Whether the vibration is one of stretching or bending ... interesting molecules are not diatomic, and mechanical or electronic factors ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
The intensity of an IR band is affected by two primary factors
Whether the vibration is one of stretching or bending
Electronegativity difference of the atoms involved in the bond
For both effects, the greater the change in dipole moment in a given vibration or bend, the larger the peak
The greater the difference in electronegativity between the atoms involved in bonding, the larger the dipole moment
Typically, stretching will change dipole moment more than bending
It is important to make note of peak intensities to show the effect of these factors
Strong (s) peak is tall, transmittance is low
Medium (m) peak is mid-height
Weak (w) peak is short, transmittance is high
Broad (br) if the Gaussian distribution is abnormally broad
(this is more for describing a bond that spans many energies)
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
We have learned
That IR radiation can couple with the vibration of covalent bonds, where that particular vibration causes a change in dipole moment
The IR spectrometer irradiates a sample with a continuum of IR radiation those photons that can couple with the vibrating bond elevate it to the next higher vibrational energy level (increase in A)
When the bond relaxes back to the n0 state, a photon of the same n is emitted and detected by the spectrometer the spectrometer reports this information as a spectral band centered at the n of the coupling
The position of the spectral band is dependent on bond strength and atomic size
The intensity of the peak results from the efficiency of the coupling e.g. vibrations that have a large change in dipole moment create a larger electrical field with which a photon can couple more efficiently
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Remember, most interesting molecules are not diatomic, and mechanical or electronic factors in the rest of the structure may effect an IR band
From a molecular point of view (discounting phase, temperature or other experimental effects) there are 10 factors that contribute to the position, intensity and appearance of IR bands
Mechanical Coupling
Fermi Resonance
Hydrogen Bonding
Ring Strain
Electronic Effects
Constitutional Isomerism
Conformational Isomerism
Tautomerism (Dynamic Isomerism)
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Symmetry H2O
For a particular vibration to be IR active there must be a change in dipole moment during the course of the particular vibration
For example, the carbonyl vibration causes a large shift in dipole moment, and therefore an intense band on the IR spectrum
For a symmetrical acetylene, it is clear that there is no permanent dipole at any point in the vibration of the C?C bond. No IR band appears on the spectrum
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Symmetry H2O
Most organic molecules are fortunately asymmetric, and bands are observed for most molecular vibration
The symmetry problem occurs most often in small, simple symmetric and pseudo-symmetric alkenes and alkynes
Since symmetry elements cancel the presence of bonds where no dipole is generated, the spectra are greatly simplified
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Symmetry H2O
Symmetry also effects the strength of a particular band
The symmetry problem occurs most often in small, simple symmetric and pseudo-symmetric alkenes and alkynes
Since symmetry elements cancel the presence of bonds where no dipole is generated, the spectra are greatly simplified
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Mechanical Coupling
In a multi-atomic molecule, no vibration occurs without affecting the adjoining bonds
This induces mixing and redistribution of energy states, yielding new energy levels, one being higher and one lower in frequency
Coupling parts must be approximate in E for maximum interaction to occur (i.e. C-C and C-N are similar, C-C and H-N are not)
No interaction is observed if coupling parts are separated by more than two bonds
Coupling requires that the vibration be of the same symmetry
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Mechanical Coupling
For example, the calculated and observed n for most CC bonds is around 1650 cm-1
Butadiene (where the two CC systems are separated by a dissimilar C-C bond) the bands are observed at 1640 cm-1 (slight reduction due to resonance, which we will discuss later)
In allene however, mechanical coupling of the two CC systems gives two IR bands at 1960 and 1070 cm-1 due to mechanical coupling
For purposes of this course, when we discuss the group frequencies, we will point out when this occurs
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Fermi Resonance
A Fermi Resonance is a special case of mechanical coupling
It is often called an accidental degeneracy
In understanding this, for many IR bands, there are overtones of the fundamental (the ns you are taught) at twice the wavenumber
In a good IR spectrum of a ketone (2-hexanone, here) you will see a CO stretch at 1715 cm-1 and a small peak at 3430 cm-1 for the overtone
overtone fundamental 11
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Fermi Resonance
Ordinarily, most overtones are so weak as not to be observed
But, if the overtone of a particular vibration coincides with the band from another vibration, they can couple and cause a shift in group frequency and introduce extra bands
If you first looked at the IR (working cold) of benzoyl chloride, you may deduce that there were two dissimilar CO bonds in the molecule
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Fermi Resonance
In this spectrum, the out of plane bend of the aromatic C-H bonds occurs at 865 cm-1 the overtone of this band coincides with the fundamental of CO at 1730 cm-1
The band is split by Fermi resonance (1760 and 1720 cm-1)
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Fermi Resonance
Again, we will cover instances of this in the discussion of group frequencies, but this occurs often in IR of organics
Most observed
Aldehydes the overtone of the C-H deformation mode at 1400 cm-1 is always in Fermi resonance with the stretch of the same band at 2800 cm-1
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Hydrogen Bonding
One of the most common effects in chemistry, and can change the shape and position of IR bands
Internal (intramolecular) H-bonding with carbonyl compounds can serve to lower the absorption frequency
1680 cm-1 1724 cm-1 15
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Hydrogen Bonding
Inter-molecular H-bonding serves to broaden IR bands due to the continuum of bond strengths that result from autoprotolysis
Compare the two IR spectra of 1-propanol the first is an IR of a neat liquid sample, the second is in the gas phase note the shift and broadening of the O-H stretching band
Gas phase Neat liquid 16
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Hydrogen Bonding
Some compound, in addition to intermolecular effects for the monomeric species can form dimers and oligomers which are also observed in neat liquid samples
Carboxylic acids are the best illustrative example the broadened O-H stretching band will be observed for the monomer, dimer and oligomer
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Ring Strain
Certain functional group frequencies can be shifted if one of the atoms hybridization is affected by the constraints of bond angle in ring systems
Consider the CO band for the following cycloalkanones
1815 1775 1750 1715 1705 cm-1
We will discuss the specific cases for these shifts during our coverage of group frequencies
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Electronic Effects - Inductive
The presence of a halogen on the a-carbon of a ketone (or electron w/d groups) raises the observed frequency for the p-bond
Due to electron w/d the carbon becomes more electron deficient and the p-bond compensates by tightening
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Electronic Effects - Resonance
One of the most often observed effects
Contribution of one of the less good resonance forms of an unsaturated system causes some loss of p-bond strenght which is seen as a drop in observed frequency
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Electronic Effects - Resonance
In extended conjugated systems, some resonance contributors are out-of-sync and do not resonate with a group
IR Spectroscopy
I. Introduction
The IR Spectrum Factors that affect group frequencies
Electronic Effects - Sterics
Consider this example
In this case the presence of the methyl group misaligns the conjugated system, and resonance cannot occur as efficiently
The effects of induction, resonance and sterics are very case-specific and can yield a great deal of information about the electronic structure of a molecule