Title: A Triple Helix Model in the Global Innovation Agenda
1A Triple Helix Model in the Global Innovation
- Henry EtzkowitzTriple Helix Research
GroupNewcastle University Business School
2Triple Helix Thesis
- University plays leading role in Knowledge-based
Society shift from secondary to primary
institutional sphere - From laissez faire and statist innovation models
in different countries to hybrid model of
relatively equal intersecting Institutional
Spheres - Institutional Spheres taking the role of the
other in addition to traditional roles e.g.,
university forming firms government as venture
capitalist industry raising training to higher
3Hybrid Triple Helix Model
Innovation at the Intersection of Institutional
4Origin of the Triple Helix Concept Transition
from Industrial to Knowledge Age
- Keynesian Response to 1930s Depression Using
Existing Productive Capacities - Forestalling 00s Depression
- Triple Helix Strategy to Create New Productive
5From Repository to Generator of Innovation
- Origins of Science Park Unintended Consequence
of University Led Firm Formation - Attractor of Government Labs and Firm RD Units
- Renewal of Science Park Site of Entrepreneurial
Universities and Incubator Facilities
6The Entrepreneurial University
- The Second Academic Revolution entrepreneurship,
incubation and firm-formation as third academic
mission -
- The Entrepreneurial University can be built on a
teaching as well as a research university base
each academic mission instigates and reinforces
the other
7Governments optimum role
- Balance-wheel in downturn government
incentivising new industries as well as renewing
old ones - Ability to create funding schemes for RD and
Public Venture Capital - Picking Winners e.g. UK Air Ministry Fighter
Procurement in 1930s, general Specifications, a
few picks, Hurricane and Spitfire -
8The evolution of the firm
- From hierarchical to Lateral Formats
- Smaller firms with flatter structures less
middle management - Knowledge-based start-ups with high-growth and
job creation potential - Engines for regional development through
participation in research-intensive Clusters and
Networks - Foundation of Start-up Universities in
Developing Countries for firm creation -
9Triple Helix Spaces
- Linking knowledge, innovation, governance and
10Knowledge space
- Critical mass of research resources
- Underutilized Potential in Universities and
Research Institutes - Key regional RD actors
- Key policies and programmes on human resources
for RD and research infrastructures
11Consensus space
- Neutral ground to Generate Ideas and Strategies
- Triple Helix Meeting Place - Formal and informal networks as basis for
generating support for new projects - Leadership emerging from various Triple Helix
12Innovation space
- Regional Innovation Organizer (RIO)
- Creation of hybrid organizations Venture Capital
Firms, Science Parks, Incubators - Formulation of policies IPR, Fiscal measures for
RD, Public/private partnerships
13 Circulation of Individuals in Triple Helix
14Newcastle Innovations
- Professors of Practice
- Researchers of Practice
- Novum Trivium
15Newcastle University Professors of Practice
- Turns traditional teaching PoP model into
research model - ½ time in Firm and ½ time in University
- PhDs who have started firms, developed advanced
research ideas not appropriate for firm more
suitable to university - Entrepreneurial Role Models for students and
faculty - Develop larger scale projects and strengthen
links with business community
16Researchers of Practice
- 1/2 time in Academic Unit e.g. Business School,
Engineering, Medicine etc - 1/2 time in Tech Transfer office
- Mentored by PoPs
- PoPs RoPs A seamless web from firm to
university and within University from academic to
business development sides - Hypothesis more productive than traditional
academics 2 sources of inspiration
17Novum Trivium
- Model for reform of undergraduate education
- Update classical Trivium of grammar, rhetoric and
dialectics - Structure
- A Traditional Discipline
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Another Language and Culture
18Hadrians Valley
- Create critical mass by linking regional
resources - Oresund Copenhagen/Skane Linking cross border
regions, Infrastructure Icon Bridge - Hadrians Valley Scotland/Northeast UK,
Infrastructure Icon e.g. High-Speed Rail
19The Triple Helix University-Industry-Government
Innovation in ActionLondon Routledge, 2008