Title: Quarks
1Quarks Leptons 4Quarks and antiquarks
Conservation rules
- Unit 1.1b4
- Breithaupt chapters 2.4 2.5
- pages 24 to 27
2AS specification
- Up (u), down (d) and strange (s) quarks only.
- Properties of quarks charge, baryon number and
strangeness. - Combinations of quarks and antiquarks required
for baryons (proton and neutron only),
antibaryons (antiproton and antineutron only) and
mesons (pion and kaon) only. - Change of quark character in ß - and ß decay.
- Application of the conservation laws for charge,
baryon number, lepton number and strangeness to
particle interactions. The necessary data will be
provided in questions for particles outside those
specified. - Breithaupt chapters 2.4 2.5 pages 24 to 27
3Baryon number (B)(equivalent to lepton number)
- Conservation of baryon number
- In all interactions the total baryon number is
conserved. - You are expected to recall baryon numbers in the
AS examination!
4Sigma particles
- These are all baryons (B 1) and they all have
rest energies of 1.97 GeV (about 2x the protons
0.938 GeV) - sigma-plus S
- charge 1 (equals proton charge)
- sigma-zero S0
- charge 0
- sigma-minus S (Note This is NOT the
antiparticle of S ) - charge - 1
- Like all baryons they eventually decay into
protons for example S ? n p - , after
which the neutron decays into a proton
5Use baryon numbers to check whether or not the
following strong force interactions can occur.
7Strangeness number (S)
- The final reaction, strangely, does not in fact
occur even though properties such as baryon
number and charge are conserved. - Some other predicted reactions also fail to occur
with K mesons, sigma and other particles. - To be able to predict what will and what will not
happen a further property needs to be assigned to
some particles called strangeness. - The K meson, the first strange particle to be
discovered, is defined to have a strangeness
number of 1
- For the antiparticle K-, S - 1
- Following the K meson strangeness definition
sigma particles all have strangeness of, - 1 and
anti-sigma particles, 1 - Further subsequently discovered strange particles
have been shown to have strange numbers between
3 and 3 - Non-strange particles such as protons, neutrons,
pions and all leptons have strangeness 0
8Conservation of strangeness
- Strangeness is always conserved in all strong
interactions (no leptons involved). - Strangeness is not always conserved in weak
- Strangeness conserved
- S 0 0 ? -1 1
- Non-conservation of strangeness in a weak
interaction - S - 1 ? 0 0 0
K - ? p p - p -
9Even more complication !
- Since the 1970s further particles discovered have
be found to have other properties like
strangeness that need to be conserved in
interactions their names being charm, topness and
bottomness. - It became clear that baryons and mesons were not
fundamental particles of matter (unlike leptons)
but were composed of smaller particles now called
quarks. - This model for the composition of hadrons is
called the Standard Model.
10The Standard Model
- All hadrons consist of quarks
- Baryons (e,g. protons and neutrons) consist of
three quarks - Antibaryons (e.g. anti-protons) consist of three
antiquarks - Mesons (e.g. pions and kaons) consist of a quark
and an antiquark
11Quarks and antiquarks
- Quarks are currently thought to be fundamental
particles. - Quarks feel the strong interaction (unlike
leptons) - Quarks are never found in isolation but always in
pairs or triplets. - There are six types (flavours) of quarks and six
corresponding antiquarks. - Only two types are stable. They are called up (u)
and down (d).
- Charm (c) and strange (s) quarks are more massive
versions of the up and down quarks. - Top (t) and bottom (b) quarks are more massive
versions of the charm and strange quarks. - Quarks can change type through the weak
interaction. - Only knowledge of the up, down and strange quarks
is required for AS physics.
12Properties of quarks(antiquarks have the same
mass but opposite charge, baryon number and
13Protons and neutrons
- Protons consist of two up and one down quark
(uud) - Charge ? ? - ? 1
- Baryon number ? ? ? 1
- Neutrons consist of one up and two down quarks
(udd) - Charge ? - ? - ? 0
- Baryon number ? ? ? 1
14Beta-minus decay
- With beta-minus decay a neutron (udd) changes
into a proton (uud) - This can be represented on a Fenyman diagram as a
down quark changing into an up quark
Corrected from text book
15Beta-plus decay
- With beta-plus decay a proton (uud) changes into
a neutron (udd) - This can be represented on a Fenyman diagram as
an up quark changing into a down quark
Corrected from text book
16Antiprotons and antineutrons
- Antiprotons consist of two up antiquarks and one
down antiquark (uud) - Charge - ? - ? ? -1
- Baryon number - ? - ? - ? -1
- Antineutrons consist of one up antiquark and two
down antiquarks (udd) - Charge - ? ? ? 0
- Baryon number - ? - ? - ? -1
17Charged p-mesons
- These are made up of a quark and an antiquark
pair made of of up and down quarks and antiquarks
- p ud
- charge ? ? 1
- B ? - ? 0
- p - ud
- charge - ? - ? -1
- B - ? ? 0
18Uncharged p-mesons
- These are made up of a quark and an antiquark
pair of up, down or strange quarks
- p 0 uu
- charge ? - ? 0
- B ? - ? 0
- S 0 0 0
- OR p 0 dd
- charge - ? ? 0
- B ? - ? 0
- S 0 0 0
- OR p 0 ss
- charge - ? ? 0
- B ? - ? 0
- S -1 1 0
- These combinations a strange quark along with an
up or down quark - normal particles
- K us (S 0 1 1)
- K0 ds
- antiparticles
- K- su (S 1 0 1)
- K0 ds
pions and kaons
20Sigma particlesThese are baryons and so contain
three quarksComplete the table below
- sigma-plus S
- Quarks uus
- Charge ? ? - ? 1
- B ? ? ? 1
- S 0 0 1 1
- sigma-zero S0
- sigma-minus S
- Quarks dds
- Charge - ? - ? - ? 1
- B ? ? ? 1
- S 0 0 1 1
- anti-sigma-plus S
- anti-sigma-zero S0
- Quarks u d s
- Charge - ? ? ? 0
- B - ? - ? - ? 1
- S 0 0 1 1
- anti-sigma-minus S
21Sigma particlesThese are baryons and so contain
three quarksCompleted table
- sigma-plus S
- Quarks uus
- Charge ? ? - ? 1
- B ? ? ? 1
- S 0 0 1 1
- sigma-zero S0
- Quarks uds
- Charge ? - ? - ? 0
- B ? ? ? 1
- S 0 0 1 1
- sigma-minus S
- Quarks dds
- Charge - ? - ? - ? 1
- B ? ? ? 1
- S 0 0 1 1
- anti-sigma-plus S
- Quarks u u s
- Charge - ? - ? ? 1
- B - ? - ? - ? 1
- S 0 0 1 1
- anti-sigma-zero S0
- Quarks u d s
- Charge - ? ? ? 0
- B - ? - ? - ? 1
- S 0 0 1 1
- anti-sigma-minus S
- Quarks d d s
- Charge ? ? ? 1
- B - ? - ? - ? 1
- S 0 0 1 1
22Complete the table below
24Interaction conservation rules
- All interactions must conserve
- and with strong interactions only STRANGENESS
25Quark annihilation interaction
- In quark terms the interaction is
- u u d u u d ? u d u d
- An up quark and an up antiquark annihilate each
other in a strong force interaction producing two
pions with the release of radiation. - ENERGY mass-energy is converted into kinetic
energy and photons - CHARGE 1 1 1 1 conserved
- LEPTON NUMBER strong interaction no leptons
involved - BARYON NUMBER 1 1 0 0 conserved
- STRANGNESS NUMBER 0 0 0 0 conserved
- This reaction can occur.
26Use the conservation rules to determine whether
or not the following interactions could occur.
- 1.
- 2.
- NO Charge is not conserved
- 3.
28Notes from Breithaupt pages 24 to 27
- Why is it necessary for some particles to be
assigned a strangeness number. Show how the
strangeness numbers for K-mesons and sigma
particles are allocated. - Copy table 1 on page 25. Define baryons,
antibaryons and mesons in terms of quark
composition. - State the quark compositions of protons,
neutrons, antiprotons and the three varieties of
pion. - Explain beta-minus and beta-plus decay in terms
of quark change. Illustrate with Fenyman
diagrams. - Define what is meant by Baryon number. State the
baryon numbers of quarks, antiquarks, protons,
neutrons, antiprotons and mesons. - List the conservation rules that must apply to
all interactions. State how strangeness is
exceptional. - Give and explain an example of an interaction
where quarks are annihilated. - Try the summary questions on pages 25 27
29Answers to the summary questions on page 25
30Answers to the summary questions on page 27