Title: Euploid variations, involving entire sets of chromosomes
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2Euploid variations, involving entire sets of
3Aneuploid variations, involving individual
chromosomes within a diploid set
4Change in chomosome numberTranslocation
Fertilization would Involve these two chromosomes
5Mutations Chromosomal rearrangementsInversions
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8Frequencies of different 3rd chromosome
inversions in D. pseudoobscura
(Adapted from Dobzhansky 1947.)
9Six proposed major steps in the evolution of
human chromosome no. 3
(Modified from Hino et al., 1993)
102n numbers
11Measuring genetic variation
- 1. DNA sequencing
- 2. Electrophoresis (allozymes)
- E.g. phosphoglucomutase)
- 18 killifishes (Fundulus zebrinus)
12- 2. Electrophoresis
- DNA fragmented by specific restriction enzymes
- Restriction fragment length polymorphisms
- C-C chemokine receptor 32 (Coreceptor used by
HIV) - CCR5 gene and the ?32 mutation
13Calculating allele frequencies
- 1. Biparental species
- E.g. delta 32
- Britain 283 individuals
- 223 /
- 57 /?32
- 3 ?32 /?32
- 566 alleles
- Freq. 446 57 / 566 0.89
- Freq. ?32 6 57 / 566 0.11
- ?32 /?32 confers immunity to HIV
14- 2. Uniparental species
- Aspidoscelis neotesselata (triploid tesselated
whiptail lizard)
15- 34 loci assessed for protein phenotypes
- Only one locus (mannose-6-phosphate isomerase)
revealed variation - Sample of 17 individuals
- ABC (N 9) BBC (N 5) ACC (N 3)
- Sample of 51 alleles
- Frequency of allele A 9 3 / 51 0.24
- Frequency of allele B 9 10 / 51 0.37
- Frequency of allele C 9 5 6 / 51 0.39
16A. neotesselata genetic variation at MPI locus
Florence La Junta Lime
Postformational mutation
17Amount of genetic variation in populations
- Can be assessed from levels of heterozygosity
- Biparental species
- A. sexlineata 7
- Uniparental species
- A. tesselata 56
- A. neosselata 74
18A contrast to Mendelian genetics
Quantitative phenotypic characters common in
nature Range of variation
Distribution of the heights of 1,000 Harvard
College students aged 18 to 25
(Adapted from Castle.)
19White spotting in Dutch rabbits
20Possible genetic basis for some
continuous Characters Contributing and
noncontributing alleles No dominance Each
contributing allele makes a small contribution
to the phenotypic expression But
The results of crosses between two strains of
wheat differing in three gene pairs that
determine grain color