1EURELECTRIC VIEWS on the third energy package
Anne Malorie Géron Head of Markets
legislative package on eletricity and gas
markets Brussels, 11 February 2008
2Third liberalisation package General comments
- EURELECTRIC sees the package as an opportunity
not to be missed to - Address current market shortcomings and speed up
market development - Establish a process conducive to market
integration - Achieve a pan-European energy market with
regional markets as an intermediary step
3EURELECTRIC Roadmap towards a pan-European
electricity market
Integration at European level
Pan-European market
Coordination between regions
Development within regions
Continued liberalisation of national markets
4The benefits of expanding wholesale markets
- Enhance price convergence
- Stimulate liquidity and transparency
- Increase the number of market players
- Reinforce trust in price formation and markets
abilities to deliver - Alleviate concerns of market concentration
5Positive elements of the third energy
liberalisation package
- Independence and harmonisation of powers for
national regulators - Cooperation of regulators through an EU Agency
- A similar approach for electricity and gas
- A suggestion to establish a retail forum
- The use of congestion revenues as a matter of
priority for network expansion
6 but the European approach of the package is
too weak
- The package is dominated by grid issues but it
lacks clear means and processes to foster market
integration - Experience shows that TSO cooperation
- does not deliver fast enough
- lacks a market drive
- Mandating regional ISOs would allow to kill two
birds with one stone
7- But more market integration is needed!
- Goal achieve a pan-European energy market
- via consistent regional markets
- Development of regional system operation
- Regional planning based on socio-economic
benefits for - the whole region
- Reinforcement of regional regulatory Committees
(cf ERGEG regional initiatives) - Stronger role of ACER driven by a clear European
mind-set - Close involvement of market parties
8Priorities for market integration
- Maximised and coordinated allocation of
interconnection capacity - Expansion of market coupling to all
interconnectors - Integrated day-ahead and intra-day markets with
harmonised gate closures - Unified definition of firmness of capacity and
force majeure - Development of secondary markets for cross-border
capacity - Harmonised balancing rules and coordinated
reserve capacity - Harmonised trading and capacity products and
principles - Level-playing field on market transparency
9Guiding Principle Good Governance is about
Checks Balances
Centre of gravity need to be here for
Optimal Market Development
Final Customer
USER (Industry)
10A more balanced and democratic process is
- A stronger role for ACER
- An Agency driven by a frank European-mindset
- A process run by ACER
- A regulatory process subject to better
regulation principles - A close involvement of market parties in the
development of the guidelines/codes via the
creation of a standing market panel - A lead responsibility of ENTSO on the drafting of
technical codes only
11Governance Why a Standing Market Panel is
- To ensure that market parties are genuinely
involved in the development of market rules - To be a driver for market integration
- To ensure that market developments and
accompanying measures meet market needs - To mirror existing types of structure and
collaboration at national/European level
12Thank you for your attention.
Representing the European Electricity Industry