Title: Contact form Contactformulier
1Contact form /Contactformulier
- The only way to communicate online with the
Education Office. - How to get there
- Go directly to the website http//lawstudy.unima
as.nl/contactform - Or use one of the links to it available in a few
other places online - The FdR Student Shortcuts on the My FdR tab in
EleUM - The For Students area of the Faculty website
Click on the weblink above
2You enter the website in the Dutch version of the
Welcome screen. Click on the English flag or the
English version link to go to the English
3We presume you have an UM student login account
(e.g. i123456). That is the account we expect you
to use to communicate with us.(At the start of
the academic year there may be students who dont
have their UM account yet then you can use a
non-UM email address to communicate with.) Click
on the Login (UNIMAAS) button
4When prompted for username and password, be sure
to enter the correct format indicated in the
instruction at the bottom of the screen. For Bob
to log in it would beUNIMAAS\i123456 and his
four-digit password. Click OK to log in.
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6You can either search using keywords and/or other
search criteria, or you can browse through the
list with the questions in red.Click on the 1st
7You will jump to the bottom of the screen where
the question you chose is shown including the
answer. If this doesnt answer your question or
your question is not among the FAQs, go back to
the form where you can ask your question. To do
this, click on the Contact form link
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13Builder Bob (the) (Stud. FdR)
This is the confirmation email he received. It is
not possible to reply to this message.But, a
special link is provided in the e-mail that will
lead straight to Bobs file in the Contact form
system. Click on the link to Bobs file
14Just like in the Confirmation screen he got after
sending his question, Bob gets the chance to send
a follow-up message. Well, he doesnt have to add
something, he simply wants an answer to his
question and hopes to get it soon! Click on the
icon that closes the Internet Explorer window.
15The next day he got this message with an answer
to his question (see below). Again a link is
provided to his file in the Contact form
system. Click on one of the links.
16He can see the answer from the Education Desk
employee (which was also in his e-mail). As a
follow-up he wants to confirm that he found the
information he needed.(He now knows where to
find the rules and deadlines for registration, so
he can avoid having to pay 35 euros when he is
too late to register, but still has to register
after the registration deadline has
passed). Click in the empty text area.
17He types his message in the text field and sends
it. Click on the Send remark button.
18Again, he gets a confirmation screen straight
away, and also an e-mail message is sent to his
mailbox with another link to his file. For Bob,
his file can be closed now and most likely that
is what the Education Desk employee will do. In
the next slide we will show you Bobs last
email. Click here to go to the next slide.
19Click on the link to Bobs file to see what it
looks like when a file has been closed by the
Education Office.
20The message in red above tells you that it is
closed. If you need more information or you dont
agree with the fact that your file is closed, you
can simply re-open it by writing your remark and
sending it. Please do not use this file to ask a
new question on another subject. For new requests
always fill in a new form! Click here to continue.
21Thank you for your attention!
The Contact form demo showed you how to
communicate online with the Education
Office. Click to end this presentation.