Title: JRA2: Tuneable planar photonic crystal devices
1JRA2 Tuneable planar photonic crystal devices
R. Ferrini (1) , J. Martz (1), B. Wild (2), L.A.
Dunbar (2), F. Robin (3), S. Anand (4), R. Houdré
(2), and L. Zuppiroli (1)
- Lab. dOptoélectronique des Matériaux
(3) Communication Photonics Group - Electronics
Lab. ETHZ, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland
(2) Institut de Photonique et dÉlectronique
EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
(4) Dept. of Microelectronics and Information
Technology KTH, S-16440 Kista, Sweden
Infiltration technology
The major difficulty is given by the small size
of the holes
The physical infiltration of the holes is
assisted by the capillary forces
High-vacuum chamber for infiltration experiments
- PhC surface cleaning by low-power plasma
- Working under vacuum allows one
- to empty the gaseous content of the holes
- to minimize the effects of gas trapping in the
LC mixture
- Control of temperature and gas flows
- during the infiltration procedure
If necessary Chemical surface modification
by grafting of self- assembled monolayers
(SAMs) may be used to improve LC wettability
Without SAMs
With SAMs
Liquid crystals
PhC sample
J. Martz et al., Langmuir 20 (2004), 11428.
Infiltration procedure
- Evacuation
- The chamber is heated and pumped ? 110C and 10-6
mbar - The air is evacuated from the holes
- The LC mixture is degassed
Fundamental parameters
Pressure Temperature
- Optical characterization
- Optimization
- Reliability
- Repeatability
Contact The LC mixture is deposed on the sample
surface or The sample is dropped in the reservoir
- Purification of the LC mixture
- Reduction of the LC viscosity
- Reduction of wall contamination
- by humidity residuals
- Infiltration
- The chamber is released at atmospheric pressure
- The pressure differential helps the infiltration
- Trimming and (temperature) tuning of the optical
properties of planar PhCs - by liquid crystal infiltration have been
clearly demonstrated
- The developed infiltration procedure is
reproducible and reliable
- Transmission measurements as a function of both
temperature and polarisation - are necessary to study the LC molecule
orientation inside the holes
- A phenomenological model is being developed to
confirm - the molecule orientation ? to the hole axis.
The comparison with - 2D and/or 3D FDTD calculations where nhole is
a tensor is envisaged
- The molecule orientation ? to the hole axis
opens the way - to the electrical and optical tuning