Title: Estates in Land
1Estates in Land Future Interests
- Unit 3
- Defeasible Fee Simple Interests
- 2009 edition
2Desfeasible Estates The Basic Idea
- Common law allowed a Grantor to attach strings
to a - grant - that enabled the conveyance to end
- prematurely.
- Two dimensions to the string
- 1. ending could be designed to be a) automatic
- or b) non- automatic
- 2. after ending land could either a) return to
- Grantor (or heirs) or b) move onto a third
3Four Defeasible Fees A Grid
- How defeased? Auto (SL) Non-Auto (CS)
- Who takes next?
- Grantor
- Third Party
- (Not G)
4Four Defeasible Fees A Grid
- How defeased? Auto (SL) Non-Auto (CS)
- Who takes next?
FSSCS - Grantor
- Third Party
- (Not G) FSSEL
5Defeasible Fee Simple EstatesFee Simple
- Duration
- Defeasible Fee Simple which expires by operation
of a special limitation stipulated by grantor. - Transferability
- By deed (gift or sale)
- By will (devise)
- By intestacy (descent)
- and next owner gets a FSD too see why??
6Fee Simple Determinable
- If properly drafted, three badges
- 1. Special Limitational Language
- so long as
- while
- until
- during PLUS
- 2. Automatic Termination (Reverter) Language
- 3. Next Taker G (or his heirs)
7Fee Simple Determinable
- Three badges
- Example
- To A so long as she remains unmarried to B,
however, if she marries B then As possession of
the premises terminates and possession of the
premises automatically reverts to G.
8Fee Simple Determinable (FSD)
- Possessory status
- Estate Family
- Defeasibility
- Mode of Defeasance
- Possibility of Reverter
- Reversionary G
- Automatic
9Defeasible Fee Simple EstatesFee Simple Subject
to a Condition Subsequent
- Duration
- Defeasible Fee Simple which is cut short by
operation of a condition subsequent stipulated by
grantor. - Transferability
- By deed (gift or sale)
- By will (devise)
- By intestacy (descent)
10Fee Simple Subject to a Condition Subsequent
- If properly drafted, three badges
- 1. Conditional Language
- upon condition that
- provided that
- provided however
- but if PLUS
- 2. Non-automatic termination language gives
Grantor the power to enter and take possession
the premises. - 3. Next taker G (or her heirs)
11Fee Simple Subject to a Condition Subsequent
- Three badges
- Example
- To A on condition that she remains unmarried to
B, however, if she marries B then the Grantor may
enter and take possession of Blackacre.
12Fee Simple Subject to a Condition Subsequent
- Possessory status
- Estate Family
- Defeasibility
- Mode of Defeasance
- Power of Termination (POT) aka Right of Entry
(ROE) - Reversionary G
- Non-Automatic
13Defeasible Fee Simple EstatesFee Simple Subject
to an Executory Limitation
- Duration
- Defeasible Fee Simple which expires by operation
of a special limitation which shifts possession
to someone other than the Grantor. - Transferability
- By deed (gift or sale)
- By will (devise)
- By intestacy (descent)
14Fee Simple Subject to an Executory Limitation
- If properly drafted, three badges
- 1. Special Limitational Language PLUS
- 2. Automatic Termination Language PLUS
- 3. Next taker Third Party (not G)
15Fee Simple Subject to an Executory Limitation
- Three badges
- Example
- To A while she remains unmarried to B, however,
if she marries B then Blackacre automatically
vests in C.
16Fee Simple Subject to an Executory Limitation
- Possessory status
- Estate Family
- Defeasibility
- Mode of Defeasance
- Executory Interest (EI)
- Non-Reversionary C (TP)
- Automatic
17Defeasible Fee Simple EstatesFee Simple Subject
to an Executory Interest (FSSEI)
- Duration
- Defeasible Fee Simple which is cut short by
operation of a condition subsequent that shifts
possession to someone other than the grantor. - Transferability
- By deed (gift or sale)
- By will (devise)
- By intestacy (descent)
18Fee Simple Subject to an Executory Interest
- If properly drafted, three badges
- 1. Conditional Language PLUS
- 2. Non-Automatic Right of Entry Language
- 3. Next taker Third Party (Not G)
19Fee Simple Subject to an Executory Interest
- Three badges
- Example
- To A on condition that she remains unmarried to
B, however if she marries B then C may enter and
take possession of Blackacre.
20Fee Simple Subject to an Executory Interest
- Possessory status
- Estate Family
- Defeasibility
- Mode of Defeasance
- Executory Interest (EI)
- Non-Reversionary C (TP)
- Non-Automatic
21Four Defeasible Fees A Grid
- How defeased? SL CS
- Who takes next?
- (Not G)
22Limitations vs Conditions Does It Matter?
- Blackacre to my dear
- wife, A, until she
- remarries but should
- she remarry, the
- premises shall auto-
- matically vest in my
- children.
- A
- Children
- G
- Blackacre to my dear
- wife, A, but if she
- remarries, my children
- may enter and possess
- the premises.
- A
- Children
- G