Title: Testing Lorentz Invariance with UHECR Spectrum
1Testing Lorentz Invariance with UHECR Spectrum
- Li Ye
- IHEP, CAS, Sep. 26, 2008
- Lorentz Invariant Violation and UHECR spectrum
- Theoretical UHECR spectrum
- UHECR spectrum modified by LIV
- Constraints on LIV parameter
3Lorentz Invariant Violation(LIV)
Sidney Coleman, Sheldon L. Glashow, Phys.Rev.
D59 (1999) 116008
4UHECR spectrum and GZK cutoff
- Source
- galactic gt
- extragalactic
5GZK cutoff ? Hires VS. AGASA
If AGASA, Lorentz invariant is violated?
If Hires, the energy calibration of AGASA is in
E, eV
F.W. Stecker, S.T. Scully, Astropart.Phys. 23
(2005) 203-209
6Newest Experimental results
E, eV
7Theoretical UHECR Spectrum
- Sources
- Homogeneous in space
- Power law spectrum with index
V.Berezinsky, A.Z.Gazizov, S.I.Grigorieva
Phys.Rev. D74 (2006) 043005
8Influence of LIV on spectrum
- The modified inelasticity
- of interactions
Energy loss of proton interactions with CMB
UHECR Spectrum
9Spectrum modified by LIV
10Cofidence regions
- UHECR spectrum will be modified by LIV
- Observational data can set constraint on LIV. The
result from Hires is - Experimental data with higher precision can give
better test on Lorentz Invariant
This talk is updated on Nov.30th.