Title: On Describing Mean Flow Dynamics in Wall Turbulence
1On Describing Mean Flow Dynamics in Wall
- J. Klewicki
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- University of New Hampshire
- Durham, NH 03824
- Much effort has been directed toward describing
what behaviors occur (e.g., formulas for the mean
profile, the exact numerical value of k) - Our on-going efforts seek to focus more on why
these behaviors occur
3Turbulent Channel Flow Stress Profiles
From, Moser et al. (1999).
4Standard Interpretation
- In the immediate vicinity of the wall viscous
effects are much larger than those associated
with turbulent inertia (viscous sublayer). - In an interior region the momentum field
mechanisms associated with the viscous forces and
turbulent inertia are of the same order of
magnitude (buffer layer), and - For sufficiently large distances from the wall,
turbulent inertia is dominant (logarithmic and
wake layers)
5The Logarithmic Law Via Overlap Hypothesis
6Overlap Monotone Logarithmic
- Pexider (1903) considered the inner/outer/overlap
problem for a more general class of functions
that encompasses the Izakson/Millikan
formulation. - He explored the case in which the inner and outer
functions exactly express the original function. - Overall he showed that in the overlap layer the
function must either be a constant or
logarithmic, the latter necessarily being the
case if the function is apriori known to not be
constant. - Fife et al. (2008) show that this is also true
for functions that approximately overlap. - These are mathematical properties that have
nothing in particular to do with boundary layer
7On the Dynamics of the Logarithmic Layer as
Derived from the Properties of the Mean Momentum
8Some Relevant Publications
- 1) Wei, T., Fife, P., Klewicki, J. and McMurtry,
P., 2005 Properties of the mean momentum balance
in turbulent boundary layer, pipe and channel
flows, J. Fluid Mech. 522, 303. - 2) Fife, P., Wei, T., Klewicki, J. and McMurtry,
P., 2005 Stress gradient balance layers and
scale hierarchies in wall-bounded turbulent
flows, J. Fluid Mech. 532 165. - 3) Fife, P., Klewicki, J., McMurtry, P. and Wei,
T. 2005 Multiscaling in the presence of
indeterminacy Wall-induced turbulence,
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 4 936. - 4) Klewicki, J., Fife, P., Wei, T. and McMurtry,
P. 2006 Overview of a methodology for scaling
the indeterminate equations of wall turbulence,
AIAA J. 44, 2475. - 5) Wei, T., Fife, P. and Klewicki, J. 2007 On
scaling the mean momentum balance and its
solutions in turbulent Couette-Poiseuille flow,
J. Fluid Mech. 573, 371. - 6) Klewicki, J., Fife, P., Wei, T. and McMurtry,
P. 2007 A physical model of the turbulent
boundary layer consonant with mean momentum
balance structure, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond.
A 365, 823. -
9Some Successes
- This new theoretical framework (for example)
- Clarifies the relative influences of the various
forces in pipes, channels and boundary layers. - Analytically determines the R-dependence of the
position of the Reynolds stress peak in channel
flow, the peak value of the Reynolds stress, and
the curvature of the profile near the peak,
without the use of a logarithmic mean profile or
the use of any curvefits. - Simultaneously derives the scalings for the
Reynolds stress and mean profile in turbulent
Couette-Poiseuille flow as a function of both
Reynolds number and relative wall motion. - Provides a clear theoretical justification (the
only we know of) for the often employed/assumed
distance from the wall scaling - Analytically provides a clear physical
description of what the von Karman constant is,
and the condition necessary for it to actually be
a constant
- This part will convey that
- The mean momentum equation admits a hierarchy of
scaling layers, Lb(y), the members of which are
delineated by the parameter, b. - This scaling hierarchy is rigorously associated
with the existence of a logarithmic-like mean
velocity profile - For the mean profile to be exactly logarithmic,
the leading coefficient, A, (proportional to k)
must truly equal a constant - A constant when the layer hierarchy attains a
purely self-similar structure - Physically, this is reflected in the self-similar
behavior of the turbulent force gradient across
the layer hierarchy
11Primary Assumptions
- RANS equations describe the mean dynamics
- Mean velocity is increasing and mean velocity
gradient is decreasing with distance from the wall
12Channel Flow Mean Momentum Balance
13Four Layer Structure (At any fixed Reynolds
14Layer II
15Balance Breaking and Exchange From Layer II to
Layer III
16Layer III Rescaling
17Layer III Rescaling
18Layer II Structure Revisited
19Hierarchy Equations
20Scaling Layer Hierarchy
- For each value of b, these equations undergo the
same balance exchange as described previously
(associated with the peaks of Tb) - For each value of b there is a layer, Lb,
centered about a position, yb, across which a
balance breaking and exchange of forces occurs.
21Layer Hierarchy
y 26-30
y/d 0.5
22Logarithmic Dependence
23Logarithmic Dependence (continued)
- It can be shown that
- A(b) O(1) function that may on some sub-domains
equal a constant - If A const., a logarithmic mean profile is
identically admitted - If A varies slightly, then the profile is bounded
above and below by logarithmic functions.
24Logarithmic Dependence (continued)
- The mean momentum equation admits a hierarchy of
scaling layers, Lb(y), the members of which are
delineated by the parameter, b. The width of
these layers asymptotically scale with y. - This scaling hierarchy is rigorously associated
with the existence of a logarithmic-like mean
velocity profile - For the mean profile to be exactly logarithmic,
the leading coefficient, A, (proportional to k)
must truly equal a constant - A constant when the layer hierarchy attains a
purely self-similar structure - On each layer of the hierarchy these physics are
associated with a balance breaking and exchange
of forces that is also characteristic of the flow
as a whole - Physically, the leading coefficient on the
logarithmic mean profile (i.e.,von Karman
constant/coefficient) is shown to reflect the
self-similar nature of the flux of turbulent
force across an internal range of scales n/ut lt
Lb lt d - Like many known self-similar phenomena, the
natural length scale(s) for the hierarchy are
intrinsically determined via consideration of the
underlying dynamical equations in a zone that is
remote from boundary condition effects.
26C-P Reynolds Stress