Title: Event Shapes in NC DIS at ZEUS
1Event Shapes in NC DIS at ZEUS
- Alexander A. Savin
- University of Wisconsin
- On Behalf of the ZEUS Collaboration
- DIS 2006, Tsukuba, Japan
2HERA Kinematic Variables
- Breit Frame Definition
- q 2xBP 0
Q2, xBj, y
27.5 GeV
920 GeV
ZEUS 98-00 (82.2 pb-1) 80 lt Q2 lt 20 840 GeV2
0.0024 lt x lt 0.6 DESY-06-042, hep-ex/0604032
3Power Corrections
- Use power corrections to correct for
non-perturbative effects in infrared and
collinear safe event shape variable.
Used to determine the hadronization corrections
Universal non-perturbative constant
Similar for the means and differential
4Analysis Method
- Test validity of the power correction method by
extracting - from a fit to the data.
- For means NLO PC as a function of Q
- For differentials NLO NLL PC in bins of
- Hessian method was used
5Event-shape variables
Sums are over all momenta in the current
hemisphere of the Breit frame
6Mean Event Shapes
- Comparison with the ARIADNE
- Parton level should be taken as indicative only
7Mean Event Shapes
- Results of the NLOPC fit
- Simultaneous fit for ?s and ?0
- Each shape fit separately
- NLO calculation using DISASTER
Negative power correction
8Mean Event Shapes
- Extracted parameters
- Consistent with the previous measurement
- Extracted ?0 are consistent (except Tg ) with
each other, slightly lower than H1 - Extracted ?s values are consistent with each
other, except BT and Tg - High sensitivity of T? to PDF
- Theoretical errors dominate.
World Average
9Shape Distributions
- ARIADNE describes data well
Only high Q region is used
10Shape Distributions
- The differential distributions are fitted over a
limited range. - Bins for which theoretical calculations are not
expected to be valid are omitted from fit.
11Shape Distributions
- The differential distributions are fitted over a
limited range. - Bins for which theoretical calculations are not
expected to be valid are omitted from fit.
12Extracted Parameters
- Extracted parameters
- Extracted ?s values are consistent with each
other and H1
- Major theoretical uncertainties
- Fit range
- Theoretical parameters renormalization scale,
logarithmic rescale factor, power factor in
modification term etc
13Test of Q-independency
Consistent with being independent of the Q range
14Event Shapes With Jets
- y2 resolution cut parameter (21) to (11)
- KOUT out-of-plane momentum
2 jets
15y2 parameter
- ARIADNE describes data well at high Q
- NLO describes data without hadronization
16Out-of-plane momentum
ARIADNE describes data well
indicating significant hadronization corrections
- Mean values and differential distributions of
event-shape variables have been measured at ZEUS
in the kinematic region - 80 lt Q2 lt 20 840 GeV2 and 0.0024 lt x lt 0.6
- The data are well described by the ARIADNE MC
- Power-correction method provides a reasonable
description of the data for all event-shape
variables with ?0 0.4-0.5 for most of the
variables. - The lack of consistency in the (aS,a0) extraction
suggests the importance of high-order processes
that are not yet included in the model - Need some theoretical input to proceed with the
jets event shapes