2Steps in Foreign Market Entry
- Identify the companys objective in its foreign
market entry - Preliminary country screening
- What are the opportunities and constraints in the
target market? - What capabilities, resources, and skills are
needed to succeed in the foreign market? - Does the company have the core capabilities and
resources to score high on the key success
factors? What are our strengths and weaknesses
on the key success factors? - Should the company enter the target market, and
how? - Compare and rank the targeted countries
3Fig 6-3 Managing a Portfolio of International
Growth Strategies
Collaborative Strategies
Host Country Attractiveness
Cross-Subsidization Strategies
Defensive Strategies
Firm-Level Competitive Strength in Each Host
4Measuring the Firms Competitive Strength in Host
Factors include
- Relative Market Share
- Relative Market Support
- Technology Fit with the Host Country
- Relative Contribution Margin
- Brand Recognition
5Fig 6-4International Risk-Return Portfolio
High (Under- Developed Countries)
Harvest Divest or Licensing
Increase Resources To Match Risk or IJVs
Medium (Emerging Economies
Host Country Risk
Selectively Grow
Low (Developed Countries)
Cross- Subsidize
Industry Leadership
Negative to Low Medium
Expected Profits in Each Host Country
6Fig 6-5 Strategic Orientations of International
Transnational Orientation (Pharmaceuticals,
Telecommunications, Financial Services)
Global Orientation (Chemicals, Heavy
Metals, Extractive Industries)
Global Integration and Coordination Pressures
Multidomestic Orientation (Consumer Non-Durables)
International Orientation (Cement, Fabric Mills)
Local Responsiveness Pressures
7The Value Chain
The value chain groups a firms activities into
several categories, distinguishing between those
directly involved in producing, marketing,
delivering and supporting a product or service
those that create, source, and improve inputs and
technology and those performing overarching
functions such as raising capital, or overall
decision making
Michael Porter
8Fig 6-6 Upstream, Support, and Downstream
Activities and Competitive Advantage
Firm Infrastructure
Human Resource Management
Support Activities
Technology Development
Value What buyers are willing to pay?
M a r
g i n
Marketing and Sales
After-Sales Service
Inbound Logistics
Outbound Logistics
Primary Activities
9Principles in Redesigning Value Chains for
International Firms (Gupta and Govindarajan)
- Redesigning the set of activities as well as the
interfaces across activities, such as supplier
and customer linkages - Redesigning in order to accrue significant gains
in the firms cost structure, asset investment
and/or speed of responsiveness to external
environmental changes - Redesigning to ensure rapid growth in market
share and economies of scope expansion into other
related products and services
10Factors Inducing the Dispersal of Value Chain
- Comparative advantage of the country (competitive
input costs, low levels of political risk, market
size, proximity to major markets or supply
sources, availability of knowledge and skills in
the population, etc.) - Efficiency gains from economies of scale and
scope derived from an increased internal
functional specialization and international
division of labor - Competitive pressures from domestic and
foreign-based companies and the necessity to
compete in the competitors home and third
country markets
11Factors Inducing the Dispersal of Value Chain
Activities (contd.)
- The benefits of flexibility and risk reduction
derived from multiple sourcing points and
destination points for components, products, and
capital - The opportunities to innovate and learn from
diverse cultures and economic systems - The fact that human, capital, material, and
knowledge-based resources are dispersed
throughout the world and not concentrated in any
one country or region and tariff and non-tariff
barriers that prevent market penetration via
12Level of Integration of Value Chain Activities
- Stand-alone
- Simple integration
- Complex integration
13Fig. 6.2 Value Chain Relationships for
Related Businesses
14Fig. 6.3 Value Chains for Unrelated
15International Outsourcing
Outsourcing is performing some activities in the
value chain in foreign countries and linking them
to work done elsewhere, mainly in the home
country. International outsourcing is the
farming out of some value chain activities to
countries other than the home country and the
major market countries of the product or service
16Fig 6-1International Orientations
The Ethnocentric Firm
The Polycentric Firm
The Geocentric Firm
17Types of Firm Orientation
- Ethnocentric
- It looks at everything that originates from an
organizations home country as the best in the
world. Extreme orientation. - Polycentric
- There are vast differences among the various
countries because of differences in culture,
language, race, and in their economic, political,
and legal systems. Because of these great
differences, it would be impossible for the home
country nationals to really understand the
foreign environments. Hence, management in the
parent company should give foreign subsidiaries
as much freedom as is possible to manage their
own affairs. Extreme opposite of ethnocentrism. - Geocentric
- There is no predisposition regarding degree of
control or centralization. Rather, there is
emphasis on interdependence among headquarters
and all foreign subsidiaries. World-oriented
18Ex 6-1 An Analytical Hierarchy Approach to
International Expansion (2003)
- Firm-level strategic response that parallels the
industry-level, total firm transnational
orientation - Thinking globally but acting locally