Title: Mixed Signal Coupling in Integrated Circuits
1Grounding Principles in Mixed-Signal
Board Docent Li-Rong Zheng Prof. Hannu
Tenhunen Laboratory of Electronics and Computer
Systems Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH) SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden (lrzheng_at_imit.kth.se
- Simultaneous switching noise (SSN)
- Non-ideal return path
- Ground-referenced and power referenced signals
- Grounding principles
3Simultaneous switching noise (SSN)
4Simultaneous switching noise Component Level
5Simultaneous Switching Noise Component and Board
6Ground noise generation mechanism
7CMOS output driver
8Power Supply Noise and Signal Delay
9Non-Ideal Return Path
10Return Path of Signals
11Signal Traversing a Ground gap
12Modeling a signal traversing a gap
(in nH)
D in cm
13Non-ideal Return Path
14Signal that Change Reference Planes
15Ground-Referenced and Power Referenced Signals
16Ground Referenceand/or Power reference
Dual referenced signal reduces the current
through decoupling capacitor
17Ground Reference or Power Reference
18Ground Reference or Power Reference
19Grounding Principles for Mixed-Signal Systems
20Noise coupling through common impedance
21Common earth-return current coupling
22Single point vs. multipoint ground system
23Single point ground systems
24Hybrid ground systems
25Ground loop
26Functional ground layout
27AC vs. DC ground loops
28Inductance on ground loops (split-plane ground)
- Ground return cannot image to signal flow path
and will cause an extra inductance. - This inductance will cause switching noise
voltage on ground (LdI/dt). - If other pins share the same ground, crosstalk is
also introduced. - Common mode ground noise will result to common
mode emission in case of drivers for cables/wires
are connected to the same ground - Resulting current loop can generate differential
mode emission
29Inductance on ground loops (daugther cards)
30Ground loop elimination techniques
31I/O decoupling and shielding
32I/O decoupling and shielding
33Component placement on interconnect substrate
34Quiet I/O ground
35Reduction of loop areas
36Use of image planes to reduce radiated emission
37Grounding concepts