Title: Dr.%20Max%20Garagnani,%20Mr.%20Yucheng%20Ding
1The Open University Node
- Dr. Max Garagnani, Mr. Yucheng Ding
- (Ms. Marina Davidson)
- Dr. Shailey Minocha, Ms. Liisa Dowson
- Department of Computing
- Milton Keynes - UK
2Domain Description Languages
- EPSRC-funded assessment project on
- Model-based (analogical) Planning
- Syntactic structure of the model is isomorphic
to the semantics of the problem domain - This formalism allows capturing more naturally
and efficiently the spatial and topological
structure of a significant class of domains (so
called move domains) involving the
're-arrangement' of a set of objects over a set
of locations.
3Example Briefcase domain
- Propositional description
- relations at(x,y), inB(z), x?H,O,
y?C,P,B, - State inB(C), at(H,B), at(H,P), ...
Model-based description using arrays of chars
4A model-based representation
- Based on abstract structure SetGraph
P1 HomeB , D , Office , BriefcaseC
R1 (Home,Office), (B,Briefcase)
5A model-based representation
- Action schemata (to be extended)
6Preliminary Results
(m-n) m locations, n portables
7Preliminary Results
(m-n) no. balls in room A and B
8Preliminary Results
- Miconic domain (four floors)
9PLANSERVE - Main Contribution
- Objective 3 We will produce a re-usable set of
generic knowledge structures that capture the
common dynamic behaviour of objects in groups of
application domains. - This will involve research into re-using
abstract description of - types of domains to act as templates for new
domains - induction of characteristics of patterns in
planning applications - ? model-based repres. of ontologies (e.g.,
templates of common structures in planning
domains) for application areas - Work to do repres. state-change, resources,
10PLANSERVE - Other Contributions
- Objective 4 formulate and agree upon standards
for web-based, knowledge-rich domain model
languages - Objective 2 ..develop automated acquisition
techniques for capturing definitions of domain
actions. using online knowledge of
applications via available ontologies
- Objective 4 create and evaluate a prototype
of an on-line IPSG - ? evaluate the IPSG also from a usability
perspective - Usability evaluation heuristic evaluations,
user-observations (contextual enquiry)
eye-tracking techniques