Title: English for Technical Writers
1English for Technical Writers
- Lynn Beechey-Volz
- Chris Keelan
- WS 07/08
2Review and summary
- Looking back, some more practice and looking
3What was the focus of this course?
- Learning to write clearly and concisely
- Practising writing instructions, descriptions and
summariessimply - Analysing each others writing and offering
constructive criticism - Considering controlled or simplified English
4The theorists
- Handbook of Technical Writing
- Alred, Brusaw, Oliu
- They write about 5 steps in writing
5Theory (2)
- Prepare -consider the purpose, who the audience
is, what is the scope of coverage, and what
medium you are using - Research - questionnaires, reports, own
knowledge, interviews, Internet, library... - Organise - write an outline or draft of the
6Theory (3)
- Write - note it is the 4th step! Be aware of
grammar, punctuation, layout. Start with a draft
and remember the introduction and conclusion. - Revise - take time to check your writing
7Input for the lectures in this course (4)
- C. Turk and J Kirkman Effective Writing
- simplicity
- planning
- organising and using good layout in your writing
- checking style for readability
- writing instructions, descriptions,
explanations, summaries and exams
- The secret of good writing is to strip every
sentence to its cleanest components. Every word
that has no function, every long word that could
be a short word, every adverb that carries the
same meaning thats already in the verb, every
passive construction that leaves the reader
unsure of who is doing what these are the
thousand and one adulterants that weaken the
strength of a sentence. - William Zinsser
- Simplify, simplify
- Thoreau
- Analysing and revising text
- Writing instructions, process and descriptive
texts - Working individually and in groups
10Short exercises - just a reminder
- With the cover removed, tighten the screw with an
Allen key while holding the nut with a spanner
before replacing the cover - It is equally important that there should be no
seasonal changes in the procedures, as, although
aircraft fuel system icing due to water
contamination is more often met in winter it can
be equally dangerous during the summer months
11A few examples of what we can get rid of
- at this point in time
- a personal friend of mine
- Are you experiencing any pain?
- The Air Force missile impacted with the ground
prematurely - With the possible exception of
- To dialogue with someone
- due to the fact that
12Controlled languages some general rules
- Write grammatically simple sentences
- Use active not passive
- Logical sequence of actions in language (good
syntax) - One word one meaning (no synonyms)
13Controlled languages some general rules (2)
- Keep to one topic per sentence
- Keep sentences as short as possible
- Tenses Use simple present, simple past, simple
future. Avoid the gerund.
14Why use controlled languages?
- Improved readability
- Fewer errors and misunderstandings
- Reduced time for maintenance and repair
- Easier for non-native speakers
- Easier to translate
15How to make your writing readable - Using good
- You (the writer) choose material, layout, etc.
- The text its appearance, the language used.
- The reader motivation and interest .....
- What other factors affect readability?
- Organisation and layout!
16Pyramids of evidence
- According to Turk and Kirkmann
- Dont swamp your reader
- Logical or polite presentation of information.
- Title and summary Most readers
- body of report
- detailed information Few readers
- Are they complete? (explicit and exact)
- Check your assumptions
- Are there any ambiguous words - run
- Avoid relative words - back and front
- Have you used any words with double meanings
check or replace - Ambiguous grammar can be funny - The screws must
be loosened before the cables can be entered
18Class worksheet
- worksheet on verbs for instructions
19A logical order for descriptions
- ask yourself the following questions
- What is it like?
- What is it used for?
- What does it consist of?
- How does it operate?
- How do you use it?
20Descriptions - class exercise
- Describe a household object for visiting men from
Mars -) who have to guess what the object is
- Ask the questions
- Does it extend the title?
- Is it a short version giving readers pressed
for time the hard facts. - Does it focus the readers attention?
- Does it help to remember what is in the report?
22Informative summaries are best!
- HOWEVER, unfortunately, writers dont always
write like this. - they want to protect their information
- they dont want to be misinterpreted
- they think informative versions are longer
23Language for introducing information in summaries
- Approximately...
- About...
- Typically/ on average...
- A maximum of...
- If possible give precise figures.
- .....is described... leaves the reader guessing
24Your exam questions
- Mention three qualities of a technical writer.
- Why is it so important to choose your words
carefully? - Name three important points to make your writing
readable. - Why does the world need good technical writers?
25More exam questions
- Why is punctuation so important?
- Is the following statement correct?footnotes
should be placed at the end of a document give
reasons for your answer. - Write a short guideline on how to layout and
organise a text (50 words)
- Lynn.Beechey-Volz_at_hs-karlsruhe.de
- Chris.Keelan_at_hs-karlsruhe.de
- Office hours Chris F304, Lynn LI-024
- Tuesday, Thursday 1300 - 1345,
- Wednesday 1130 1215