Title: Question
1Question Recitation
- A Presentation By
- Carleen Perry
- Heather Petersen
2Whats the Difference?
Questioning versus Recitation
According to Stodolsky (1988), as quoted in
Woolfolk on page 492, Teachers pose questions,
students answer. This form of teaching, sometimes
called recitation
3Asking Questions???
- Teacher initiates questioning to students to
- Determine Students Prior Knowledge
- Identify Students Lack of Knowledge
- Evaluate Students Recall of Information Taught
- Maintaining Students
- Interest Cognition
- Encourages Curiosity!!!
4Appropriate Technique
- Teacher poses a question.
WaitWaitWait!!! 3-5 seconds Longer Wait Time
Increases Higher Level Responses and Confidence!!!
- Blank StaresLooks of Confusion
- Teacher Should
- Reword
- Rephrase
- Ask for Student Clarification on the Question
Originally Asked
5Technique Cont
- Students Responds.
- Possible Teachers Reactions
- Praising
- Correcting
- Probing
- Expanding
- Dont React with Okay! or
- Uh-huh
- Repeat Process Over and Over Again and Again
6Types of Questioning
- Based on Blooms Taxonomy
- Knowledge remembering
- Comprehension understanding
- Application applying
- Analysis analyzing
- Syntheses creating
- Evaluation evaluating
7The following questions are based on what
level of Blooms Taxonomy?
Can you think of a way to peel an orange without
getting your fingers sticky?
9Knowledge (Recall)
Which one is bigger?
Which fruit is better for you and why?
Which piece of fruit makes your fingers feel
12Knowledge (Recall)
What shape is the orange?
If you were going to create a new piece of fruit
that was a combination of the apple and the
orange, what would the fruit look and taste like?
What are three differences/similarities between
the apple and the orange?
Which piece of fruit is packed with vitamin C?
16Knowledge (Recall)
What color is the apple?
What would you do if you were starving and found
a worm in your apple?
18- Resources
- http//www.lessonplanspage.com/LAAskingHigherLe
velQuestionsToImproveReadingComp612.htm - Woolfolk, A. (1980) . Educational Psychology
Tenth - Edition . MA Pearson Education, Inc.
19Backdrops - These are full sized backdrops, just
scale them up! - Can be Copy-Pasted out of
Templates for use anywhere!