Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
2Safety Regulation Commission
- Brussels, 24/25 September, 2002
3Agenda Item 1 - Chairmans Welcome and
4 Agenda Item 2 - Approval of Agenda
5Agenda Item 3 - Review of Actions from SRC14
6Agenda Item 4 - Outcome of PC14
4.1 - AGAS
7PC14 Outcomes
- The Provisional Council took note of the
proposals put forward by the Agency in
PC/02/14/16 and - a. urged the Director General, in co-ordination
with the SRC, to implement and develop the ways
forward set out in the paper as quickly as
possible - b. requested the Director General to establish,
in co-operation with the SRC, a High-Level
European ATM Safety Action Group with a mandate
as outlined in the paper and taking into account
the comments made during the discussion and
giving priority to the short-term actions and - c. requested the Director General to submit the
Action Group's first conclusions and
recommendations to its 15th Session.
8Next Steps
- Establishment of High-Level Action group on
ATM Safety (AGAS) - Co-chaired by Director Safety, Airspace
Airports and Chairman SRC - SRC Representation from 3 Commissioners
- First Meeting 26th September
9SRC Inputs
- Continued development of harmonised safety
regulation - Enhanced support of SRCs safety regulatory
activities with regard to multi-national ATM
developments - Enhanced support from Provisional Council in
implementing Commission Decision No. 80 - Rapid Implementation of the ESARR Implementation
Monitoring and Support Programme - Plus what ??
10SRC Outputs
- Not known at this time
- Very likely to be some
- Very likely to be of an urgent nature
- Very likely to claim a higher priority than
some of our existing work
- The SRC is invited to -
- ) note the contents of this paper
- ) note the SRC inclusion in the Action Paper
to PC 14 (at Attachment 1) - ) discuss and agree any further SRC
inputs/proposals to AGAS.
12Agenda Item 4 - Outcome of PC14
4.2 - SRC Actions related to PRR5 Recommendations
13PC14 decisions onPRR 5 Recommendations
- PC14 requested-
- the Safety Regulation Commission to propose
adequate ECAC-level safety performance indicators
before July 2003, and associated targets at an
appropriate juncture, for approval by the
Commission through the Provisional Council and
invited it to include corresponding indicators in
its regular safety reports to the Provisional
14PC14 decisions onPRR 5 Recommendations
- PC14 requested-
- the Agency, in consultation with the SRC, to
carry out a study of the legal frameworks related
to the EUROCONTROL Publication and
Confidentiality Policy and of the criteria and
conditions required to permit publication of
States compliance with safety processes and
EUROCONTROL Standards, whilst at the same time
protecting individuals and detailed safety data,
and to report to the 15th Session
15PC14 decisions onPRR 5 Recommendations
- PC 14 requested
- the Agency, in consultation with the SRC, to
carry out a study of the legal frameworks as well
as the criteria and conditions required to submit
appropriate additional draft binding provisions
for the minimum legal protection of individuals
reporting safety occurrences in EUROCONTROL
Member States for Commission approval via the
Provisional Council.
16Options (Safety Indicators/targets)
- Setting up an SRC working group to assess to
which extent those safety indicators derived from
the AST data are sufficient or not - Including in the SRC Annual Report to PC15 those
Safety Indicators derived from the AST which are
meaningful and asking PC members their comments
and potential inputs with regard to additional
safety indicators they would which to see
17Options (Legal studies)
- Task AGC with providing,on behalf of SRC, inputs
to the Agency (Legal Services) and reviewing any
draft material prior to their submission to PC - and if time permits-
- Ask SRU to circulate any draft material to SRC
for comments prior to their submission to PC. - OR Consult systematically SRC (via
correspondence) prior to any submission to PC.
- SRC is invited to-
- note the SRC Action Paper to PC 14
- note PC14 conclusions with regard to PRR5
recommendations - discuss and agree the best option(s) to address
the actions allocated to the SRC at PC14.
19Agenda Item 5 - Reports
5.1 - AGC Report
20AGC9 outcomes
- ESARRs Implementation Monitoring Support
Programme- AGC chairman to table SRC DOC 21 with
cover working paper at SRC15 for formal
approval. (Refer to Agenda Item 7) - If needed, AGC chairman is available to co
ordinate as appropriate common SRC positions
related to impact on SRC of EC Accession to
EUROCONTROL, with support from SRU - Need for modifications to ESARR 5 and recognition
of Means Of Compliance (minimum level of
knowledge in native languages for ATC staff
(specifically TWR staff))
21AGC9 outcomes
- A maximum age for ATC staff (EC study to be
followed) - EUROCONTROL High Level Safety Action Group
(Letter to SRC Chairman). - AGC volunteers to develop proposals for the
establishment of a crisis management policy to be
submitted to SRC16 - AGC identified the need for SRC harmonised
policies (Agenda Item 6.4)
- SRC is invited to-
- Request AGC chairman to co ordinate when and if
appropriate common SRC positions related to
impact on SRC of EC Accession to EUROCONTROL,
with support from SRU - Agree to initiate revision of ESARR 5 to address
the need for minimum level of knowledge in native
languages for ATC staff (specifically TWR
staff)) - Request AGC to develop proposals for the
establishment of a crisis management policy to be
submitted to SRC16 for approval.
23Agenda Item 6 - Safety Measurement
Improvement Programme
6.1 - JSSI Outcome
- SRC 10 meeting
- JSSI CFIT report taken on board - a list of ATM
related recommendations was prepared - SRU/SQS co-ordination for actions decided -
- WP 10.18
- Recommendations to SRC in WP 10.18 regarding
safety regulatory position
- Progress report at SRC 11
- SRU received several responses from Commissioners
regarding WP 10.18 - WP 10.18 is the basis for a new document
- SRC DOC 10 - ATM Output from JSSI
26SRC DOC 10
Edition 0.02 Edition date 21.03.2001 Status
Draft Issue Class Restricted Eurocontrol
27Content of SRC DOC 10
28Current status of EUROCONTROL activities
- CFIT status of the actions proposed for CFIT
have not been recorded - Runway Incursions
- Joint activity JAA, GASR, ICAO and EUROCONTROL
- A Task Force was established and a survey
campaign to analyse the magnitude of this issue
within European environment was launched - Validation exercise 9-10th September, 2002 WS
- A detailed briefing will follow
29Current status of EUROCONTROL activities
- Other JSSI Focus Area
- all have to be taken into consideration
- agree on the approach to be used
- To continue with bilateral meetings between SRU
and SQS and to propose actions and
responsibilities for the ATM safety interventions
identified for all other key risk areas - To have an approach similar to the one for
Runway Incursion, and to propose a joint
activity to assess the other key risk areas
within the European environment, and the
feasibility of implementing all ATM safety
interventions identified by JSSI within
EUROCONTROL member States
- SRC is invited to-
- note the activities related to the Focus Area
Runway Incursion - note the status of SRC DOC 10 and the progress
achieved so far (only CFIT has been analysed
by EUROCONTROL SQS and SRC) - request SRU and Agency (SQS) to progress the
actions related to the CFIT Focus Area - request SRU to update SRC DOC 10, in
co-ordination with SQS, in order to incorporate
the status of actions related to the CFIT Focus
Area (BY SRC 16) - agree for the other Focus Areas identified by
JSSI, on a way forward to address related ATM
interventions - agree to contribute as appropriate SRC DOC 10 to
the High-Level European Action Group For ATM
Safety (AGAS).
31Agenda Item 6 - Safety Measurement
Improvement Programme
6.2 - AST Outcome
32AST Outcome
33ESARR 2 Implementation Status
34ATM Safety Performance in ECAC
35ATM Safety Performance in ECAC contd
36ATM Safety Performance in ECAC contd
- SRC Commissioners are invited to
- a) Approve the release of the proposed issue
0.1 of SRC DOC 16 and SRC DOC 17 - b) Further co-ordinate the submission of safety
data for SRC DOC 18 - c) Give the utmost support to the AST Focal
Points to supply the data according to ESARR2 for
the incoming 2003 collection exercise that will
encompass data for years 2001 and 2002.
38AST Proposed Issue 2.3
- No modification in Section A
- Modifications in Section B - Incidents
- Table B1 - number of reports
- Table B2 - added Total Number of Incidents
- Modifications in Section C - ATM Specific
Occurrences - Table C- added Total Number of ATM Specific Occ.
- Modifications in Section D - Causes
- To better capture low level category and to link
those with high level category (HEIDI) - To better capture the ATM contribution for each
category of safety occurrences
- SRC Commissioners are invited to
- a) approve for release the AST Edition 2.3
Proposed Issue (EAM2/COD1) to become AST Released
Issue 3.0 - b) note the existence of an equivalent Excel
version - c) support further development of EAM2/COD2 the
GUI Material for AST completion in order to
document the approved changes - d) provide up to date reference and deliverables
to national AST Focal Points to make use of the
new template for 2001 and 2002 safety data
41Agenda Item 6 - Safety Measurement
Improvement Programme
6.3 - RWY Incursion Report
42Runway Incursion
- In the beginning of JSSI Runway Incursion was not
considered - In 2000 JSSI decided to add Runway Incursion as a
focus area - CAST Runway Incursion JSAT (report August 2000)
- Final position EUROCONTROL in April 2000
- Better Reporting System needed
- More European Data needed
- Preliminary European Analysis showed safety
43Runway Incursion
- JAA proposed a Joint activity of JSSI, ICAO,
Airports, Airport Regulators and EUROCONTROL - First meeting 19 July 2001
- EUROCONTROL took the chair
44Runway Incursion
- The Group shall perform two Tasks in parallel
- Evaluate the report prepared by the US Commercial
Aviation Safety Team - Gather further data on runways incursion (in
45Runway Incursionwas changed toRunway Safety
46Runway Safety
and GASR - Safety letter published
- Data Gathering
- Anonymous Questionnaires sent first to Pilots
and afterwards revised version to Air Traffic
Controllers. - Interviews started with selected airports and
airlines - Data Banks from States and Service Providers
- Development of Interventions
- 7 areas such as Communications situational
47Runway Incursion is an issue in Europe
Number Of Runway IncursionsPer 1,000,000
Rate of Runway Incursions at 9 different European
48It is perceived as the highest risk among other
runway safety concerns
49However, even given raised awareness now, issues
- The potential lack of data and reluctance to
share safety information - The absence of a harmonised and consistent
approach for analysing the data - The difficulty to understand causal and
contributory factors
Impede progress to improvement
50First Recommendation from the Task Force
51Establishing a Runway Safety Programme
- ICAO Baseline Review the current implementation
of ICAO material - Data Driven Improve runway safety occurrence
reporting and analysis - Global System Approach Establish a local team
(Pilot/ATC/Airport) to assess safety issues - Risk Based Approach Assess potential improvement
areas - Safety Management Integrate runway safety into
existing SMS
52Second recommendation from the Task Force
- Sharing information and experience to
- improve the understanding of underlying causal
and contributory factors and - provide sound basis for establishing appropriate
remedial actions
53European Co-operation for Runway Safety
- Support Individual Airports Runway Safety
Programmes - Evaluate the relevance of the proposed
improvements - Short Term (Procedures, Annex 14, Provision of
Airport Information) - Longer Term (New Technologies Human Factors)
54European Co-operation for Runway Safety (i)
- Support Individual Airports Runway Safety
Programme - Develop Awareness Material
- General Awareness for the Aviation Community
(Leaflet Poster) - Dedicated Awareness for ATCOs, Pilots Drivers
- Guidance Recommendations for specific local
awareness actions - Initial Guidance Improvement to the material
initially developed for the survey purpose (based
on FAA process) - Additional Guidance Supporting its
implementation supporting the identification of
causal factors - Means for Data Exchange Allowing safety data
exchange and lesson dissemination - Improve data collection and lesson dissemination
- Improve both the quality of runway occurrence
data, and the collection and exchange process
55European Co-operation for Runway Safety (ii)
- Evaluate the relevance of proposed improvements
Short Term - R/T Phraseology and language proficiency
- Procedures and working methods (Pilots, ATC and
Drivers) - Implementation of Annex 14 (especially, marking,
signs and lighting) - Provision of airport information
A small group of experts
56Relevance of Proposed Improvements Short Term
- Small Group of Experts
- ACI, ANSP, IATA representatives
- Conclusions by January 2003
- Prioritised improvements
- Remaining open issues
- First Meeting 20 September 2002
- One meeting per month
57Relevance of Proposed Improvements Short Term
- Promotion of the recommendations
- Extensive presentations to CAA, regulators,
airport operators, aircraft operators and ANSPs - Wide consultation of aviation community
- A primary objective
- Achieve standardisation through ICAO process
58European Co-operation for Runway Safety (iii)
- Evaluate the relevance of proposed improvements
Longer Term - NEW TECHNOLOGIES Assessment of the safety
benefits for preventing runway safety occurrences - HUMAN FACTORS Programme to better understand
human factors contributing to runway safety issues
59Proposed Actions
- Runway Safety Programme at European Airports
- European Co-operation to Elaborate Proposed
Improvements - Awareness campaign
- Improvement to data collection and lesson
dissemination - Short Term improvements (January 2003)
- Assessment of the need for longer term
60Monitoring Progress
- Until now, work has been conducted by a dedicated
Task Force - If an European initiative is to be pursued, we
need to establish a structured framework
covering - different types of operators and service
providers - different European regulatory regimes (JAA, GASR,
SRC, etc.) - co-ordination with ICAO
61Monitoring ProgressOur Proposal
Establishment of a Steering Committee
- Creation formally approved by EUROCONTROL, GASR
and JAA - Mission
- Make recommendations to EUROCONTROL, GASR and JAA
- Monitor their implementation
- Liaise with ICAO (including oversight)
62Monitoring ProgressOur Proposal
Establishment of a Steering Committee
- Membership
- Representatives from Airports Aircraft
Operators, ANSPs - Representatives from Professional Organisations
63Agenda Item 6 - Safety Measurement
Improvement Programme
6.4 - Harmonised Safety Policies
64Harmonised Safety Policies
- AGC proposals
- Objective to harmonise national safety regulatory
approach with regard to specific issues - An SRC Commissioner may contact SRU and request
collection of actual national policies on a
specific issue - SRU would report on identified national policies
in SRC Closed Sessions - SRC may decide to harmonise policy
- SRC is invited to-
- Note the AGC proposal
- Agree that on a case by case basis, when so
solicited by an SRC Commissioner- - SRU collects national safety policies in
existence on a specific issue, - SRU reports back identified national policies to
SRC Supplementary Closed session, - SRC may decide to develop harmonised policy on
such issue.
66Agenda Item 7 - ESARRs Implementation Support
Monitoring Programme
67Status Report
- Legal services advice (on approval of
Programme) - Visits arrangements (SRU staff only in 2002) and
check list of questions - Criteria to visit States
- Draft letters
- Co ordination with EUROCONTROL STS (Briefing Day)
and SQS
68Next steps
- Validation Visits
- EUROCONTROL Commission
Approval of the Programme - Formal Visits
- Preparation for 2003 visits
- lessons learned
- draft letter for national detachment
- training programme
- Co ordination with ICAO
69Recommendations (1)
- SRC is invited to
- note that the Ad Hoc Group of Commissioners
(AGC) agreed at its 9th meeting on the
necessary arrangements (including SRC DOC
21) for SRU to go ahead with the initial
implementation of the ESARR Implementation
Monitoring and Support Programme, subject to
EUROCONTROL Commissions approval - agree with AGC proposal to validate those
arrangements through a limited number of
visits, pending the EUROCONTROL Commissions
approval of the Programme
70Recommendations (2)
- SRC is invited to
- note that flexibility with regard to the
selection of States and dates of visits is
required in order to deal with the planning of
the visits to States, to cater for the
availability of staff from EUROCONTROL as well as
from national representatives - approve SRC DOC 21 Ed. 0.05 as the set of
guidelines to be used for the 2002 visits to
States - agree that AGC approves subsequent modifications
of SRC DOC 21, to cater for improvements based on
the initial experience of running the Programme,
subject to subsequent SRC approval of all
proposed modifications .
71Agenda Item 8 - SRC Deliverables
8.1 - Overall review of status
72Overall review of status
Updates Since SRC14 Working
Draft Draft Proposed Released
0.10 RADs RAD-8.33 0.03 ESARR
Advisory Material AMC EAM4/AMC
2.0 GUI EAM2/GUI3 0.01 EAM3/GUI2 0
.11 EAM3/GUI3 0.11 EAM4/GUI1
0.04 EAM4/GUI2 0.04 COD EAM2/COD1
73Overall review of status
Updates Since SRC14 Working
Draft Draft Proposed Released SRC DOC DOC
3 5.0 Work Programme
Interface DOC 9
4.0 AMC for ESARRs DOC 15
0.7 National ATM Safety Minima DOC
16 0.1 SRC Data Collection - 1999 DOC
17 0.1 SRC Data Collection - 2000 DOC
18 0.03 SRC Data Collection - 2001
74Overall review of status
Updates Since SRC14 Working
Draft Draft Proposed Released SRC DOC DOC
20 1.0 ED78A as MC with ESARR
4 DOC 21 0.05 Guidance for Visits to
States DOC 22 0.02 Lessons learned
RVSM - I DOC 23 0.02 Lessons learned
RVSM - II DOC 24 N.A. Contingency
Planning (TBC)
SRC Commissioners are invited to note the
contents of the overview attached to Working
Paper SRC15.7 presenting the updates of the SRC
deliverables since SRC14 (either released or
under development).
76Agenda Item 8 - SRC Deliverables
8.2 - Overall review of Request For Comments
77Overall review of RFC
Since SRC14 RFC Subject Addressees Comments
asked by 0206 LINK 2000 - Comments to
Programme SRC 10 July 2002 0207 8.33kHz -
Comments to Programme SRC 8 July
2002 0208 8.33kHz - National Saf. Impl. Rep.
Safety Plan SRC 9 July 2002 0210 SRC DOC
16 SRC Co 31 July 2002 0211 SRC DOC
17 SRC Co 31 July 2002 0212 SRC DOC
18 SRC Co 31 July 2002 0213 First draft RAD
8.33 SRC 27 June 2002 0214 First draft LINK
2000 SRC 27 June 2002 0215 Contingency
Planning SRC 15 August 2002 0216 Material
"Just" Culture SRC 15 August 2002 0217 ESARR
1 Development in Work Programme SRC 30 June
2002 0218 RD - proposal SRC 30 June
2002 0219 RD - actions SRC 31 July
2002 0220 RD - national initiatives SRC 31
July 2002
78Overall review of RFC
Since SRC14 RFC Subject Addressees Comments
asked by 0221 AST Draft 2.2 SRC 31 July
2002 0222 PRC Recommendations SRC 7 July
2002 0223 ESARR 6 - ASW5 ASW 3 July
2002 0224 EUROCONTROL Regulatory Framework SRC
24 July 2002 0225 ICAO State Letter AN
15/12-02/45 SRC 9 July 2002 0226 8.33 kHz
Horiz. Expansion Saf. Validation Study SRC 1
August 2002 0227 ATM Strategy for 2000 SRC
31 August 2002 0228 ESARR 3 Guidance RTF
31 August 2002 0229 ESARR 3 Guidance RTF
31 August 2002 0230 ESARR1 RTF 31 August
2002 0231 ED78 Assessment report SRC Co 30
August 2002 0232 The compliance statement for ED
78A. SRC Co 30 August 2002 0233 Update of SRC
Document 6 SRC Co 31 August 2002 0234 Update
of DOC 9 AGC 31 August 2002 0235 RAD
8.33 SRC Co 11 October 2002
79Agenda Item 8 - SRC Deliverables
8.3 - Update ESARR 1
80Update on ESARR 1
- SRC 13 decided to develop ESARR 1
- Requirements applicable to ATM safety
- regulators
- Harmonisation of national ATM safety
- regulatory frameworks in ECAC
- SRC POL DOC 3 used as a first input
- Task included in the Work Programme
81Drafting Activities
- Initial inputs and discussion in AGC8/RTF15
(April 02) - Working draft considered at RTF16 (July 02)
- New working draft under development, and further
discussion to take place at RTF by the end of the
82Possible Timeframe
- Depending upon activities at RTF level
- Draft for SRC Consultation around SRC16 ?
- EUROCONTROL-wide Consultation before SRC17 ?
- Approval of proposed issue around SRC17 ?
- Submission to the PC for approval July 2003 ?
- or November 2003?
- General approach and structure mostly based on
SRC POL DOC 3 - Addressing all the aspects in a single
model/document/requirement - ATM safety regulatory function at national level
- Development of a whole framework
- Safety regulatory processes
- (Rule-making, Safety Oversight, others)
84Consistency with ICAO
- Consistency with ICAO
- Doc 9734 identifies a safety oversight framework
model used in airworthiness - ICAO will develop a similar model for ATM and
aerodromes - ESARR 1 is to cover the elements of that model
85Consistency with ICAO
- There are opportunities to note
- ESARR 1 could provide ICAO with a very
significant input in regard to the development of
IUSOAP material to ATM - This may allow further co-operation between ICAO
- SRC Commissioners are invited to
- a) Note the activities developed so far in
relation to ESARR 1 - b) Request SRC Commissioners to reinforce their
representation at RTF in order to facilitate an
appropriate level of discussion at working
group level - c) Agree to contribute ESARR 1 and related EAM
to ICAO as useful inputs to the extension of
IUSOAP to Annex 11 and 14
87Agenda Item 9 - Interfaces
9.1 - European Commission- Single European Sky
88Agenda Item 9 - Interfaces
9.2 - EATMP (MFF)
89Agenda Item 9 - Interfaces
9.3 - EATMP (RVSM)
90Edition 0.02 Edition date 06.09.2002 Status
Draft Issue Class Restricted SRC
- to capture the lessons learned from RVSM
Programme - to develop guidance associated with present
policies - to provide working material that may be used for
future project/programme assessments - to provide explanatory material to EATMP project
92Areas covered in PART 1
- the regulatory activities that took place in the
RVSM Programme - the reasons for these regulatory activities
- how the regulatory activities were discharged
- the mechanism chosen to conduct the regulatory
activities - the relationship of the regulatory activities
with existing policies. - Persons/body entities
- Deliverables
93Functional relationship between entities
94Relevant Bodies/Persons Entities
- ECAC national regulators
- Non-ECAC national regulators
- SRU regulatory team
- SRU regulatory manager
- Safety Regulation Commission
- .
95Relevant deliverable entities
- SRC Recommendation to PC
- Provisional recommendation to SRC
- Regulatory Interface Document
- RAD Template
- RAD Report
- National Safety Plan Guidance
- Comment Response Document - CRD
- Safety Case support documents
- ...
- Project Safety plan
96PART 2 - Assessment findings TO FOLLOW SHORTLY
- SRC is invited to
- a) note content of the attachment (NB. SRC DOC
22) - b) agree with the approach of splitting the
lessons learned from RVSM Programme in two parts,
for the benefit of various stakeholders - c) continue to contribute to the development of
the deliverables by sharing the experience from
the post-implementation - d) disseminate the deliverables to the
regulatory and service provider experts involved
at national level in EATMP programmes or other
ATM developments to improve existing processes.
98Agenda Item 9 - Interfaces
9.4 - EATMP (8.33)
998.33 kHz Update (1 of 6)
- Exemptions removed 31/10/02
- Review of documents
- Safety Policy
- National Safety Plan and Implementation report
- Safety Validation Study
- Pre Implementation Safety Case
1008.33 kHz Update (2 of 6)
- Safety Policy
- 19/10/01 Safety Policy sent to SRC
- 12/03/02 CRD on Safety policy to programme
- 07/05/02 Updated accepted Safety Policy
- National Safety Plan and Implementation report
- 31/05/02 Sent to commisionners
- 07/08/02 comments sent to programme
- comments felt minor and not incorporated as
countries already completing them
1018.33 kHz Update (3 of 6)
- Safety Validation Study
- 11/07/02 received from programme
- 30/07/02 comments sent to programme
- SVS updated but not released. Expected with PISC
release. - Pre Implementation Safety Case
- Version 0.2 Delivered 23/9/02?
- Comments required in 2 weeks!
- Next version 2 weeks prior to O date.
1028.33 kHz Update (4 of 6)
- Draft submitted to SRC 14
- Comments received incorporated
- Only one nomination for 833 expert group
- Draft version 0.03 sent to commisionners as basis
for regulatory report by 11/10/02
1038.33 kHz Update (5 of 6)
- Future tasks
- PISC sent out for SRC comment
- Comments returned to programme
- RAD reports consolidated
- Overall position paper (with PISC Comment status
and consolidated RAD reports) sent to SRC for
approval by correspondence before 31 st October.
To contain draft SRC go / no go recommendation. - Presentation to PC
104Basis of PISC (6 of 6)
Assurance of concept
Assurance of implementation
SVS assumed complete
Summary of National Feedback through status of
state actions in Annex of PISC
Requirements and assumptions collected in Annex
State actions related to section of PISC and
Requirements and assumptions allocated to section
of PISC and deliverable
That requirements have been derived and allocated
That requirements have been implemented
Overall argument
105Agenda Item 10 - Preparation PC15
10.1 - Annual Report
106PC14 Outcomes
- SRC has established a system of annual safety
reporting... - Each Annual Report -
- is published in the autumn of each year
- balances timeliness and quality in the field of
Safety performance measurement - focusses on issues of prime, topical and
immediate interest in the field of ATM
Safety Regulation - provides a stand-alone reference document for
use by SRC, and - is also forwarded to the Permanent
Commission through the Provisional
Council within the SRCs advisory role.
107Annual Report - Structure
1. Development of ATM Safety Regulatory
Framework 2. Implementation of Harmonised Safety
Regulatory Framework 3. Safety Performance
Measurement 4. ATM Safety Performance in ECAC for
2001 5. Additional Key Risk Areas 6. Other Safety
Issues 7. Review Of Conclusions From The 2001
Annual Safety Report 8. Conclusions 9. Recommend
- Permanent Commission Decision 80
- national AST focal points,
- effectiveness and efficiency of national schemes
for ATM occurrence reporting and assessment - Prolonged Loss of Communication (PLOC)
- Monitoring of cases is necessary, with the
occurrences detected being reported to
EUROCONTROL - Runway incursions / collisions on the ground
between aircraft and vehicle(s)/person(s)/obstacle
(s) continue to rise - Unauthorised penetration of airspace have risen
- relationship with occurrences involving OAT
- Aircraft Deviation from Applicable ATM
Regulation/ATC Clearance, rises due to a
re-classification within the reporting scheme. - TCAS reports still high
- Twice as many false reports as in 2000
- Other indicators - increased number of reports,
but lower normalised figures - ESARR Implementation Monitoring and Support
Programme - Need to take account of JSSI Outcomes
- i
- SRC is invited to -
- approve the attached report, and its submission
to the Provisional Councils 15th Session, and - approve the release of the contents at
Attachment 2 and 3 to the European High-Level
Group on ATM Safety (AGAS) for their first
meeting on the 28th September.
111Agenda Item 10 - Preparation PC15
10.2 - Approval of ESARRs Implementation
Monitoring and Support Programme
112Agenda Item 11 - Procedures
11.1 - Nomination Commissioners- PC Approval
113Nomination of Commissioners
- Rules of Procedures of SRC
- the nomination by States of the Commissioners
will be approved by the Provisional Council. - Current list of Commissioners will be proposed
by correspondence to PC for approval - Each year - after the last SRC meeting -
correspondence to PC for approval of newly
nominated Commissioners during that year - Nominations continue to be addressed by letter
to SRC Chairman and Head SRU.
SRC Commissioners are invited to a) agree the
proposed procedure regarding the notification of
Commissioners to the PC b) approve submission
of this procedure and current nominations, to
the PC for their approval by correspondence.
115Agenda Item 11 - Procedures
11.2 - ENPRM
116Agenda Item 12 - Work Programme, Budget and
117Work Programme
- Updated to Issue 5.0 (long version)
- Now incorporates ESARR 1 and Training Course
for Regulators - Reviewed (briefly) at mid-year awayday
- No further changes proposed
- Abbreviated, re-structured version to come,
but.. - On hold pending AGAS outcomes
- Still a valid basis for SRU resource planning
118Staffing and Recruitment
- Three posts for 2002
- One phantom post still being pursued
- Technical Assistant and Regulation Assistant
personnel now in post - Replacement of Business Assistant post still in
progress - Preparations for dealing with 2003 budget
119SRU Budget
- SRC Budget proposals (as approved by SRC13)
submitted to AFG in May - AFG approved all proposals except
increased staff (reduced to 50 in 03) - EUROCONTROL budget being reviewed by AFG 16
in October - Re-submission of SRC proposals an available
option - Commissioners need to brief their AFG
representatives - URGENTLY
- SRC is invited to approve SRU actions and
proposals with regard to - - Work Programme development,
- budget submission to AFG, and
- staffing and recruitment
121Agenda Item 12 - Any Other Business13.1 Update
122Agenda Item 12 - Any Other Business13.2
Contingency Planning
123Agenda Item 12 - Any Other Business13.3 ICAO
Air Navigation Conference 2003
124Agenda Item 13 - Any Other Business13.4 ICAO
Safety Indicators SubGroup
125Agenda Item 13 - Any Other Business13.5 RD in
ATM Safety
126SRC14 Actions (1)
- RFC 0218 - SRC Commissioners to inform the SRU on
any other initiative of relevance to SRC Work
Programme that was not identified in working
paper SRC14.11 regarding the RD co-ordination
mechanism in place and under development in ATM - Spanish input on ATM RD
127SRC14 Actions (2)
- RFC 0219- SRC Commissioners to propose safety RD
lines of action which would be of interest to the
SRC and which could be submitted as RD safety
activity . - No Response
- RFC 0220 SRC Commissioners to provide
information (through SRU) about national RD
initiatives in ATM safety which would be of
interest to SRC - No Response
128SRC14 Actions (3)
- D-14/11/4- SRU to assess the feasibility of
safety regulatory bodies becoming involved in the
ARDEP process - D-14/11/5- SRU to contribute, on behalf of SRC,
within the framework of the wider European ATM
RD strategy to be developed to the
establishment of a mechanism to co-ordinate
European initiatives in RD ATM safety and to
avoid a duplication of work..
129ARDEP is ...
- .... the Analysis of RD in Eurocontrol
Programmes - .... an annual exercise
- .... regularly improved to meet the demands and
requirements of its users and partners - .... the only and most exhaustive source of
information on ATM RD activities in Europe
130Who contributes to ARDEP ?
- Currently (2001-2002 campaign)
- AENA (Spain)
- DFS and DLR (Germany)
- DNA (France)
- European Commission
- ENAV and SICTA (Italy)
- European Space Agency
- Eurocontrol Experimental Centre, EUROCONTROL HQ
- LFV (Sweden)
- LVNL and NLR (The Netherlands)
Global view
132The ISN ...
- ..is composed of the organisations
co-ordinators, who are nominated by the RD
directors in each organisation - ..collects, checks, validates the data, reports
to the RG and operates the ARDEP system - ..specifies new requirements coming from their
organisation - ..participates in planning and improvements of
the system
133Data Collection Path
Source of information (e.g. project managers)
Extract of ARDEP Database
ARDEP Database
ARDEP Interface
Contacts (information provided toco-ordinator
via e-mail, word, phone, automatic transfer from
national databases)
134Type of data collected
- Descriptive Data on the project (i.e. project
title, internal code, objectives, approach,
expected/achieved results, timeframe, current and
target stages of the project, sponsoring,
partners, ) - Financial Data on the project (actual budget for
previous year and planned budget for current
year) - Classification of the project
- By ARDEP Domains/Sub-Domains
- By ATM Items 2000
- Initiatives and future plans
135Proposal to SRC (1)
Source of information from National Safety
Extract of ARDEP Database
ARDEP Database
ARDEP Interface
Contacts (information provided toNATIONAL
co-ordinator via e-mail, word, phone, automatic
transfer from national databases)
136Proposal to SRC (2)
- Early 2003- Analysis of ADREP Projects recorded
so far - Identification of those of direct relevance to-
- ATM safety
- The SRC Work Programme
- ...with related objectives, stakeholders, time
scales - Dissemination of relevant conclusions to SRC
- Annual updates
- SRC is invited to
- note that SRU is contributing, on behalf of SRC,
within the framework of the wider European
ATM RD strategy to be developed to the
establishment of a mechanism to co-ordinate
European initiatives in RD ATM safety and to
avoid a duplication of work - agree that any national safety regulatory RD
project be fed to ARDEP through the national
ARDEP co-ordinator - request SRU to identify by SRC 17 those ARDEP
projects of direct relevance to ATM safety and
to the SRC Work Programme.
138Agenda Item 13 - Any Other Business13.6 Audit
Training -Pilot Course
139Training CourseATM Safety Regulatory Audit
- Target Population-
- National ATM safety regulators
- SRU staff involved in ESARR Implementation
Monitoring and Support Programme - ANS Service ProvidersTarget Population-
- Course arrangements
- One week course in IANS
- Real audit on the field
- 3 day Feed back and Consolidation session and exam
- SRC is invited to note-
- the development of a training course on ATM
safety regulatory audit - the approach foreseen for the course
- that a Pilot course is planned for first half of
December - that SRC Commissioners will be informed of the
2003 dates for this course.
141Agenda Item 13 - Any Other Business13.7 GAIN
142Agenda Item 13 - Any Other Business13.8 Next
143SRC Meetings 2003
- SRC16 Tuesday, 25 February 2003 Wednesday,
26 February 2003 - SRC17 Tuesday, 27 May 2003 Wednesday, 28
May 2003 - SRC18 Wednesday, 24 September 2003
Thursday, 25 September 2003