Title: High Harmonic Generation in Ionization of Magnetically Dressed Atoms
1High Harmonic Generation in Ionization of
Magnetically Dressed Atoms
APS Centennial Meeting Atlanta 1999 DAMOP
Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Robert E. Wagner
- Freshman
- Intense Laser Physics Theory Unit
- Illinois State University
- Undergrad researchers
- P. Peverly, electron dynamics
- J. Braun, quantum simulations
- J. Csesznegi, graphics
- T. Shepherd, animations
- Advisors
- Profs. Q. Su, R. Grobe
- Support
- National Science Foundation
- Research Corporation
- ISU Honors Program
3Scattered Light Spectra in Ionization
? ? ?
4Relativistic Newton Equations
- RK-4 variable step size simulation
- Spectra of scattered light
5Non-relativistic regime E lt 1 a.u.
? L ?L M ?a (L M odd)
? L ?L (L odd) Shifted atomic lines
Laser Intensity
w wL Rapid ionization
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9Relativistic regime E gt 1 a.u.
? L ?L (L even odd)
Laser Intensity
Relativistic redshift
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13Magnetically dressed atoms
Perturbative regime E lt 0.1 a.u.
Non-rel. strong field 0.1 lt E lt 1.0 a.u.
Laser Intensity
Relativistic magnetic resonances E gt 1.0 a.u.
14Non-rel. Perturbative Regime E lt 0.1
w L wL M w N w-
(L M N odd)
W Cyclotron frequency
15Analytically Soluble Model
analytical exact
16Relativistic Magnetic Resonances
Typical Orbit
Maximum displacement
How do the spectra evolve as a function of W?
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- W0 -gt main features understood - Analytical
model -gt retardation effects in spectra - Novel
rel. resonances enhance higher harmonics -
Challenges ahead coherence, quantum aspects...
R. E. Wagner, Q. Su and R. Grobe, Phys. Rev. A