Title: Theo Dillaha, Program Director SANREM CRSP
- Theo Dillaha, Program Director SANREM CRSP
- Office of International Research, Education, and
Development, Virginia Tech
- SANREM Past Future
- Goals and Objectives
- Programs
- Funding
- Governance
- Key M.E. Personnel
- 1991 National Research Council study to develop
a research strategy for U.S. universities to
support sustainable agriculture and natural
resource management in developing countries. - 1992 SANREM CRSP created, competed, and awarded
to University of Georgia.
- Phase I 1992-1997
- Phase II 1998-2004
- Projects
- Southeast Asia
- Andes
- West Africa
- Partners
- 15 US and host country universities
- 5 NGOs
- 6 research/extension organizations
- 6 IARCs
- Outputs
- 86 journal articles
- 84 book chapters
- 21 books
- 53 policy briefs
- 74 research reports
- 105 conference presentations
- 16 MS degrees
- 25 PhDs
- 6,291 non-degree training recipients
6SANREM Recompetition
- SANREM Phase III recompeted in 2004
- M.E. awarded to Virginia Tech
- Leader with Associate (LWA) Cooperative Agreement
- Virginia Tech is the Leader/M.E.
7Initial Phase III Partners
- Iowa State University
- North Carolina State University
- Purdue University
- Virginia Tech
- Washington State University
- Rodale Institute
- Winrock International
- University of Colorado
8Additional Phase III Partners
- Cornell University
- Florida AM
- Indiana University
- Kansas State University
- North Carolina A T
- Penn State
- Texas AM
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of Connecticut
- University of Georgia
- University of Missouri
- University of Wisconsin
9Initial Phase III Collaborating Institutions
- World Cocoa Foundation
- AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center
- CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food
- ICRAF - International Center for Research in
Agroforestry - ICRISAT - Int. Crop Research Inst. for the
Semi-Arid Tropics - IITA - International Inst. for Tropical
Agriculture - ILRI - International Livestock Research Institute
- IRRI - International Rice Research Institute
10Additional Collaborating Institutions
- CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura
Tropical - CIFOR - Center for International Forestry
Research - CIP - Centro Internacional de la Papa
- IFPRI - International Food Policy Research
Institute - Wildlife Conservation Society
- Dozens of host country colleges, universities,
national research centers, and NGOs
- Phase III award Oct. 2004 to Sept. 2009
- 2008 SANREM Review
- SANREM External Evaluation Panel
- USAID Administrative Management Review
- 2009 BIFAD and USAID will review Phase III
progress and recommend renewal, expansion, or
12Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Services CRSP?
- In 2005, USAID proposed to eliminate SANREM and
replace it with a recompeted SWES CRSP in 2009. - Decision will now be based on 2008 review.
- We need a favorable review in 2008!
13Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Services CRSP
- Proposed key topical areas
- soil conservation and fertility management
- impact of production and tillage practices on
water quality, - infiltration and hydrology
- methodologies for valuation of ecosystem
services - policy incentives and/ or payment mechanisms for
ecosystem services and - interactions between resource rights and
sustainable management. - All currently addressed by SANREM, but
- more emphasis on soil quality and water
15SANREM Objectives
- Increase stakeholder income generation,
- Empower stakeholders, particularly women,
- Enhance resource management,
- Strengthen local institutions,
- Improve market access for small-holders and
communities, and - Promote sustainable and environmentally sound
16SANREM Thesis
- Development and environmental problems must be
addressed using a nested landscape systems
approach - Field-based systems
- Farm and enterprise-based systems
- Watershed-based systems
- Ecological systems
- Governance and policy systems
17SANREM M.E. Goals
- To facilitate the research and capacity building
activities of the SANREM researchers, and - To compile and disseminate the knowledge
generated by SANREM CRSP researchers.
18Research Programs
- Immediate Activities
- Bridging Awards
- Planning Awards
- Long-Term Research Awards
- Associate Awards
- Technical Assistance
19Immediate Awards
- SANREM Knowledge Management
- Landscape Systems Coordinators and Technology
Transfer Coordinator - State of the art synthesis of SA and NRM
knowledge - Book
- 720,000 over two years
20Bridging Awards
Research capitalizing on SANREM Phase I and II
- RFA within 2 weeks
- 12 applications
- Evaluation by SANREM TC
- 4 awards for 381,042
- 3 months after startup
21Bridging Award Recipients
- Globalization, Agricultural Growth and the
Environment Consolidation and Continuity of
SANREM Research in Southeast Asia (University of
Wisconsin-Madison and Purdue University) - Sustainable Land Use and Biodiversity
Conservation in the Andes Scaling-Up
SANREM-Andes Research (University of Georgia). - Analysis Required for Payments for Watershed
Environmental Services (Ohio State University) - Metadata Development for the SANREM Knowledge
Base (Virginia Tech)
22Planning Awards
- Funding for travel to host countries to
- Identify research needs
- Consult with potential partners, stakeholders,
USAID Missions and Bureaus - Develop collaborative research plans
23Planning Awards
- RFA within 3 months
- Worldwide distribution
- 74 applications
- 18 awards for 700,000
- External Review Panel
- 6 months after startup
24Long-Term Research Awards
- RFA within 3 months
- 28 applications
- 10 without Planning Awards
- External Evaluation Panel
- 5 awards for 6,000,000
- 15 months after startup
25Long-Term Research Awards
- Decentralization Reforms Property Rights
Potentials and Puzzles for Forest Sustainability
and Livelihoods - Developing a Participatory Socio-Economic Model
for Food Security, Improved Rural Livelihoods,
Watershed Management, and Biodiversity
Conservation in Southern Africa - Watershed-based Natural Resource Management in
Small-scale Agriculture Sloped Areas of the
Andean Region - Adapting to Change in the Andean Highlands
Practices and Strategies to Address Climate and
Market Risks in Vulnerable Agro-Ecosystems - Agroforestry and Sustainable Vegetable Production
in Southeast Asian Watersheds
26Associate Awards
- Additional potential funding from USAID
Missions/Bureaus - Up to 5 million in Cooperative Agreement
really no limit - Chris Kosnik will discuss in more detail later.
27Technical Assistance
- Approximately 50,000/year to provide technical
assistance related to SA and NRM to USAID
Missions/Bureaus. - Funds can only be expended in response to
specific Mission requests.
28SANREM Knowledge Base
- A web-based knowledge management system that
- Creates metadata for SA and NRM knowledge
resources. - Channels SA NRM knowledge to users worldwide.
- All SANREM partners must contribute to the SANREM
Knowledge Base. - More details from Conrad Heatwole tomorrow.
29SANREM Budget Overview
90 of non ME expenses
30SANREM Budget Outlook
- Budget OK for FY 2007
- Budget outlook for FY 2008 and beyond may be
challenging. - USAID indicating possible reductions in CRSP
funding of 20 in FY 2008. - Possibility of additional funding in FY 2008 to
support soil quality research activities when/if
the Soil Management CRSP ends in FY 2007.
31SANREM Governance
- Board of Directors
- Technical Committee
- Landscape System Coordinators
- Research Activity Committees
- External Evaluation Panel
- Policy and Operating Procedures Manual
32Board of Directors
- Provides policy-level advice to the M.E. in
conformance with the CRSP Guidelines.
33Board of Directors
- Alton Thompson, NC AT (Chairperson)
- David Acker, Iowa State
- Robert Bates, Washington State
- James Lowenberg-DeBoer, Purdue
- Sharron Quisenberry, Virginia Tech
- Mark Rosegrant, IARC Representative
- L. George Wilson, NCSU
- International Representative Unfilled
- Ex-Officio Members
- Chris Kosnik (Voting), USAID
- S.K. De Datta (Ex-Officio), Administrative PI
- Theo Dillaha (Ex-Officio), Program Director
- Keith Moore (Ex-Officio), Assoc. Program Director
34Technical Committee
- Review the research, training, and technology
transfer progress - Assess the research outcomes and impacts of the
SANREM CRSP - Propose modifications in the program
35Technical Committee
- Andrew Manu, Iowa State
- Paul Mueller, NCSU
- Gerald Shively, Purdue (Chairperson)
- Chris Pannkuk, Washington State
- Saied Mostaghimi, Virginia Tech
- Barry Shapiro, ICRISAT
- Devona Bell, Winrock International
- Maria Elisa Christie, Gender Spec., Virginia Tech
- Host-country representative - unfilled
- Ex-Officio Members
- Chris Kosnik, USAID CTO
- S.K. De Datta, Administrative PI
- Theo Dillaha, Program Director
- Keith Moore, Associate Program Director
- Mike Bertelsen, Policy/Economics Coordinator
36Landscape System Coordinators
- Develop the SANREM knowledge base in their system
area - Coordinate planning and other activities for
their respective system, and - Facilitate cross-system planning and activities
- Serve on Technical Committee
- Future?
37Landscape System Coordinators
- Field-based systems, Paul Mueller, NCSU
- Farm/enterprise-based systems, Chris Pannkuk,
Washington State - Watershed-based systems, Saied Mostaghimi, VT
- Ecological systems, Andrew Manu, Iowa Sate
- Governance/policy systems, Jerry Shively, Purdue.
- Technology Transfer Coordinator, Devona Bell,
38Research Activity Committees
- Plan and implement individual SANREM CRSP-funded
long-term research activities. - Chaired by Research Activity Leader, a PI from
the lead US university - Need to let M.E. know who is a member of each RAC
and who the Research Activity Leader is.
39External Evaluation Panel
- Evaluate, rank, and recommend activities for
SANREM support. - Conduct an annual review of SANREM funded
activities. - Conduct an in-depth year 3 review of long-term
research activities. - Identify inadequate, irrelevant, or marginal
40External Evaluation Panel
- Robyn Burnham, University of Michigan (ecologist)
- Kathleen Galvin, Colorado State (Anthropologist)
- Richard Harwood, (Chair), formerly Michigan
State, Rodale, Winrock, CGIAR (Agronomist) - Don Winkelmann, former Director General of CIMMYT
and Chair of CGIAR Technical Advisory Committee
41Policy and Operating Procedures (POP) Manual
- Purpose
- Ensure that the SANREM CRSP operates in a
consistent and efficient manner to promote SA
NRM research, training and technology transfer. - Available from SANREM website.
42SANREM ME Personnel
- S.K. De Datta, Administrative PI
- Theo Dillaha, Program Director
- Keith M. Moore, Associate Program Director
- Michael Bertelsen, Economic and Policy Impact
Assessment Coordinator - Maria Elisa Christie, Gender Equity Coordinator
- John Lipovsky, Program Coordination Assistant
- Kirk Neal, Communications Specialist/Editor
43Administrative PI S.K. De Datta
- Administrative and financial oversight of the
SANREM CRSP, monitoring conformance with
university and USAID procedures - Supervise the core management team
- Serve as a scientific resource for the program,
including non-voting ex-officio membership on the
TC and Board.
44Program Director Theo Dillaha
- Facilitate activities of research partners
- Technical, administrative, and budgetary
oversight - Coordinate preparation of the annual reports,
work-plans and budgets - Develop and implement activity monitoring and
evaluation procedures - Solicit supplemental resources (Associate
Awards) - Coordinate technical assistance activities
- Non-voting member of the BOD and TC
- Implement Board policies and recommendations and
- SANREM representative to USAID/W, CRSP Council,
and internationally.
45Biodiversity Conservation inAgriculture
Symposium  PUNTACANA Resort and ClubPunta Cana,
Dominican RepublicMay 31-June 2, 2006 Organized
by the Virginia Tech Office of International
Research, Education, and Developmentwith funding
from the United States Agency for International