Title: Unified Messaging
1Unified Messaging
- Mike Lambert
- The Open Group
- Unified Messaging hasn't lived up to expectations
- Companies happy with current email Blackberry
and PDAs - Growth has been slow
- Computer Associates, October 2002
3What is a Business Scenario?
- A Business Scenario describes
- a business process, application or set of
applications that can be enabled by a solution - the business and technology environment
- the people and computing components (the
actors) who execute it - the desired outcome of proper execution.
- A good Business Scenario
- is representative of a significant market
- enables the supply side to understand the value
to the buy side of a developed solution
4Developing a Business Scenario
Discussion Draft
5What is Unified Messaging?
- Unified messaging provides
- a single point of access to all message types
(e.g. voice, fax, eMail, video) - from virtually any communications device (e.g.
telephone, personal computer, PDA) - from any place at any time
- according to business policy and individual
preference - The Intelligent Assistant
6What is Unified Communications?
- A uniform and unified environment for all forms
of communication, including - Uniformly managing incoming or outgoing calls of
any medium from any type of device - Uniformly sending and receiving messages or data
of any medium from any type of device - Converting information from one form to another
as appropriate - Selecting times/devices according to enterprise
and user policies - Uniformly managing dynamic user addresses of any
type and transparently providing address
translations as appropriate (such as between IP
addresses and telephone number) - Maintaining user presence information
7Unified Messaging orUnified Communications ?
Unified Messaging
Unified Communications
Mobile Computing
Some requirements for messaging
Most requirements for mobile computing
8Specific Business Processes Considered
- 1 Executive Mobility
- 2 Factory Workers
- 3 Executive Security
- 4 Teleworking
- 5 Customer Relationship Management
- 6 Communications
9Business Oriented Pain Points
- Delays
- in decision making
- in collaborations
- Reduced personal productivity
- Need to check multiple devices
- Difficult to authenticate
- Difficult to locate people
- Too many different devices ? high costs
- Management costs
- Support costs
- Procurement costs
- Too many wireless carriers
- Adds costs
- Reduces volume discounts
10Next Steps
- Take feedback from the Austin meeting
- Draft full scenario description for review by the
Messaging Forum - Identify the role of The Messaging Forum in
addressing the business needs identified