Title: ClearStack Combustion Corporation
1August 17 - 19, 2005 Henry B. Gonzalez Convention
Convention Center San Antonio, Texas
Multi-Pollutant Emissions Control Ashworth
Combustor Retrofit to AEG Hutsonville Unit 4
ClearStack Combustion Corporation Bob
Ashworth Ameren Services Tom Callahan Promecon
USA Todd Sommer
2Ashworth Combustor Features
PC- fired, 3-Stage Combustor Limestone
addition ( slag fluxing, S Hg capture )
NOX emissions lt 0.15 lb/106 Btu SO2
reduction 70 Mercury reduction ( 90 wt
) Particulate other metal air toxic
reductions HCL, HF SO3 reductions
CO2 reduction w/biomass co-firing Fly
ash/slag sales
T- Fired Application
3Lincoln Developmental Center
Ashworth 3-Stage Combustor on LDC Unit 2
4Environmental Performance _at_ LDC
Firing Illinois 5 Bituminous Coal
NOX Low as 0.095 lb/106 Btu
SO2 1.70 lb/106 Btu _at_ Ca/S ratio of 0.85
(72 Reduction) CO 15 - 30 ppmv _at_3 O2
dry Hg
Near quantitative removal Carbon Slag
0.2 wt C, Fly Ash 5 wt C)
Chlorine/Fluorine 14 Cl 26 F Reduction
Other Air Metal Toxic Reductions 80 to 100
5 Engineering Assessment
Ashworth Combustor Retrofit to AEG Hutsonville
Boiler 6 - Unit 4 (85 MWe Tangential Coal-Fired
Boiler) Funded by IL CCRB, ClearStack
AEG Assessment Performed by ClearStack Promecon
USA Alstom United Conveyor Sargent and Lundy AEG
6 Boiler 6 Retrofit
Location of OFA nozzles ( 4-corners )
Hot Air to 2nd Stage
3- Ashworth Gasifiers
Hot Air to 1st Stage
3-Corner Gasifier Firing, w/4-corner OFA
7 Ashworth Gasifier Conceptual Design
BFW Headers
Fuel gas Outlet
Coal Entry
8 Simple Gasifier Furnace Integration
- Gasifier cooling integrated with BFW heating
- 1. Replaces last stage BFW extraction
steam heater - (Increases capacity by 3.5 MWe)
- 2. Placed between economizer outlet and
steam drum - Slag sluiced from gasifiers using condenser
outlet water - Use existing pressure vessel for steam-water
separator required for startup
9Tangential Swirl Effect
Velocity, fps
10Temperature Profile
In detail design phase we will evaluate tiltable
2nd stage air to increase outlet temperature.
11Oxygen Distribution
O2, wt
12Carbon Monoxide Distribution
CO, ppmwd
160 - 250 ppmw
7- 8 ppmw
13Nitrogen Oxide Distribution
NOX, ppmv dry
NOX, ppmv dry
Outlet 86 ppmvd 0.095 lb/106 Btu
Outlet 481 ppmvd 0.53 lb/106 Btu
14SO2, Hg and Particulate Capture
- Projected Sulfur Capture 72
- CaO H2S CaS? H2O
- Projected Mercury Capture 90 to 100
- Cao Hgo CaoHgo?
- CaO HgO CaHgO2?
- Particulate capture estimated at 65 via CFD
With the Ashworth Combustor, significant
operating savings occur because it is a
multi-pollutant device that can take credits for
the reduction of three major air pollutants (NOX,
SO2 and Hg), not just one as with most
technologies. There is a potential to also
receive refined coal tax credits (over 5/ton).
This is true for any unit installed before the
end of 2009. The technology is initially
earmarked for the retrofit of coal-fired power
plants having capacities of 200 MWe and less due
to the unfavorable economics of adding Selective
Catalytic Reduction, Wet Scrubbers, and Activated
Carbon Injection followed by a Baghouse, to
comply with current and future EPA emission