Title: Last Question
1Last Question
- 5. Study all of the sources (14 marks)
- Use all of the sources and your own knowledge to
explain whether you agree with the view that King
Richard II allowed the peasants to get into the
Tower of London ands to find and kill the
Archbishop Simon Sudbury and the Treasurer Robert
Use the evidence you gathered on your visit to
the Tower to explain how difficult it would have
been to break into the Tower in 1381.
2Was the Tower of London a difficult Castle to
break into in 1300? Site investigation for GCSE
coursework. Key words Tower Killing
fields Bloody Tower Gatehouse Solid oak
doors White Tower Portcullis Murder holes St
Thomas Tower arrow slit spiral
staircase Byward Tower Moat Great Hall Lion
Tower Garderobe Curtain Wall Middle Tower
3A Plan of the Tower in mediaeval times. The
route the peasants possibly took is marked in
blue. What was the Tower used for in the 1300s?
What important things were kept there? What does
this tell you about how important it would be for
the king to defend it at all costs?
4What do you notice from this map from 2001 about
the Lion Tower? What else has changed from the
previous plan?
5Evidence about the moat What can you see
now? What would it have been like in 1300? How
did it help to defend the castle? Evidence about
the Entrance to St Thomas Tower ( Water Gate or
Traitors gate) How could the Peasants have got in
through this gate? What evidence do you have that
would show you what it was like in 1300s?
6The Lion Tower What can you see of the Lion
Tower? What evidence do you have to prove that it
was once there? How would you have got from the
Lion Tower to the Middle Tower? Middle Tower
and Byward Tower What is a portcullis? How many
did these towers have? What evidence for this is
there. Was there any other door? How do you
know? What can you see in the roof? What was it
for? What shape are the windows? Why was
this? How thick are the Walls?
7Keep a look out for all the grooves that show
where there used to be portcullis.
Dont forget the oak doors would be strong and
How was a drawbridge used to defend a
castle? How is an arrow slit different from the
outside compared to the inside? Why?
8What are the Killing fields? What was the
Bloody Tower called in the 1300s? What do you
notice about the ceiling? As you come from under
the Bloody Tower near the White Tower what do you
see to your right? What used to there in
1300? The White Tower When was the white Tower
built? Why is the entrance so high up the
wall? What are the stairs to the entrance made
of? How could this have been used to defend the
castle? How thick are the walls? Why? As you go
up the stairs think about why they always spiral
to the right. Why was this? How might the
garderobe in the great hall help an
attacker? Where is the Chapel? How easy would it
have been to get to this part of the
castle? What as the main use for the
dungeons? Why is there a well in the dungeons?
9Make sure that you have answered all the
questions and taken notes and sketches of your
evidence for what the Tower looked like in the
1300s. Now you need to put all the evidence
together to make a report to answer the question
How difficult would it have been to break into
the Tower of London in the 1300s?