mak
- Collette_at_incolsa.net