Title: Why%20does%20the%20earth%20
1Why does the earth have more gravity, i.e. g is
larger on earth, than does the moon?
Physics 1710Warm-up Quiz
- The earth as an atmosphere.
- The earth has a larger diameter.
- The earth has more mass.
- The earth rotates faster.
- None of the above.
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2Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
- Analysis
- The earth has an atmosphere because of its
larger g, not vis versa. - The larger diameter means smaller g1/R2
- The larger mass of the earth m 4/3p?R3 makes a
larger gGM/R2 - Gravity has nothing to do with the rate of
3Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
- Summary
- Pressure is the force per unit area. P F/A
- Unit of pressue Pacal N/m2
- The hydrostatic pressure is P Po ?gh
- Archimedes Principle Fbouyant ?fluid g V
- Equation of Continuity A1v1 A2v2
- Bernoullis Equation P ½ ?v2 ?gy
4Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
- 80/20Pressure Force per unit Area
- P F /A
5Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
80/20The unit of pressure in SI units is the
Pascal Pa 1 Newton/ m2
1 Newton force
1 Pascal pressure
1 square meter area
6Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
80/20Standard atmosphere 1.0 atm 101
kPa 14.7 psi
Tire pressure A few 100 kPa
7Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
Which applies the greatest pressure on their foot?
8Which applies the greatest pressure on their foot?
Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
- Man.
- Elephant.
- Woman.
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
9Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
Force 200 lb 891 N
Foot Area 36.2 in2 0.023 m2
p F/A 200/(2 x 36.2) 2.8 psip 891/(2 x
0.023) 19 kPa
Force 4,000 lb 17,800 N
Foot Area 43.5 in2 0.028 m2
p F/A 4000/(4 x 43.5) 23. psip 17800/(4 x
0.028) 159 kPa
Force 100 lb 445 N
Foot Area 12.7 in2 .0082 m2
p F/A 100/(2 x 12.7) 3.9 psip 445/(2 x
0.0082) 27 kPa
10Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
Force 100 lb 445 N
Heel Area 0.16 in2 .0001 m2
p F/A 100/(2 x 0.16) 313. psip 445/(2 x
0.0001) 2200. kPa
11Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
- The Mysterious Swami Seat
12Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
- 80/20Pressure Force per unit Area
- p F /A
Same Force Different Area ?Different Pressure
13Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
- Pressure is the hydraulic stress
- Hydraulic Stress Bulk Modulus B
- Stress modulus x strain
- s F/A p B e B ?V/V
14Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
15Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
F1 A1P F2 A2P
16Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
- Hydrostatic Pressure is due to weight of fluid
F m g (Ah)?fluid g P F/A ?fluid g h
17Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
F A?P - mg A ?fluid g ?h mg F Fbouyant -
mg Fbouyant ?fluid g V
- mg
18Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
Fbouyant ?fluid g V
- ?fluid V g
19Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
V constant if fluid is incompressible. A1v1 A2v2
Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
?W ½ m v2 mg y dW/dV ½ ? v2 ?g y d
(Fy)/dV dF/dA ?P ½ ? v2 ?g y ?P
21Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
- Summary
- Pressure is the force per unit area. P F/A
- Unit of pressue Pacal N/m2
- The hydrostatic pressure is P Po gh
- Archimedes Principle Fbouyant ?fluid g V
- Equation of Continuity A1v1 A2v2
- Bernoullis Equation P ½ ?v2 ?gy
22Physics 1710Chapter 11 App E E
- Why does the platform spin faster when he brings
his arms in?
Peer Instruction Time
23Why does the platform spin faster when he brings
his arms in?
Physics 1710Chapter 11 App E E
- He increases his angular momentum.
- He increase his moment of inertia.
- He decrease his moment of inertia.
- He pushes against the inertia of the weights.
- None of the above
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24Where should the fulcrum be place to balance the
Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
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25Which way will the torque ladder move?
Physics 1710Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics
- Clockwise
- Counterclockwise
- Will stay balanced
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