- Thailand Rice Convention 2009
- Bangkok
2The World Is Eating More Rice
- The World Consumption has grown from 156 MMT to
440 MMT over the last 48 years - Rice Consumption has grown THREE times in the
last 5 decades
3However in Africa
Africa Rice Consumption 000 MT
ROW Consumption 000 MT
- Consumption increased from 3.3 MMT to 22 MMT over
last 5 decades. - Rest of the World grew from 153MMT to 418 MMT
4Importance of Rice in the food basket
- Growing Importance of Rice in the African Food
Basket - Africa is the only major consumption region which
is growing at a fast pace
- Rice calorie supply as percentage of total
calorie supply by geographical region
Source World Rice Statistics, IRRI
5Rice Consumption Per Capita
- Doubling of Per Capita consumption in Africa
- World Increase-only 32
Source FAO Database
6Africa Key Drivers of Rice Consumption
- Population Growth
- Demographics
- Urbanization, Tastes Preferences
- Growth in Economically active Female population
7Population Growth in Africa
- African Population has grown by 300 over the
last 50 years - African Population is projected to grow by
another 35 by 2020-Fastest growing region in the
Growth in Total Population (1960-2006)
Source FAO Database
8Urbanization in Africa
- Growth in Urbanization in Africa (over 500)
outstrips rest of the world (200) - The degree of correlation between urbanization
and rice consumption is 0.996 for Africa - This trend is expected to continue in the future
Growth in Urban Population (1960-2006)
Source FAO Database
9Urbanization Projections (2005100)
- By 2030 the Urban Population in Africa should
grow by 65 compared to 28 in the world. - By factor of correlation alone the rice
consumption in Africa should increase by another
12 MMT if other factors remain unchanged
Source FAO Database
10Economically Active Female Population in Africa
- In the last five decades the Economically Active
female Population has grown by 200 in Africa - This has also spurred an increase in Rice
consumption which is easier to cook and store
compared to the traditional foods.
Growth in Economically Active Female Population
Source FAO Database
11Population growth coupled with the doubling of
per capita consumption places Africa amongst the
fastest growing rice eating regions in the world
12- Rice Production in Africa
13Local Rice Production
Africa Rice Production MMT
ROW Production MMT
- Local rice Production has increased from 7.9 MMT
to 14.7 MMT in the last 20 years -
- Rice Production in Africa has grown at a CAGR of
over 3 since 1990, compared to the rest of the
world CAGR of 1
Source PSD Online
14Rice Production
- A Combination of
- Area harvested under the crop
- Yield
15Area harvested under Rice
- The Growth in the Total Area harvested under Rice
in Africa (31) dwarfs the growth in the World
Growth in Area Harvested under Rice (1990-2009)
Source PSD Online
16Africa Yield (Rough Rice)
- At 3.3 MT/Ha the yield in Africa is half that of
the world average - In the last 15 years this yield growth in Africa
has been negligible. - The yield gap is wide and increasing
Growth in Paddy Yield in MT/Ha (1995-2009)
- Rice production in Africa has grown only on
account of an increase in the Harvested Area
Source PSD Online
17Perspectives on Rice Production in Africa
- Agricultural Production is essentially a function
of the Return the farmer gets on his investment
- Input Cost
- Credit
- Irrigation
- Technology
- Seeds Fertilizers
- Market Support
- Access
- Support Price
- Credit
- Quality Mgmt
- Outturn
- Wastage
- Milled Quality
18Limitations to Yield
Average Yield in MT/Ha under different Ecosystems
- Increase in yield mainly from Irrigated
Ecosystems - Rainfed Ecosystem is the dominant variety in
Africa - Significant efforts underway to improve farm
productivity farmer income
19Inputs and Infrastructure
- Significant improvements in infrastructure and
inputs will be required to improve the yields in
Source Compendium of Agricultural-Environmental
Indicators 1989-91-2000-2001, FAO Database
20Key issues
- Increasing Irrigation
- Infrastructural Investments
- Financial support for investments
- Consistent Policy environments
- Pro farmer policies e.g. Support price
- Social and political Stability
- Production Quality Management
- Technology transfer application
- Stakeholders response to these key issues will
determine the future of Rice production in Africa
21Africa Demand Supply Gap
- Africa Consumes 5 of the World Rice Production
but produces lt 3. This gap has grown over the
last 5 decades and has fuelled the world rice
trade - With the increase in Population, Urbanization and
the changes in tastes and preferences this
Consumption will only grow
22 Projections 2020
- On a Straight line addition of all the factors
the increase in consumption may be from 18 MMT in
2005 to 38 MMT in 2020 in Africa
23Africa 2020 Projected Gap
GAP 17.5 MMT