Title: Cultural Competence in Patient Care
1Cultural Competencein Patient Care
- Carlos Estrada, MD, MS
- Associate Professor of Medicine
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- Funding NHLBI 1 K07 HL081373-01
- Improving Cultural Competency An Online Case
Based Curriculum
2Why do we need cultural competence in the 21st
- Immigration will impact demographics
- Growth of minority population
- Important tool to help reduce disparities
3Cultural CompetenceDefinition
- The understanding of diverse attitudes, beliefs,
behaviors, practices, and communication patterns
attributable to a variety of factors - Factors race, ethnicity, religion, SES,
historical and social context, physical or mental
ability, age, gender, sexual orientation,
generational acculturation status
- A local geographic or global human population
distinguished as a more or less distinct group by
genetically transmitted physical characteristics. - A group of people united or classified together
on the basis of common history, nationality, or
geographic distribution
- Of, relating to, or characteristic of a sizable
group of people sharing a common and distinctive
racial, national, religious, linguistic, or
cultural heritage
5Cultural Competence inHealth Care
- A health care provider is cultural competent when
he/she is able to deliver culturally appropriate
and specifically tailored care to patients with
diverse values, beliefs, and behaviors
6LEARN Model
- L isten
- E xplain
- A cknowledge
- R ecommend
- N egotiate
Berlin Fowkes, 1983
7Changing Demographics
- Aging of the population
- Growing majority of women
- Nations growing racial and ethnic diversity
8Cultural CompetencyFundamental Elements
- Understand the dynamics of difference
- Implement policies and procedures
- Value diversity
- Perform a cultural assessment
- Question self-desire and motivation for positive
Bigby, J. Cross-Cultural Medicine. 2003
9(No Transcript)
- Observe, pay attention
- Write 1-2 short comments
- Any observations?
- Anything impressed you?
11Cultural CompetencyFundamental Elements
- Understand the dynamics of difference
- Implementation of policies and procedures
- Value Diversity
- Perform a cultural assessment
- Question self-desire and motivation
12Dynamics of Difference
- Differences among patients and providers
- Avoid cultural blindness
- Belief that color or culture makes no difference
- All people are the same
- Difference in quality of care
- Over 600 disparities documented
- Institute of Medicine 2002
13Disparities in Care
- Cardiovascular disease Differential treatment
after coronary arteriography, even controlling
for disease severity (Schneider, 2001) - Cancer Racial differences in mortality rates,
analgesia, diagnostic tests and treatment
14Age-Adjusted Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in
U.S. Population1988-1994
1999 Heart and Stroke Statistical Update, AHA.
15Cultural CompetencyFundamental Elements
- Understand the dynamics of difference
- Implement policies and procedures
- Value Diversity
- Perform a cultural assessment
- Question self-desire and motivation
16Incorporating Cultural Competency into Healthcare
- Community engagement
- Cultural perspectives
- Reciprocal transfer of knowledge and skills
- Healthcare organizations
- Consensus statements
- Call for action and research
- Accreditation
- Develop competencies and curricula
Taylor, 1997
17Cultural CompetencyFundamental Elements
- Understand the dynamics of difference
- Implementation of policies and procedures
- Value Diversity
- Perform a cultural assessment
- Question self-desire and motivation
18Value Diversity
- Lack of diversity in leadership
- Improve early education
- Recruitment and retention
- Mentoring
- Workforce diversity
- Different perspectives
- Improve communication
- Comfortable environment
19Value of Diversity
- Concordance in race is associated with
- Greater participation in care process
- Higher satisfaction rates
- Greater adherence to care (Cooper and Patrick et
al, 1999) - Racial and ethnic minorities
- More likely to serve in underserved areas
- (Komoromy et al, 1999)
20Cultural CompetencyFundamental Elements
- Understand the dynamics of difference
- Implementation of policies and procedures
- Value Diversity
- Perform a cultural assessment
- Question self-desire and motivation
21Cultural Assessment
- Individual
- Awareness of ones own culture
- Ethno-culture of medicine
- Institution
- Language barriers
- Operational issues
- Patient
- Performed over several visits
22Cultural Assessment for Patients
Adapted from Kleinman, 1978
23Cultural CompetencyFundamental Elements
- Understand the dynamics of difference
- Implementation of policies and procedures
- Value Diversity
- Perform a cultural assessment
- Question self-desire and motivation
24Internal Motivation andSelf-Awareness
- Recognize biases, management decisions influenced
by race and ethnicity - Physicians less likely to recommend
catheterization for black females (Schulman,
1999) - Male physicians prescribed more analgesia for
white patients vs. blacks (Wiese, 2002)
25What provider behaviors contribute to disparities?
- Provider perceptions of
- Symptoms
- Worthiness of patient
- Provider misunderstanding of racial and ethnic
differences - Poor communication skills
Bigby, 2003
26Experienced Bias or Disrespect
Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of Race,
Ethnicity, and Medical Care, 1999
27Consequences of Patients Experiences of Bias in
Health Care Setting
- Hold negative assumptions about providers
- Interpret provider behavior from baseline of
mistrust - Withhold important information
- Delay presentation for care
- Dont follow recommendations
Bigby, 2003
28Cultural CompetenceA Developmental Process
29LEARN Model
- L isten
- E xplain
- A cknowledge
- R ecommend
- N egotiate
Berlin Fowkes, 1983
30Cultural competence is a means, not an end
Bigby, J. Cross Cultural Medicine. 2003
31(No Transcript)
32Cultural Competence
- a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and
policies that come together in a system, agency
or professional and enables that system, agency
or professional to work effectively in
cross-cultural situations. -
- Cross TL et al Toward a Cultural Competent
System of Care A Monograph on Effective Services
to Minority Children Who Are Severely Emotionally
Disturbed. Washington, DC Georgetown University
Child Development Center, CASSP Technical
Assistance Center, 1989
33What is Cultural Competency?
- a set of academic and personal skills that
allow us to increase our understanding and
appreciation of cultural differences between
Archbold, 1996
34Key Concepts
- Not a biological construct, a sociopolitical
dimension - Born with a heritage
- Assigned a race
- Connectedness based on commonalties (religion,
nationality, regions), cultural patterns shared
over time - Robinson, TL Howard-Hamilton, MF, 2000