Title: Consumer Price Index
1Consumer Price Index
2Price Changes!!
- Share with the class some prices that you
remember have changed? - CD player
- Movie Tickets
- Stamp
- Milk
- Prices really do change even for the exact same
3Why should we care?
- There are many reasons, but the probably the most
important reason is that we need to make sure
that our wage increases are roughly in line with
inflation. If wages are increasing more slowly
than prices, then people's incomes are decreasing
even though their wages are increasing nominally.
- It was precisely these concerns that led the
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics to start
publishing the CPI in 1917. Inflation was very
high during World War I, and there was
considerable labor strife.
5What is the CPI?
- The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of
the average change over time in the prices paid
by urban consumers for a market basket of
consumer goods and services.
6How is the CPI used?
- The CPI affects nearly all Americans because of
the many ways it is used. Following are major
uses - As an economic indicator.
- As a deflator of other economic series.
- As a means of adjusting dollar values.
7What goods and services does the CPI cover?
- FOOD AND BEVERAGES (breakfast cereal, milk,
coffee, chicken, wine, full service meals,
snacks) - HOUSING (rent of primary residence, owners'
equivalent rent, fuel oil, bedroom furniture) - APPAREL (men's shirts and sweaters, women's
dresses, jewelry) - TRANSPORTATION (new vehicles, airline fares,
gasoline, motor vehicle insurance) - MEDICAL CARE (prescription drugs and medical
supplies, physicians' services, eyeglasses and
eye care, hospital services) - RECREATION (televisions, toys, pets and pet
products, sports equipment, admissions) - EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION (college tuition,
postage, telephone services, computer software
and accessories) - OTHER GOODS AND SERVICES (tobacco and smoking
products, haircuts and other personal services,
funeral expenses).
8Is the CPI the best measure of inflation?
- Inflation has been defined as a process of
continuously rising prices or, of a continuously
falling value of money. - The CPI measures inflation as experienced by
consumers in their day-to-day living expenses
- Inflation is defined as the percentage increase
in the CPI for a given year - For example, the CPI in 1997 was 160.5 in 1998
it was 163.0. - The inflation rate for 1998 was
- (163.0 160.5)
- 160.5
- 1.6
10How Do We Use the CPI?
- In 1990, gasoline cost 1.16 per gallon (on
average). In 1997, the average price was 1.23.
Did the cost of gasoline go up or go down? - 1.16 and 1.23 are called current prices.
According to these current prices, it looks like
gas got more expensive. Is this accurate? - Lets compare the prices taking into account the
changing value of money
11We wish to know 1.16 in 1990 dollars is
equivalent to x in 1997 dollars? 160.50 (1997
CPI) x (1997 dollars) 130.70 (1990 CPI) 1.16
(1990 dollars) x (160.50 / 130.70) 1.16 x
1.42 So when Americans paid 1.16 per gallon for
gasoline in 1990, it was equivalent to someone
paying 1.42 in 1997, which is considerably more
than what they were actually paying in 1997
(1.23). The 1.42 value is what we call
constant dollars. The price of gasoline was
cheaper in 1997 than in 1990!
121 dz of Eggs
- Lets open file CPI.xls
- In 1925 cost 0.55
- In 2008 cost 1.09
- Lets Convert the current 1925 value of 0.55 to
constant 2008 dollars to determine the answer. - Was 1 dz of Eggs more expensive in 2008 or did it
cost less than in 1925?
13½ gallon of milk
- In 1920 it costs 0.33
- In 2008 it costs 1.29
- Convert the current 1920 value of 0.33 to
constant 2008 dollars to determine the answer. - Was ½ gallon of milk more expensive in 2008 or
did it cost less than in 1920?
- Data shows that the average price of a gallon of
gasoline (regular) in 1976 was 0.64. In 1998 it
was 1.06. - Convert the current 1976 value of 0.64 to
constant 1998 dollars to determine your answer. - Was gasoline more expensive in 1998 or did it
cost less than in 1976?
15Red delicious apples
- In 1989, red delicious apples cost on average
0.57 per pound. In 1995, they cost 0.83 per
pound. - Were apples more or less expensive in 1995 than
in 1989?
- In 1912 a T-shirt cost 0.45. In 2008 a t-shirt
cost 10. Which one is more expensive?
17Lets Try Another One
- A 1966 Schwinn 5-Speed Fastback bicycle cost
69.95 - What would that cost today?
18Lets Try Another One
- Divide 2008 CPI by 1966 CPI and multiply by
69.95 - (215.3 / 32.4) 69.95 464.82