Title: Latent Dirichlet allocation
1Latent Dirichlet allocation
- Brief introduction
- LDA parameters estimation
- Brief introduction
- LDA parameters estimation
4First paper of LDA
- Latent dirichlet allocation
- Blei, D.M. and Ng, A.Y. and Jordan, M.I.
- The Journal of Machine Learning Research,2003
- Figure
5Why propose LDA
- Other latent variable models
- Models
- Unigram
- Mixture of unigrams
- Drawbacks
- No ability to model multiple topics phenomenon
- No ability to predict on new data
- Too many parameters to estimate, intractable
6(No Transcript)
7Usage of LDA
- Topic-word-document distribution
- An result on wikipedia
Topic 0th medical health medicine care practice
patient training treatment patients Topic 1th
memory intel processor instruction processors
cpu performance instructions . Topic 199th
distribution probability test random sample
variables statistical variable data error
8Usage of LDA (Cont)
- The author-topic model for authors and documents
(UAI, 2004)
9Usage of LDA (Cont)
- Learning to Classify Short and Sparse Text Web
with Hidden Topics from Large-scale Data
Collections (WWW08)
10Usage of LDA (cont)
- A Latent Dirichlet Model for Unsupervised Entity
Resolution (SIAM06)
11Usage of LDA (cont)
- LDA-Based Document Models for Ad-hoc Retrieval
Topic Based Language Models for ad hoc
Information Retrieval (Neural networks, 2004)
12Usage of LDA (Cont)
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation in Web Spam Filtering
- Probabilistic Models for Discovering
ECommunities (WWW06)
- A mixture model for contextual text mining
- Latent Friend Mining from Blog Data (SIGKDD06)
13Usage of LDA (cont)
- Finding Scientific Topics (PNAS,2004)
- Gibbs Sampling method to estimate parameters
- Automatic determine topic number
- Application on PNAS data
- Brief introduction
- LDA parameters estimation
15Beta distribution
16Beta distribution (Cont)
17Dirichlet distribution
- Generalize Beta distribution from 2 to K
18Conjugate prior distributions
If the likelihood P(Xtheta) is a multinomial
distribution with parameters theta (a vector),
then for theta, the conjugate prior is the
Dirichlet distribution.
19Latent Dirichlet allocation
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22Inference via Gibbs Sampling
23Collapsed LDA Gibbs Sampler
24Joint distribution
25Joint distribution (cont)
26Update equation
27Multinomial parameters
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