Title: Minera a High Precision NeutrinoNucleus Scattering Experiment at Fermilab
1Miner?a a High Precision Neutrino-Nucleus
Scattering Experiment at Fermilab
- Robert Bradford
- University of Rochester
- FCP 05
2Miner?a - ?-A scattering...
- Aim to improve our understanding of low-energy
n-A interactions. - Three scattering regimes
Deep-Inelastic higher-multiplicity inelastic
3...to better understand oscillation experiments.
- New oscillation experiments (MINOS, Minboone,
Nova) are making high precision measurements of
oscillation parameters (mixing angles, mass
splittings). - With greater statistics, we must now worry about
systematic uncertainties which were previously
4Example K2K oscillation signal
- Water Cerenkov experiment relied on kinematic
reconstruction of E? for quasi-elastic events
according to
520 systematic error
- Background to QE events comes from resonance
produced events with missing p.
- QE cross sections known to 10.
- Non-QE cross sections known to 20.
20 systematic error due to poorly understood
nuclear physics.
6Numi Beamline
- Numi beamline produces neutrinos from protons in
main injector for the Minos oscillation
experiment. - MINOS will run mostly with LE beam, producing
dominant ? energy of 3.5 GeV.
7Detector Overview
5 tons of fine-grained scintillator wrapped in
8Engineers Drawing
Veto Wall
? planar modules
Scintillator Core
Individual modules hang on I-beams
Outer Calorimeters
- Each planar module contains layers of
triangular scintillator extrusions containing
embedded optical fibers.
- Resolution (2 track events)
- 1mm (x,y,z vertex resolution)
- .4O (qm)
Fiducial volumes 3 ton scintillator, 1 ton Fe,
1 ton Pb.
12Quasi-Elastic Scattering
- Known at best to 10, but worse at lower En..
- Minerna predicted rates
- 103K/ton for CC
- 42K/ton for NC
- Estimate 750K events for 5 ton (fiducial)
detector - Will increase precision of cross section by
factor of 4! - Will also measure FA, ds/dQ2.
13Resonance Production
- Current uncertainties on cross section are 40.
- Minerna will record 1 million CC resonance
events. - Plan to measure s(En), ds/dQ2 for individual
channels with 5 uncertainties. - Will compare to electroproduction data and study
nuclear effects.
14Other topics...
- DIS structure functions
- Coherent pion production
- Nuclear effects
- Duality studies
- Strangeness production
Data taking beings
May Experiment funded through Fermilab.
April Stage 1 approval
Installation and Commissioning
- Minerna provide precision measurement of n
scattering on nuclear targets across a number of
regimes. - Resulting measurements will constrain simulations
required by the next generation of oscillation
experiments, helping to control systematic errors.
17Extra Slides
18Collaboration Members Come from Nuclear Physics
and HEP
Nuclear Physics High Energy