Title: Optimising Low and Zero Carbon Technologies in the NHS
1Optimising Low and Zero Carbon Technologies in
the NHS
- Chris Hall
- Environmental Advisor
- Sustainable Development
- Meeting the zero carbon challenge
- Review of low and zero carbon technologies (LZCT)
- Solar Thermal - ST
- Photovoltaic's - PV
- Combined Heat and power - CHP
- Ground source heat pumps - GSHP
- Biomass (wood to heat)
- Wind.
- Application to the NHS
- Rules of thumb
3Steps to zero carbon
- 1. Conservation
- Fabric, HVAC, Lighting, Intellegent Controls,
Behaviour - Often cheap to apply - gives fast payback
- Requires smallest change in consumer attitudes
- 2. LZCT
- Solar, Wind, Hydro, Biomass, Heat Pumps, CHP
- More investment required -gt slower payback
- Requires larger shift in attitudes
- Changes in economics
- 3. Community schemes
- 4. Carbon trading
4Issues to consider
- Passive opportunities maximised
- Services should be correctly sized and integrated
so that servicing will be minimised. - Identification of need for cooling energy on site
and how this may be best achieved - Use of energy simulation techniques for each
building on site to inform site energy strategy. - Consideration of the use and integration of
renewables - Whole life costing/ payback
- Carbon intensity of displaced mains electricity
5Carbon outcomes from modelling the NHS estate
- Performance of existing buildings
145KgCO2/m2 - Best practice outcome existing estate
110KgCO2/m2 - New buildings compliant with UK Building
- Regulations (Part L) 95KgCO2/m2
- New build Best practice building scenario
70KgCO2/m2 - Best possible case including LZCT
6Solar Insolation Map - annual kWh/m2
Annual solar energy on horizontal plane kWh/m2
Ubbink Nederland
7Active solar thermal technology check
- A typical system comprises
- Collector
- Fluid (water with anti-freeze)
- Heat exchanger
- Control system (temperature sensor and electric
8Solar thermal technology check
There are two types of collectors..
- Evacuated tube
- Flat plate
- evacuated tube collectors have
- greater efficiency (up to 65).
- flat plate collectors are cheaper
- of the two (typically 2,500 for a
- 4m2 panel)
- Should comply with BS EN12975
9Potential for Solar thermal
- Up to 50 of NHS DHW demand could be met by ST
- Results show 1/5th of NHS would meet NHS DHW
needs - Typical costs 800 /m2, this equates to around
880m across the NHS Estate
10Photovoltaic applications
- Mounted on roofs or walls
- Roof tiles
- Integrated into blinds or glazing
- Independent of the building
- Street furniture
PV / ST The relative energy output of PV to
ST for any given area of collector can be around
2.5 to 6 less resulting in a 1/3 of the CO2
saving from PVs than from ST
11Photovoltaic technologies
- Crystalline Silicon (mono- and poly- types )
- Amorphous Silicon (thin film)
- Rating
- In Watts Peak (Wp)
- Crystalline approx 100Wp/m2
- Amorphous - approx 60Wp/m2
12Photo voltaic assumptions and carbon savings
- Yield 850 kWh/kWp
- Grid displaced electricity factor 0.568 kgCO2/kWh
- The relative energy output of PV to ST for any
given area of collector can be around 2.5 to 6
times smaller saving 1/3 of the CO2 savings from
ST - Typical PV costs 850 /m2.
- Cost to NHS 1,732.5m
13Norfolk NHS Acute Adult Units
- Solar hot water collectors
- Saving by solar 14 20
- Equivalent to 6.38 tonnes of CO2 emissions saved
- Photovoltaics
- South facing arrays 200m2 each unit
- Supply about 25 of each buildings electricity
14CHP technology check
- A revenue creating device
- To be cost effective CHP requires
- the plant to operate for long hours gt 4500hrs/a
to achieve economic pay back. - A significant difference between fossil fuel and
electricity costs/ kWh. - Cost 750/kWe
- Gas reciprocating engines likely to provide the
most robust solution - Maximise heat loads available to the CHP
- Dont oversize - do the energy efficiency
measures first - Maximise the hours run
- Maintain it
- Consider finance options
15Potential for CHP in the NHS based on 2006/7 NHS
ERIC energy returns
- Current CHP installed capacity 100MWe
- Potential for CHP 70 MWe
- CHP potential is equivalent to 1.85 of all NHS
CO2 emissions equivalent to 65,000 tonnes of CO2
annually - 4000 tonnes of CO2 could be saved by improving
the performance of existing CHP. - 6 of the NHS CHP was achieving 78 efficiency
- CO2 savings only became apparent at CHP
efficiencies of around 65 - 72 efficiency with around 4 CO2
- 78 efficiency with around 8 CO2 savings
16CHP potential based on the 2006/7 ERIC analysis
17CHP outcomes based on modelling changes to the
NHS estate
- Saving in emissions 4.7 KgCO2/m2.
- As performance of buildings and heating increases
CHP potential falls
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
18Heat pumps
- Extracting low-grade heat from surrounding
ground, air or water and converting it to higher
grade heat for buildings - Electrically powered, but provides more energy as
heat than it consumes as electricity - Significant savings in CO2 emissions
- Several types of heat pump technology
- Ground source
- Water source
- Air source
19Potential for ground source heat pumps
- Need ground space so more applicable to non Urban
sites - The laws of thermodynamics mean that heat pumps
are most energy efficient when temperature
differences between the collector and emitter are
low. - Building heating and cooling systems need to be
designed to work with this fact. - if seasonal COP drops below 2.5, the use of GSHP
increases CO2 emissions when compared to
efficient gas boilers
20GSHP technology check
- If applied 100 of potentially could reduce
emissions by 3.88kgCO2/m2 - If applied 80 potentially could reduce
emissions by 3.1kgCO2/m2
21Hellesdon hospital
- 100kW system
- 120 boreholes
22Case study
- Churchill Hospital, Oxford
- Ground source heat pump system
- 250 geothermal heating boreholes
- Twenty internal heat pumps each 100kW to provide
heating and cooling to the hospital - Each borehole will be 130mm in diameter and 135
metres deep - Polyethylene pipework system externally
- Around 2/3 cost of conventional boiler and
chiller system - Around 37 reduction in running costs
23Potential savings from Biomass
- Assumptions
- Rural areas and the edges of urban areas and
hospitals with large sites - Leading to an annual consumption of 8000GWh/a
requiring 4 Mtonnes of wood chips annually
- Wood or crop waste
- Limited supply
- Woodchip cheaper than gas / kWh
- Biomass as lead boiler(s)
- Typically sized for 100DHW
- and 40 space heating
- Costs 300/kW installed
- for larger installations
25Wind Power
- http//www.bwea.com/noabl/download.htm
- Modelled on 1km grid squares
- Scotland, Wales, NI well blessed!
- Always datalog first for large projects
- Power Cube Law 1/2 x Ro x Swept area
- x V3
- Betz limit of 59
- Machine performance usually less
- Check your wind speed!
- Need clearance of 5-10 rotor diameters
- mean annual wind speeds are available for 10, 25
and 45m above sea level
26Wind power
- Power generated by
- Single turbines
- Small clusters
- Wind farms
- The taller the tower, the greater the power
- Can be stand-alone or grid connected
Estimated annual energy output at wind turbine
hub height (in thousand kWh/yr)
27Assumptions and carbonsavings from wind
Antrim Area Hospital 660kW wind turbine generator
28Case study wind energy
Wind farm feasibility at HMP Haverigg, Cumbria
- Exposed headland, av. wind speed 7.3 m/s
- Loads 120-600 kW, annual energy 2287 MWh
- 850 kW installed wind capacity recommended
(530k) - equates to annual average power 295 kW
- annual energy 1516 MWh on site
- export of 1060 MWh to grid predicted
- Net annual benefit to HMP 14.5k
- Existing row of wind turbines on adjacent
farmland, local planners, etc., have no
29Grant support /feed in tariffs
- LCBP -www.lowcarbonbuildings.org.uk
- 50 grants
- Feed-in tariffs reward the generation of
renewable electricity from April 2010 up to 5 MW
Including - Wind
- Solar photovoltaics (PV)
- Hydro
- Anaerobic digestion
- Biomass and biomass combined heat and power (CHP)
- Non-renewable micro-CHP.
- Renewable Electivity Financial Incentives
consultation - Renewable heat incentive (RHI) rewards the
generation of renewable heat from 2011.
- Renewable Energy Association www.r-p-a.org.uk
- British Photovoltaic Association
www.pv-uk.org.uk - The National Energy Foundation www.nef.org.uk
- Low Carbon buildings programme
www.lowcarbonbuildings.org.uk - Energy Saving Trust http//www.energysavingtrust
.org.uk - BRE Consultancy www.bre.co.uk
- UK Microgeneration Certification Scheme
- Its cheaper to save energy than to generate new!
- Technologies are at different stages of
development, which in turn affects costs. - Renewable energy should be seen as integral in
the solution - Energy efficiency
- Renewable energy
- Efficient fossil fuel use
32More information
- buildingdesignconsultancy_at_bre.co.uk
- 01923 664290
- On the IHEEM Sustainability stand