Title: CDM and project overview
1 Carbon Trading opportunities for Power
sector 3rd Aug 2006
Pamposh Bhat Head, GTZ CDM - India Indo German
Energy Programme Bureau of Energy Efficiency
2Carbon Trading
Global Carbon Market- 415 - 1250 MTCO2/ yr CDM
- 150 MTCO2/ yr worth 750 - 1500 million Euro
w.r.t current prices of 5-10 Euro/t CO2 Source
Grubb 2003
3CDM Process
4CDM in India
- India Signed Kyoto Protocol in December, 1997
ratified in August, 2002 - Established DNA in December 2003
- Effective institutional framework is established
with proactive DNA which issues Host Country
Approval in 60 days of the project submission - Active participation of the private sector
- India has consolidated its position among
non-Annex-I Countries in CDM implementation
5GTZ CDM India CB activities
- Established GTZ CDM - India office in August 2003
in collaboration with BEE - Capacity building of project consultants other
stakeholders - Provided financial support to project developers
for preparation of PDDs - Trained upto 50 consultants to develop PDDs as
per UNFCCC guidelines. - Organized three Capacity Building missions for
different sectors Cement, Pulp Paper, Iron
Steel, Power, Petrochemical (Reliance IOC), - Established Technical Cell in Climate Change
Division, MoEF, Govt. of India. - Developed and maintaining the website of Indian
National CDM Authority along with project
portfolio. www.envfor.nic.in/cdm - Developing a standard Emission Reduction Sellers
Agreement which will be made available on the
NCDMA website www.cdmindia.com - Provides free advisory services evaluation of
new CDM Projects long term MoU with CMA, RIL,
6 Contn
- MOU with Cement Manufacturing Association for
technical cooperation upto 2008 - Help build capacity of Reliance Industries Lmt
- In-house CDM cell established resulting
- 4 Projects accorded for the host country
approval (HCA) - 24 Potential Projects identified, Business
Diversification - Management decision taken to explore CDM
opportunities for all new future projects - National power tariff policy guidelines for CDM
published - Consultants to NTPC for developing PDD
methodology of two projects, RM and new
supercritical Thermal power Project . - Ministry of Power/Central Electricity Authority
instructed PSUs to examine the CDM potential in
all new POWER projects - Development of national baseline for power
sector with CEA. - Capacity building in Rural Electrification
Corporation, MOP to examine CDM potential in all
future projects.Policy decision recorded. - Linkage established between gtz cdm with KFW TA
grant to REC.
7Indian CDM Projects- Summary
- No of DNA approved Projects -330
- No of Registered Projects -79
- No of Projects Requested for Registration-32
- Projects under Validation Stage- 200
- CERs Issued from Indian Projects -6,114,592
8CDM Statistics (as on 17th March 2006)
Projects registered 142 Of which located in
India 28
Issue 1 PDD Development
- Need for better quality, transparent
comprehensive documentation of the projects for
CDM approval - Removal of deficiencies in the existing PDD
development scenario to reduce the risk of
approval processes at DOE/ EB level - Encourage inhouse capacity building of larger
corporates, PSUs, institutions, chamber of
commerces, industry associations, Co-ops
Issue 2 Challenges to integrate CDM Business
with main business
- Requirement of in-house capacity building
programmes - Training and development of specialized human
resource for CDM for reaching out to all Indian
industry sectors - Organizing biannual, certified CDM managers
training programme with support of international
assistance - Integrating CDM into mandatory energy audits
under the Energy Conservation Act of GoI
Issue 3 Project Investment Issue
- Number of Bilateral CDM projects need to be
increased with more foreign investment for
project funding
Issue 6 Imbalance in CERs Demand Supply
- To prevent opportunistic buying of cheap CERs
from India - More dedicated Annex I capacity building funds
need to be allocated for creating awareness
disseminate information about CDM opportunities
among industry sectors - Carbon asset financing is not attractive any more
as cheap bait for sourcing projects, since the
number of informed Indian CDM developers
increases fast
13 Who are the Buyers?
- EU ETS Compliance Buyers Companies obliged to
reduce CO2 emissions under the EU Emissions
Trading Scheme - Private Carbon Funds Financial institutions or
other firms purchasing CERs in order to sell to
clients or third parties with compliance needs
under the EU ETS or another regime. - National carbon funds Government-backed funds
purchasing CERs to meet national compliance
obligations under the Kyoto Protocol.
143 Billion (INR 17,500 crore) Committed to Buy
Source State of the Carbon Market 2005, The
World Bank, Washington, DC USA
15 Who are the Sellers?
- Project developers include
- Private industrials
- Metals
- Cement
- Chemicals
- Pulp paper
- Independent / Public power producers
- Wind
- Hydro
- Biomass
- Municipalities
16Over 200 Projects Registered with the CDM
17450 Million CERs Expected from CDM Registered
Projects Until 2012
18 The Role of Intermediaries
- Elaborate a sales / purchase strategy (sell / buy
side) - When to sell?
- At what price?
- Penalties and other conditions
- What type of buyer?
- Facilitate the transaction (sell / buy side)
- Find a suitable Buyer
- Structure the transaction
- Execute the contract
- Assist with contract implementation (sell / buy
side) - Regular reporting
- Operational support
- Troubleshooting
19 Sales Strategy (1)
Analyze the risks associated with the project?
- 3. Counterparty risk
- Credit risk of the Seller
- Fraud / willful misconduct
- Country risk
- 4. Market risk
- Price
- Fungibility of CERs
- 1. Registration risk
- Baseline methodology
- Validation
- Host country approval
- Registration by EB
- 2. Performance risk
- Completion (construction)
- Technology
- Resource availability
- Force majeure (e.g., floods)
20 Sales Strategy (2)
- Intermediaries support Sellers / Buyers in
deciding - When to sell / buy before or after
registration? - Whether to sell / buy at a fixed or floating
price? - What price to expect?
- How much to sell / buy everything or forward or
some on the spot market? - Who to sell to / buy from nature of the
counterparty? - What delivery guarantees should be provided /
required? - Whether to give / take any up-front financing?
21 Historical CER prices
- Registered project w/ a firm delivery guarantee
- Registered project w/o a firm delivery guarantee
- Non-registered project with no delivery guarantee
22 Implementing the ERPA
- Once the ERPA is signed, the game is not over!
CERs still need to be delivered - Intermediaries are often asked to support Buyer /
Seller in faciliating contract implementation b/c
they know both Parties - Quarterly or biannual reports
- Project performance
- Projected emissions reductions
- Changes in credit status of the Seller / Buyer
- Opeational support
- Facilitate communication with the CDM EB and
national authority - Faciliate communication between Buyer / Seller
and verifier of emissions reductions - Troubleshooting
- Faciliate exchange of information between Buyer
and Seller to avoid mis-understandings - Problem solving
- Strong demand for CERs many Buyers many
transactions in the last 2 years - CER prices have been increasing and are
stabilizing between 10-15 / t CO2, depending on
project type, counterparty, and timing of sale - CDM transactions are complex, and require
detailed structuring and tailoring to the
project, Buyer and Seller needs / preferences - Intermediaries perform a valuable function in
bringing willing Buyers and Sellers together, and
help to structure, execute and even implement
24Thank you for your attention
Pamposh Bhat (Ms.)HeadCDM-IndiaA-33, Gulmohar
ParkNew Delhi - 110049. IndiaPh
0091-11-26611021, 26528840Fax
0091-11-26537673E-mail pbhat_at_cdmindia.comWebsit
e www.cdmindia.comNCDMA www.envfor.nic.in/cdm