Title: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
1Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Student Edition
- Based on a presentation by Stevens Dormezil and
Jesse Owen - Created by Brett Ader
- Edited by Dr. Kay Picart
2Why does Nietzsche use the terms Dionysiac and
Apollonian? Write a brief response.
3Can you make any comparisons with dreams and
intoxication? Write a concise answer below,
using the text.
4What are some artistic elements of dreams? Give
5What are some artistic elements of intoxicative
experience found in Dionysiac art? Start with
Nietzsches examples and then your own.
6Discussion Questions
- Are there art forms that are now adequately
described by the Dionysiac-Apollonian model
described by Nietzsche? - Do you agree with Nietzsche in ignoring art
produced by other cultures other than the Greeks?
Why or why not?
7What was Nietzsches view of the Use of Intellect
for Dissimulation?
8Is the Human perspective the right perspective,
according to Nietzsche?
9Discussion Questions
- Is intuition more important than rationalization?
- Can a human claim that his perspective is the
most correct because he is able to see more
clearly with the aid of reason? - Is science more important than art in
contemporary society?