Title: Worshipping Under Southern Skies
1Worshipping Under Southern Skies
- Rediscovering the Beauty of the Mass
Module Three The Movements of the Mass A Liturgy
of the Body Please note the photos were taken
from a variety of New Zealand Sources.
3Dress worthily for the Lord
4priests vest
5Assemble for Mass
6The faithful Gather
7Bless yourself
8Make the sign of the Cross
9Genuflect to the tabernacle
10Prepare for
solemn Mass
11The ordained ministers venerate the altar
12Process the book of the Gospels
13humbly admit our sinfulness before God
14First and Second Readings
15Gospel is Proclaimed
18Sing the music of the Church
20Preparation of the Gifts
21Consecration of the bread
22Consecration of the wine
23Sign of Peace
24Receive the Body and Blood of the Christ
25Go in the peace of Christ to sanctify the world
26It is neither the spirit alone nor the body
alone that loves it is the person, a unified
creature composed of body and soul, who loves.
Benedict XVIDeus Caritas Est 5