Title: ASYS
- GOES mbH
- Gesellschaft für die Organisation der
- Entsorgung von Sonderabfällen mbH
- Limited company for the organisation
- of the disposal of hazardous waste
- Anke Hoffmann
- Executive Manager
2GOES mbH (1)
Formation 1994 Legal form private limited
company Shareholders 51 State of
Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of the
Environment Ministry of Finance Districts
49 Waste producers Waste management
3GOES mbH (2)
- Private limited company for the organisation of
the disposal of hazardous waste - Execution and inspection of public and
administrative tasks by order - of the Ministry of the Environment of the State
Schleswig-Holstein ... - ... in the field of handling and controlling
disposal proofs and the - statistical survey of consignment notes
- Various assistance in case of waste management
and technical - questions and problems
4Hazardous waste disposal
- Participants on commercial side
- Producers of hazardous waste app. 280.000
- Transporters of hazardous waste app.
12.000 - Waste disposal operators app. 8.500
- Situation of hazardous waste disposal
- Permits before disposal app. 60.000
- Consignment notes after disposal app.
2.000.000 - Transport permits app. 12.000
Commencement of the waste act in
1996 specification of the inspection of waste
streams development of a special software to
enable the responsible authorities to execute
their tasks ASYS Waste Management
System Monitoring, inspection, permitting,
management of waste streams
- All federal states of Germany work with the
IT-based waste - management system ASYS
- The system covers national regulations of
waste act and its - ordinances and inforcement degrees
- ASYS enables the data of waste disposal to be
exchanged within - the federal states
- The exchange data equipment of ASYS is based
- ASYS data exchange and administration is
managed by IKA - (communication centre)
Development costs app. 750.000,- (in
1997) Annual costs 250.000,- - 300.000 /a for
operation, administration, further
software deveopment, communication center IKA
8Training Demand
- Staff of the responsible authorities
- Basic Training for users 2 days
- Advanced Training for users as required
- Every state nominated a tutor for the support of
the ASYS users. - ASYS-database-administrators
- Advanced Training 6 trainings / year
- Ã 2 days
9Contents of ASYS
- Proof procedures before the processing of the
planned disposal - record of proper waste management
- permit for the waste management operation
- Proof procedures after execution of the
disposal - consignment notes
- documentary lists
- Master data
- of producers, management companies,
transporters, authorities etc. - Catalogues
- waste catalogue, mercantile directory etc.
- Data administration
- Communication System
10Characteristics of ASYS
- Autonomy of Data Bases
- ASYS implementation is possible in common data
bases - Parameterisation of the system (repository
concept) - parameterisation of the inquiries
- 3-Layer-Model
- User Interface (Visual Basic)
- ASYS-API (Application Programming Interface)
- Data Base
- System Environment
- Implementation on Win 95/98, Win NT
- ClientServer System
11Architecture of ASYS
ASYS User Interface
ASYS API (Application Programme Interface)
ASYS Inermediate Layer
Data Base
12ASYS Network
- Administrative agreement for the implementation
of the ASYS network with the following boards - Work group of the states
- organisation of the cooperation, decision maker
- Steering group
- coordination and controlling tasks,
- preparation of plans, contracts and decision
proposals - IKA - Information coordination board
- data administration centre
- coordination of the software development
- Work groups according to requirements
13Organisation Chart
Work group of the States - LAG
Qualtiy management
Steering group
Work group 1
Work group 2
Work group 3