Title: Science%20Fair%20Bibliographies
1Science Fair Bibliographies
- Science the scholarly and practical activity
encompassing the systematic study of the
structure and behavior of the physical and
natural world through observation and experiment - Scientific Bibliography a list of the works
referenced (citations) in a scholarly work
3Scholarly concerned with academic study,
and especially with research
4When do you read the citations?
5Bibliography Rights Wrongs
- Gribbon, J., Hyperspace Our Final Frontier, DK
Publishing New York (2001). - Solomon, E.P. Berg, L.R. Martin, D.W., Biology,
ed. 5, Saunders College Publishing New York
(1999). - http//www.carnegiesciencecenter.org
6Bibliography Rights Wrongs
- Communication from J. Blank, Teacher, Franklin
Regional H.S. Biology Dept. (April 21, 2009). - Communication from R. Smith.
- Communication from R. Smith, friend.
- http//www.ppg.com
- http//www.answers.com
7Bibliography Rights Wrongs
- Accession Number MI122200, Mite, Power
Library Funk Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
(2002). - Avon, N., Mites Keep Cockroaches Mold-Free,
Pop. Sci. (September 2009). - Charles, D., Making Use of Excess Heat,
Science, V. 325, p. 811 (14 August 2009). - http//wikipedia.com
8Library Links
- http//www.einetwork.net
- http//www.carnegielibrary.org
- http//www.wlnonline.org
- http//www.murrysvillelibrary.org
- http//www.powerlibrary.org
- http//www.scitechfestival.com/mainsf.asp
- http//www.acs.org/highschool
9Why the Bibliography Matters
An educated person is someone who has learned how
to acquire, analyze, synthesize, evaluate,
understand, and communicate knowledge and
information. An educated person has to develop
skills that respond to changing professional
requirements and new challenges in society and
the world at large. He or she must be able to
take skills previously gained from serious study
of one set of problems and apply them to another.
He or she must be able to locate, understand,
interpret, evaluate, and use information in an
appropriate way and ultimately communicate his or
her synthesis and understanding of that
information in a clear and accurate
manner. Linda Mikels, principal of Sixth Street
Prep School, a charter elementary school in
Victorville, Calif.