Title: THE PHS 340B DRUG PRICING PROGRAM: An Introduction
- Zandra M. Glenn, Pharm D
- Program Development Consultant
- HRSA Pharmacy Services Support Center
2The Plan
- Background
- 340B Basics
- Getting Started
- Pharmacy Service Options
- Getting Help
- Questions?
3Background The Uninsured
- 49 million Americans without health insurance in
2002 - 23 of Americans under 65 have no prescription
coverage - 10 of seniors eligible for Medicare Part D have
no prescription coverage (4 to 5 million people)
4Medication Access Strategies
- Medication Samples
- Patient Assistance Programs
- Drug Discount Cards
- Discounted Retail Pricing
- Bulk Donation/Purchasing
- Pharmacy Benefit Management
- 340B Drug Pricing Program
5The PHS 340B DrugPricing Program
- Established in 1992
- Provides discounts on outpatient drugs to covered
entities - Manufacturers that participate in Medicaid must
also sign an agreement to participate in 340B
Drug Pricing Program
6Office of Pharmacy Affairs
- Administer the 340B program
- Promote access to comprehensive pharmacy services
- Develop innovative pharmacy service models
- Provide program technical assistance
- Serve as a Federal resource for pharmacy practice
- Website www.hrsa.gov/opa
7340B Basics
- Benefit for Covered Entities
- Covered Entities include
- Nations core of safety net providers
- Federal Grantees
- Some Non-Grantees
8Federal Grantee Covered Entities
- Community health centers
- Migrant health centers
- Health centers for public housing
- Health centers for homeless
- AIDS clinics and drug purchasing programs
- Black lung clinics
9Federal Grantee Covered Entities
- Hemophilia treatment centers
- Native Hawaiian health centers
- Urban Indian clinics/638 tribal centers
- 340s school-based programs
- Title X family planning clinics
- STD clinics
- TB clinics
10Non-grantee Covered Entities
- Federally Qualified Health Center Look-alikes
- Certain Disproportionate Share Hospitals
11Why 340B?
- Reduce prescription drug expenditures by safety
net providers in order to - Expand health services access to
- Low-income individuals/families
- Vulnerable populations
- Reduce taxpayer burden
- Average savings 25-50 for covered medications
(NACHC Survey) - Comprehensive Pharmacy Services
12Estimated Prices For Selected Public Purchasers,
as Percent AWPvon Oehsen Pharmaceutical
Discounts Under Federal Law State Program
Medicaid (Min.)
Medicaid Net
Private Sector Pricing
VA Contract
Stephen Schondelmeyer, PRIME Institute,
University of Minnesota (2001)
13340B Basics Requirements and Prohibitions
- Definition of a patient
- Established relationship with covered-entity
- Care from employed or contracted provider
- Services provided consistent with funding
- Resale or transfer
- Audits and record keeping
- Group purchasing discounts
- Prohibition of Double Dipping
14Getting Started
- Determine entity eligibility
- Fill out entity participation form
- Assess program components
- Determine pharmacy service option
- Contact Prime Vendor
15Determining Entity Eligibility
- Federal funding source
- Check the database at www.hrsa.gov/opa
- Scope of service issues
16Participation Form
- Finding the form
- At www.hrsa.gov/opa
- Click on Introduction to 340B
- Completing the form
- Medicaid question
- Deadlines
- Dec. 1, Mar. 1, June 1, Sept. 1
17Assessing Program Components
- Formulary management
- Samples
- Patient assistance programs
- Pharmacy service option
- In-house
- Contract
- Other
18Contract Pharmacy Services
- Entity contracts with one pharmacy per site
- Entity purchases and owns medications
- Ship to, bill to arrangement
- Detailed receiving/dispensing records
- Diversion prevention tracking system
19In-house Pharmacy Services
- Traditional
- Owned and operated by Entity
- Management Company Operated
- Owned by Entity
- Managed under contract
20Other Options
- Provider Dispensing
- Telepharmacy
- Mail Order
- Alternative Method Demonstration Project
21Alternative Method Demonstration Projects
- HHS Secretary approved in June 2001
- Goal is to demonstrate and evaluate new methods
of accessing 340B drug discounts to serve greater
numbers of indigent and uninsured people - Non-funded projects
- No application deadlines/funding cycles
22Alternative Method Demonstration Models
- Covered-entity network
- Multiple contracted pharmacies
- Contracted pharmacy supplement to in-house
23Alternative Method Project Proposal
- Review information at www.hrsa.gov/opa
- Submit proposal to OPA
- Proposal should include
- Need
- Description of method
- Methods of evaluation
- Participating entities
- Duration
- Inventory control and dispensing
- Compliance with 340B statutory and program
requirements - Drug diversion
- Additional requirements by model type
24Accessing the 340BProgram Pricing
Prime Vendor
25Prime Vendor Program
- Improve access to affordable medications for
covered entities and their patients - Primary goals
- Educate and market the advantages of the PVP to
eligible covered entities, suppliers, and drug
wholesalers - Lower participants supply costs by expanding the
current PVP portfolio of sub-340B priced products
- Provide covered entities with access to efficient
drug distribution solutions to meet their
patients needs - Provide access to other value added products and
services meeting covered entities unique needs
26340B Implementation Issues
- Financial capital and risk
- Expertise available
- Timeline requirements
- Operational control
- Physical space
- Staffing resources
27Getting Help The Pharmacy Services Support Center
- Established September 2002
- Contract between HRSA and the American
Pharmacists Association - Harry Hagel, RPh, MS
- Senior Director
- Facilitate development of clinical and
cost-effective pharmacy services
28PSSC Improving Access to Pharmacy Services
- Organize and manage information
- Promote value of pharmacy services
- Support programs to enhance access
- Manage technical assistance program
29PSSC Technical Assistance
- Team of consultants with knowledge and experience
in clinical and cost-effect pharmacy services in
340B entity settings. - Assistance provided on-site, by phone or via
e-mail. - Larry Brandt, Coordinator
30PSSC Contact Information
- Phone 1-800-628-6297
- E-mail pssc_at_aphanet.org
- Web http//pssc.aphanet.org
31Questions or Comments