Title: CyberPR and dynamic touch
1Cyber-PR and dynamic touch
- Chris Galloway
- Monash University
2Mobility means communication professionals should
no longer think simply in terms of delivering
content to static devices
3Communicators need a new form of cultural
literacy a grammar of navigation for the new
4There are parallel universes people making
too much money doing things the old way to engage
with the new
5Abbreviated Spontaneous Co-ordination of
relationships Meet emotional needs
6Conventional ways of relating to publics no
longer sufficient
7Dynamic touch creating experiences that
stimulate feelings such as connectedness and
8PR people may need to design such experiences
along with other campaign tactics
9Examples of cyber-haptics SMS polling, online
games, web presences that invite telephone or
live chat as well as email dialogue
10Dynamic communicative touch can stimulate
impressions of a whole e.g. an organisation, even
though the experience is only partial
11For PR people, this means going well beyond the
bounds of business as usual
12Note, cyberspace can be defined as the whole
experience available through computer networks
13PR people have mostly sought simply to translate
questions of communication efficiency to
cyberspace e.g. integrating the internet into
investor relations activities
14Cyber-PR as dynamic communicative touch may be
only one part of a campaign but cannot be
ignored (PR cant leave the field to the
15Idea of target publics needs to be re-thought
on several grounds
16PR needs both to design communicative touch
experiences as well as advocacy positions based
on a rational case
17Idol contest example touching contestants,
being touched by the contest with a
well-designed commercial objective in mind
18In a crowded media market, peripheral cues may be
needed more than the central route to persuasion
19Public relations as dynamic touch provided
through constructed experiences directed at
subjects fitting target profiles can help build
desired meanings in those subjects
20Old models of PR campaign planning need to be
revised while conventional planning remains
valuable, it may be insufficient to reach
postmodern audiences
21PR people need to take more seriously the
relations descriptor of their profession
22What kind of relations can communication
professionals have with mobile publics?
23Cyber-PR and dynamic touch Thank you