Title: Artist: 10
2During the employment period, the employee shall
initiate a voluntary termination (resignation)
from employment.
The effective date of any resignation shall be
the last duty day the employee is physically on
duty unless resigning on sick leave.
Resignations shall be filed with the principal or
department head no later than ten working days
prior the effective date.
3Procedure For Completing PBSD 1176
- Use this form for all resignations and
terminations for temporary and interim positions. - Sections I and II must be completed for all
regular employees who voluntarily resign. - Section I may be completed by probationary or
temporary employees who voluntarily resign. - Section IV is for involuntary resignations with
the exception of Failure to Report to Work. - Signatures are required for both the employee and
Principal/Department Head.
Jon Smith
Sandra Brown
4Specific Instructions - PBSD 1176
- Section I Check the most significant reason.
This section is not for involuntary resignations. - Sections II- All regular employees must select
one of the categories in this section. - The following is clarification payout of sick
time - Under 6 years of FRS service no payout available.
- 6 years of service 40
- 7-10 years of service 45
- 10-12 years of service 50
- Over 12 years of service 100
- All regular employees who are teachers or who are
in the Staff Association with ten (10) years of
District service must participate in the BENCOR
Plan. - Section III For teachers only
- Section IV Involuntary resignations note that
a written three day termination notice must be
given to the interim employee. - Note Please provide position numbers.
- Note When a primary position is terminated, all
positions will be terminated.
Jon Smith
Sandra Brown
5Thank you for your time and support !On behalf
ofHUMAN RESOURCES . . . .YOUR Business