Title: Playground Polygons
1Playground Polygons
2A polygon is a closed figure that has straight
3A Triangle
A triangle is a polygon with three sides and A
total of 180 degrees.
If you connect the poles, You get a TRIANGLE.
4A Square
A square is a four sided polygon with four right
(90 degree) angles.
The end of the balance beam makes a square.
5A Rectangle
A is a polygon with
four right (90 degree) angles. It also has two
pairs of parallel lines.
One of the steps makes a rectangle.
6A Hexagon
A is a
polygon with six equal sides.
If you connect the bars and the ground, you get a
I learned a lot about polygons in the past two
weeks. I learned that polygons are closed figures
with straight sides. I found out that
quadrilateral is the name for all four sided
polygons. I learned a lot about computers, too. I
got to use Power Point to create slides and
transitions. I cant believe I now know how to
do a whole slide show on my own!!! Mrs. Snyder
and Miss Burke taught me all this in three